The next sunrise

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They flew over the forest, watching the soldiers disperse between the trees. With this amount of men, they were confident in overcoming the creatures of the forest. There were around two hundred large birds, the soldiers of Aigronyth used them to travel and they also provided them with the perfect aim on the enemies when using archery. The cursed men, Julian and Raymond all flew on birds, keeping a steady eye on the men below them, ready to shoot down whenever needed.

The sun glared at them from above even though the winter winds blew strong. The kingdom was nowhere to be seen, even the farthest horizon was a line of black trees. Gregor didn't realise how far the forest stretched, though he spent weeks in it, it had no concept of day and night, no concept of seconds or hours, it was just rows upon rows of trees.

"They're doing well down there!" Aden yelled over the blaring wind from his bird.

Gregor nodded and smiled.

"After we've overcome the Dethiens, it's pretty much safe for us up here," Alan said.

"Yes, the Dethiens were scarier than I remember!" Gregor said.

"Certainly! They just didn't know when to give up!" Aden said.

"Gregor, Aden, I wanted to ask you something before but I never got the chance." Alan paused for a second or two, "Do you think perhaps, after all this, we can still remain friends?" Alan asked, uncertainty clear in his voice.

Gregor's lips turned up in a smile and Aden laughed loudly.

"Why of course!" Aden chuckled.

"Why are you laughing then? We do live in separate parts of the kingdom, we're bound to move on with our lives," Alan frowned.

"No way, I'll move on with my life alright, but you two will be there," Aden said, he pointed at them threateningly, his eyes were bright with happiness, but Gregor could see that behind that happiness there was doubt. Aden didn't know if the words coming out of his mouth were just denial, that maybe that's what he wanted, but it was very likely that he wouldn't live to see that happen.

"That's right! I'll be there!" Gregor said to lighten up the mood, noticing how they were both slipping into a depressed state, "I want you both to know how much I appreciate you, for everything you've done, for all the jokes you've made," he turned to Aden "For all the scolding you did," he looked at Alan who scoffed jokingly. "No matter what happens after this, I'll remember you both, as the ones who saved me, from the monsters and from myself," Gregor finished.

It felt strange saying those words. It felt like a farewell, for they never knew if they would live to see the next sunrise.


Cedric walked to the wall of Cruin, he clenched his fist at what he saw, an army so large you could barely see the end of it. He made sure that wherever he stood, he wouldn't be targeted easily. He looked to his sides, rows of archers stood waiting for their cue. The king had not yet announced his attack, he seemed to be waiting for Cedric to appear. Most of the people of Cruin had now boarded the ships. The rest of Cedric's army waited by the gates, their weapons wielded and their lips trembling, either from the cold or from the fear.

"Come out Cedric, don't hide from your fate!" The king seemed to have spotted him.

"What is it that you want Edmund?"

"I want you to surrender, give me Cruin and I'll leave you alone," Edmund's smirk fueled anger in Cedric.

"I will not surrender!"

"My king, let us destroy him," Rupert said, his body almost exploding out of the armour.

Edmund glared at him, "Shut up."

"I will not surrender..." Cedric whispered to himself and clutched his chest. The guards beside him looked at him with worry.

"Are you alright master Cedric?" one of them asked.

"I'm fine, prepare for defence, we have no choice," Cedric looked down.

"We still do, master, we still have our ships," The guard said.

"If you're so afraid, go!" Cedric almost yelled, he couldn't bear to hear such a thing again.

"Very well then, Cedric, you leave us with no choice but to destroy you and everything you've built!" Edmund's voice echoed through the fields. The wind stopped howling, the birds stopped chirping, everything went quiet that Cedric subconsciously held his breath. His men all looked at him, their eyes ready and determined and suddenly the air filled Cedric's lungs once again. He felt a sort of relief, that even though he doubted himself, his men were there to back him up, they were there to carry him on their shoulders and he felt proud.

"Archers!" a soldier form the king's side yelled.

"ARCHERS! NOCK!" a soldier from Cedric's side yelled louder, and the bows raised simultaneously.

"Nock! Mark! Draw! Loose!"

It happened too quickly for Cedric to comprehend, and next thing he knew, the sky became darker with the shadows of thousands of arrows and they fell on them like heavy rain knocking men to the ground like birds. Cedric lifted his shield to cover himself. He crouched his way through the men and walked down to the inner side of the gates. There his men waited eagerly for his command.

"Let's protect our city, our home, let's bring back our loved ones after a marvellous victory!" Cedric encouraged and they all cheered and roared enthusiastically. 


What do you think? Do you think anyone's going to die???? Can you guess?? 

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