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It was moments like these that Laina wondered what it would be like if she had never woken up, if she had just drifted away into a never-ending slumber. She wondered if everything would be normal, she wondered if her family would still be together, living in Wilagorn. She couldn't help but feel guilty for causing all of this, her mother told her over and over that it was not her fault, that it was bound to happen, but she knew that their life in Wilagorn was concealed, unknown to the rest of the kingdom.

Now that her mother was buried beneath a sea of rapeseed, she hated herself more, she hated the way her sister was hugging her tightly from behind, probably numb from all the crying. She had no way of comforting her sister because she had no way of comforting herself. She hated the way the two magicians kept glancing back in sympathy, she hated the way her uncle looked distant, like his soul had left the world.

The guilt haunted her like a ghost, there was no running away, but now the doubt in her heart left, she knew exactly what she had to do. She would fight. She would risk her life to get her family back together, even if it meant that she would have to pay with her life, after all, it was her life that caused this mess.

"Laina," Celia called out in a low voice, "Laina, I'm going to kill him."

Laina stayed quiet, it's like her sister could read her mind.

"I'm going to kill the king." Celia said and squeezed her arms around her sister's waist.

"Me too."


"Is he all tied up?"


"I'm sorry Gregor, we have to do this, you're out of control," Julian said and Gregor growled back.

"I didn't think it would escalate this much," Alan sighed.

"Actually, he's been suffering for a few weeks now," Julian said, his eyes were sad as he looked at his brother's face.

"What?!" Rowan said "No one said anything, we could've bought him some turquoise water!"

"Are you insane? Would you go back to the Stygian forest?" Julian asked.

"Yes! Look at him Julian, nothing would heal him except the water, I would do anything for Gregor, he was one of the reasons we survived in the first place," Rowan said and kicked the snow in frustration.

"He's right, you should've told us," Alan said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Gregor didn't want you to know, I'm sorry, he was suffering, I didn't know what I could do for him except listen to what he wanted," Julian said.

"Maybe we could tell some of the soldiers to bring some water," Raymond said "Although we need permission,"

"Alright as soon as we get to Pondhorn, we send a pigeon," Julian said.

Gregor was laying on the horse, his hands tied behind his back. He wasn't struggling against the hold, he wasn't trying to escape, instead, he looked in pain, his eyes glazed with agony and his teeth gritted together. His arm was still transformed and his red eye was still glowing, his teeth were sharp and his canines were long, though Julian could see that he was still there when he looked at his grey eye.

Julian walked closer to his brother, he caressed his hair "Gregor, don't be scared, I promise we'll help you... just hold on... don't lose," he blinked away the tears and walked back to his horse, "Pondhorn is not far, let's be quick,".


"So, you decided to accept our request for an alliance," Cedric said.

"Yes, I believe it is our only way to achieve victory," Venkalth said nonchalantly, throwing a grape into his mouth. "Where is Dyron?"

"He's worried about his family, he's been sitting alone all day,"

"He must not worry, they're in good hands," Venkalth grinned.

"Now, I should go back to Cruin,"

Cedric stood up and extended his hand, Venkalth shook it "We'll meet again soon, take care of Dyron,"

Venkalth nodded.

Cedric was about to leave the room when one of the magicians barged in, she crouched down, trying to catch her breath "M-master Cedric, the king is on his way to Cruin!"


"He's going with an army," she panted.

Venkalth looked at Cedric "Cedric, I'll take my men and go with you,"

"No, it's fine, I have my men, if you come, he'll find out about our alliance and I'll be destroyed before you know it," and with that, he ran out of the room.


"Dyron should be in Cruin, if he's not then Cedric hid him somewhere, I want you to search every house, every tavern, every alley, leave no corner unsearched, do you hear me?!" Edmund yelled "Cedric is not a fool, he's planning something,"

"My king, what if the people resist?" Rogerus asked.

"Then shove them away!" Edmund said, rolling his eyes "Isn't it obvious? and if that doesn't work, strike them, but don't kill them, that'll cause some trouble,"

"But my king-"

"Do as you're told!"


Uh oh.... I smell trouble. 

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