Divine City

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"Welcome, masters of Osledel. I'm glad you could all make it," Edmund said, sitting on his chair behind the round table. The seven other men sat around the table, each representing their own great city, ready to serve the king.

"I don't see Cedric," Hayden, the master of Thronna said.

"He's an outlaw now, we'll deal with him later," Edmund muttered, trying to change the subject. The seven men started to whisper between themselves, wondering why Cedric was no longer part of them.

"I've heard some rumours, my king, I heard you wanted everyone in the capital to fight, including women and children," the master of the northern city of Lakewood, Elias Chambers, said bluntly.

"The rumours are right." Edmund retorted "Everyone should fight for their land, don't you agree?" Edmund's cold eyes stared at Elias.

"I am afraid I don't my king, I cannot fight for someone who puts his people in danger," Elias said.

"Then you better join Cedric on the list of outlaws." Edmund appeared unaffected by Elias, though he had a powerful army that would be of much use to him, Northern men were tough and strong, he couldn't help but feel anxious for letting him go. Edmund's palms slammed on the table, the sound echoed through the small room "Listen to me, if you join me you will win, we are already winning, don't you see? These magicians are nothing against us, we need to banish them once and for all," his voice was sharp like the screech of his dragon.

"If you are winning, why do you have to use your own people?" Elias challenged, his brown eyes staring back at the king. "Edmund, I know there are a bunch of people who want you dead, and now I'm one of them." Elias stood, his large body shadowing over everyone else, he was almost as tall as Rogerus who stood by the king "No need to beg, Edmund, I will not join your cause, I do hope you spare your own people though," and with that he walked out of the room, unfeigned by the King's deadly glare.

"He will pay for that, he will beg for death and I will not give it to him." Edmund said.

"I will always serve you, your majesty," Rupert's voice broke the silence, his body barely fitting on the chair and his bald head glistening under the light of the torches.

Rogerus rolled his eyes at him.


The entered Pondhorn the morning after, it truly wasn't far from Navari. Pondhorn was similar to Navari except it was bigger and more developed. It sat against a large waterfall, its water flowing through channels which travelled through the city just like in Navari. The City was built over the water, only a large bridge connecting it with the land. Water seemed to be a recurring trait between the two cities.

"Where do we go?" Alan asked.

"Probably that blue tower at the top," Raymond pointed at the peak of the city where a tower stood tall, the waterfall behind it.

They walked through the city, leaving their horses behind. They received strange looks from the locals as per usual. They looked like humans, but their skin was white as snow and their eyes bluer than the sea. They had fins for ears and a fin that extended from their forehead to the back of their necks between their hair. Their clothes were made of the most beautiful silk and their armour was tough like fish scales.

They were smiling at them as they passed, the women were giggling and whispering as they passed. Gregor was glad that their impression of them was positive, maybe this was a good choice after all.

He was wrong.

As soon as they entered the tall large tower, they were harshly stopped by the guards. Their tridents pushed against them "What brings humans to this divine city?" a guard asked.

"The Queen asked us to come, we mean no harm," Julian said and handed them the letter that the queen had written when she anticipated that this would happen.

"Very well, you may enter," the tridents were lifted away. When they walked in the walls of the tower seemed to move as water flowed against them. The walls were covered with waterfalls. They moved through the tower as the guards guided them, up the stairs and through countless doors until they reached a bigger room. The marble floors were wet with a thin layer of water, that explained why they had flippers for feet.

A man sat at the end of the room on a stone throne. "What brings humans to this divine city?" he repeated what the guards had said earlier. He was pale as a cloud, his fin ears pierced with an earring that dangled over his neck. He wore a greater version of the armour, completed with a cape and embellished with different gems.

"We have come to ask for your help, we want to restore peace between Osledel and Aigronyth," Julian explained.

The man stood up "Do you know who I am? I am Serlon of the water, I have protected this city and its people for many years, I'm not willing to take that away,"

"We understand, but think about the long term outcome of this endeavour,"

"How do you plan to overcome this conflict? With conflict? I think not," Serlon said.

"The queen has agreed to help us, we are up against a strong foe, we need your help," Raymond said.

"Who are you anyway? Why should I help you?" Serlon spat.

"You're talking to the rightful king of Osledel,"


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