Finding an ally

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"My life is a lie," Aden said, pacing around the room after Julian had told them everything.

"All our lives are a lie, we have to do something about this," Alan said.

Raymond crossed his arms over his chest "We're not quite ready yet,"

"Ready for what?" Vince asked.

"Ready to take back the crown, Queen Ivedelia has given us permission to use her men, we will go back to the crystal fortress and talk with the queen about letting you stay."

"How will the people believe that you are the rightful king?" Gil asked.

Raymond reached under his collar and took out a chain with an amber ring "This, was passed down to me by my father, Richard Shield, it has an 'S' carved inside," he tucked it back into his collar.


Cedric's arms dropped by his sides, his expression was that which showed disbelief and hesitation, his eyebrows met together in a frown, his lips pursed together in a thin line and his fists were shaking. "I can't believe what I'm hearing," He dropped on the chair and covered his face with his hands "This...this cannot be true,"

"I fear it is true," Dyron looked down and sighed.

"All these years, all these years of being treated like a slave by Edmund, I knew something was amiss," He laughed, he covered his mouth as he laughed hysterically "Dyron, this is good, this is great! This means we can find a way to destroy Edmund!"

"It won't be easy, he's powerful and we have no one on our side-"

"We do."


"We have someone who could help us," Cedric intertwined his hands under his chin "Someone who would be more than happy to help us," Cedric stood up abruptly "Let's go,"


"West, just follow me!"


Dyron and Darren found themselves staring at the western peaks after travelling for a few days, the rocky cliff plain and dull, they looked at each other in confusion, unable to understand why they were here.

"Venkalth! Venkalth come out we have to talk!" Cedric yelled at the top of his lung, his voice echoed over the empty rocks. "Venkalth!"

"What is it you want?" Venkalth's voice came from the top of the cliff.

"Come down, we need to talk,"

"I have no business with you, Cedric,"

"I think what I'm about to propose might be of your interest," Cedric smirked.

Venkalth sighed, behind him a white light emerged, Cedric knew exactly what that was. Dyron looked at Cedric in confusion, then looked up at Venkalth again to see a large white dragon by his side, he retreated quickly and took out his sword "C-Cedric, what is going on?"

"Stay calm,"

Zaveo dived down the cliff, using his wings against air resistance to make the drop smooth. His large legs landed on the floor with a thud, making dust fly everywhere. Venkalth jumped down from Zaveo's back and walked up to Cedric.

"Who're your friends?" Venkalth asked pointing at Dyron and Darren.

"Not important now, first, I'll make a proposal and you decide whether to let me in or not,"

"Go ahead, though not much can please me," Venkalth smirked.

"Two words, False... King," This time Cedric smirked when Venkalth's eyes visibly widened.

"Follow me," Venkalth turned towards the mountain wall, he closed his eyes and moved his lips as if muttering some sort of spell. When he opened his eyes, a large gate made itself visible, large stone wall, possibly from the mountain stone, it reached halfway up the cliff.

All three men blinked rapidly, trying to perceive reality, make sure they weren't seeing things.

The gates creaked open, the ancient stones moaning at their own heavyweight that dragged along the floor. Dyron watched in bewilderment, when it occurred to him that these people were the same people at the castle, the same people who attacked the capital and he wondered what was going on in Cedric's head.

"Welcome," Venkalth said, lifting his hands up as if to proudly present his world to them.

The inside was a great contrast to the dusty outside, it was clean and glistening under the chandelier, marble floors reflecting the specs of light. It was a hidden palace, a perfect place for a secret group. The people in the halls stared at them, knowing they were outsiders because of their clothes. Everywhere they looked, they saw cloaked men and women, hidden underneath a shadow of darkness.

Venkalth led them through the strangely spotless halls into an isolated room. He shut the door behind them and took off his cloak, showing off his tall, slender figure. He sat on a chair and crossed one leg over the other, cocking his head at the other chairs when the men just stood there unmoving.

Cedric sat and crossed his arms "Nice place,"

"I know, it only became like this because of you of course," He smirked mischievously.

Cedric lifted an eyebrow "What do you mean?"

Venkalth chuckled "Your riches, of course, the ones I borrowed from you,"

Cedric scoffed "Borrowed?"

"Hey, we've already been over this, now why are you here?"

Cedric sat up straight "I heard from my friend, Dyron Blackwood," He said, pointing at Dyron.


"Yes, I heard a horrific story from him, about Edmund, that he is not-"

Venkalth lifted a hand to shut him up, "I don't need to hear it again, this story is all too familiar to me,"

Dyron frowned "How do you know?"

"Oh Blackwood, of course I know, I know everything,"

"No this is strange, Edmund said the exact same thing to me!" Dyron stood up.

"Dyron, calm down-"

"No, he's right, we definitely sound the same, how bothersome," Venkalth rolled his eyes.


"We're brothers. Edmund and I." Venkalth blurted, lips curving up as he witnessed the look of horror on their faces.


What?!!! Plot twist!!!

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