White eyes

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"My king, everything is prepared." the masked man said.

"Everything?" Edmund asked

"Yes, everything will go according to plan my king," another masked man said.

The king's lips curled into a smirk "Very well, the ceremony will start soon, come, join me, members of the Flame Council,"


Dyron tapped his foot on the stone floor impatiently, he had to move fast when Darren arrived, there was no time to waste. The sooner he got out of here the later the king would find out.

The sound of the door unlocking made him snap his head up and jump to his feet quickly.

"Sir Dyron Blackwood, are you ready?" Darren stood at the door, holding a suit of armour.

Dyron nodded his head.


"People of the Western Peaks, today is the day we will reveal our power to the world, this will be a day they will not forget!" Venkalth said to the thousands of people standing in front of him and they cheered and roared. "The plan should be engraved in your minds, if anything goes wrong, wait for my signal."

"Venkalth and I will be flying above the capital, if we see anything out of the ordinary, we will let you know,"

"Let's go, show them what's been hiding in their kingdom, show Edmund what he missed," Venkalth smirked when the King's name slipped out of his mouth, revenge was going to fly to him on wings, he will regret the day he broke his promise.


"Mother, today is the heir's birth ceremony," Celia said, her face showing slight anger.

"Yes, Celia, you cannot insult the royal family in any way, anyone can hear you, I know they broke our family apart but you have to be careful," Ada said, as she twisted her daughter's hair into a braid.

Sam walked into the house in a rush, "Ada, don't leave the door, at all!"

"Why? What's happening?"

"There are king's guards all over the city, we can't be seen, we have to pack our things just in case, pack mother's things too!" With that, Sam rushed to his room.

"Come on girls," Ada said to Laina and Celia.


The lake reflected an image of eight men, walking along its shore. The sun's light glittered the water's surface with yellow lines and the sky was clear of any clouds. The cold breeze blew from the icy mountains, spreading goosebumps over Gregor's body. No sign of life yet, except the frighteningly giant birds above them, the ducks that floated on the lake and the fish that swam in it.

Gregor looked at the sky in fear, "What if these birds eat humans?"

Aden laughed at that "I bet they'll eat you first,"

"They're going to fly down Aden,"

"I can't believe you're scared of birds that are so high up in the sky you can barely see them,"

"No! Aden, they're actually flying down!" Gregor said, pointing at three birds that were making their way down from the sky.

Aden looked up and gasped "We need to jump into the water and hide!"

"What? No! We're going to see what they want," Alan said.

"Alan, they're birds!"

"Look, there are people riding them," Alan said.

Everyone watched as the birds got closer and closer, the details on them getting clearer. Their feathered wings were a colour as white as snow, their emerald eyes were sharp and focused, their long white tails were swinging far behind them. They were birds, but really giant oversized birds.

As the birds got closer, the wind became uncontrollable, knocking some of them down and spreading the grass underneath them. The birds landed in front of the eight men with a loud thud.

Gregor stood up from his pathetic fall and backed away from the birds. One man jumped down from each bird's back. Gregor's eyes widened when he saw them.

The men were at least two metres, towering over them like trees. Their skin was dark and rich, their eyes were a striking white colour, their hair was dark and thick but one of them had white hair, their ears were long and pointed and their bodies were strong and built. They wore a distinct armour, the breastplate looked like it was made of ice, their long axes also looked like they were made from the same material.

"Who are you?" the man in the middle said, his voice deep. Gregor noticed they all had silver marks on their faces, a diamond on their foreheads, and two silver lines coming down from their ears and under their cheekbones, stopping right in the centre of their cheeks. All eight men looked at each other.

"We are Osledelians, we have fled the kingdom," Alan said, trying to stop his voice from shaking in fear.

"And why is that?" the man said, his white eyes focusing on Alan, trying to intimidate him.

"We can answer these questions with your leader, take us to your leader we need their help,"

"You think I will just allow you to enter our kingdom? We haven't had any humans entering it in years, how do I know you're not spies?" the large man said, his eyes narrowing at them slightly.

"I have come to see my brother," Gregor blurted out without thinking.

All attention turned to him.

"And who might that be?"

"Julian Blackwood." 


What do you think of the people of Aigronyth? Do you think they're good people? Do you like their description? Their appearance? 

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