Ready to attack

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Gregor could see that it looked bad for the king and his men, though he knew that Edmund had a trick up his sleeve. Something bigger was awaiting them and Gregor realised that maybe that's why Venkalth went away, he must have noticed that this was somehow too easy to be the end. The king was nowhere to be seen, he was probably somewhere on his dragon or somewhere behind the trees, Gregor figured.

After many arrows were shot and many more shaky breaths released, Gregor heard the distant sound of thousands of hooves, flapping of birds and roaring of polar bears behind him. He jumped off the tree and ran back to where Celia was. His eyebrows furrowed when he exited the small woods and saw the army waiting, it was, however, considerably smaller than when they left Aigronyth.

"Gregor, did you finish the evacuation?" Raymond asked.

"Yes, some of the villagers refused to leave, so they stayed in their homes... Where are the creatures of the forest?"

"They changed their direction, the reason is unknown, the king is planning something," Julian said.

"What about Alan and Aden? They're not back yet?" Felton asked.

Gregor shook his head.

"Alright, we're running out of time, we need to attack," Raymond said, nodding at Nefarious who turned to assemble the men.

"Raymond, wait, the king's men are losing. He wants you to attack because most of his men have still not joined, he wants to trap us in the middle of the battlefield and wipe us out with Night- Slayers." Gregor said.

"What do you suggest we do?-" Julian asked, irritated that they couldn't even help their friends out there.

"We wait." Raymond cut him off.

Everyone looked at Raymond in worry.

"Wait? Until all our people are dead? What, is my father some kind of bait?!" Julian raised his voice.

"Gregor said that they're winning, we shouldn't worry, right?"

"I think we should-"

Aden came running through the crowd of soldiers.

"There's more Night- Slayers coming from the North, from the capital, they're going to the East side of Cruin with the creatures of the forest." He gasped for breath after saying that all too fast. "There's more men with them too, King's men."

"Then that's where we should go," Raymond said. "Let's go!" he ordered.

Gregor walked towards Aden "Have you seen Alan?"

"No, we separated after you did, he should've been back by now," Aden frowned worriedly.

They moved around the woods, and as expected, they ran into the army of creatures and the rest of the king's army. It was too large an army to defeat without dragons, but it was too late for them to turn back now.

The king's army started speeding towards them, no longer headed for the woods. The horses galloped across the field, creating a cloud of dust around them. The Night- Slayers walked in a fast pace, which frightened Gregor more than anything. Behind them were the imps, the Vonks and finally the largest and the least Dethiens.

Gregor felt everything go too fast, and before he could release a breath, he was already surrounded by the King's men, and he had no time to think, no time to breathe, not time to see his surroundings. He summoned his Slayer's arm and slashed at the horses that were passing by. The only thing Gregor could hear was his own ragged breathing and the only thing he could see was the flashing of red blood and the eyes of men as they rolled back in pain.

His claws pierced into flesh, pouncing and ripping on men, no longer phased by the stomach-churning idea of tearing a being into pieces.

"Hey! They're heading for Cruin!" Julian yelled, pointing at the Night-Slayers and soldiers that were moving towards the small woods.

"We can't let them go there!"

"ADVANCE TO THE BATTLEFIELD!" Nefarious yelled orders from Raymond and the army diverted to the woods.

"This is bad, the magicians don't know they're coming!" Gregor panicked.

"Let's catch up to them then," Aden clenched his jaw in anger, eyes darting between the trees where he tried to catch sight of the opposite army.

Gregor kept looking to his right, ready to attack, he ran, rushing passed the galloping horses. When they reached the field, the Night-Slayers were already there, biting at men and turning them into their own kind. All Gregor could remember was his old friend Abe.


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