I'll wait

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As soon as Zaveo reached the Western peak, they started to move towards Cruin, it would take them days to reach and so they couldn't waste any more time.

"Lazarus, what happened with Elias? What did he say?" Venkalth asked.

"He accepted our alliance, he's going to Cruin straight from the North, it would take him less time." Lazarus said.

"Perfect, we just need to make it to Cruin in time, the others are also on their way from Aigronyth, they managed to build quite an army," Venkalth smirked. "I met him."


"The true king, King Raymond,"

"What do you think?" Lazarus's horse slowed down to a trot.

"I think he was born to be king."

Laina rode her horse beside Celia. They looked upon the yellow fields of rapeseed and remembered their mother, buried beneath a bed of flowers.

"How's Gregor?" Laina asked.

"... I don't know Laina, he's not the same..."

"I guess we all won't be the same after this war,"

"No, Laina, he looked like he was always in pain, he's not okay..." Celia's lips turned down as she tried to hold back a sob "He's not okay..."

"Then let's help him win this battle, maybe it'll make him feel better?" Laina smiled sweetly.

Celia looked at her and lifted an eyebrow "But father said we can't fight,"

"I've been training while you were gone, I know how to use a sword properly now, thanks to Evindal,"

Celia lifted both her eyebrows now "What does that mean?"

"It means that I persuaded father to let me fight!" Laina grinned.

"What about me?" Celia pouted "I know how to fight,"

"You just need to find a way to prove it, Celia."


"We're losing men,"

"He's losing monsters,"


"The king, these are his monsters," Alan said.

Gregor squinted when he saw a blue light coming from below amidst all the thick trees, "Hey! They're calling for us!"

They all looked at him.

"Let's fly down then," Julian said. "Gregor and I will fly down, everyone keep your eyes on us in case we need help,"

Gregor nodded and flew the bird down. There was one problem however, the bird had nowhere to land between the trees.

Gregor looked at his older brother for guidance.

"Jump off!"

"How are we supposed get back on?" Gregor asked.

"We'll find an opening somewhere close by,"

Gregor nodded again and looked at the nearest soldier who was waiting for him to jump so he could catch him. Gregor stood at the edge of the birds back and braced himself for the jump. The soldier barely caught him and they both stumbled to the ground.

"Thank you," Gregor said and helped the soldier up. "What's the matter? Why did you signal us to come down?"

"There is someone here who wants to see you, Sir Blackwood,"

"See me?" Gregor lifted an eyebrow "Are you sure?"

Julian jogged towards them when he landed "What's this about?"

Gregor's eyes brightened in realisation "Illyria?!"

Julian looked at him, confusion written all over his face "What? Who's that?"

"Where is she?"

"That way," the soldier pointed.

Gregor recognised this place, it was the third fraction of the forest, his biggest nightmare. The fraction of the forest that looked so beautiful, with every tree painted a different colour, nevertheless, it was a place of hallucinations and illusions, a place one could so easily slip into. Before leaving Aigronyth, Gregor and the cursed explained every fraction of the forest to the soldiers. They made sure to give them all the necessary information to help them survive in each fraction.

"Julian, this is the third fraction, the one with the hallucinations," Gregor warned his brother. Julian covered his mouth and nose with his hand so he wouldn't have to breathe in the gas that would make him hallucinate.

"That wouldn't work, we tried," Gregor said. "You'll just have to be careful,"

They walked to where many of the soldiers were gathered. There, by one of the trees, talking to the soldiers, was the girl that Gregor was so happy to see. Her hair was still whiter than snow, her blue eyes bright and happy, her white dress flowed around her beautifully and that same crown of baby's breath still sat on her head. Gregor was glad to see that she was still alive.

When she caught his eyes, the brightened even more. She stood up and ran to him, her dress following behind her.

"Gregor!" she stopped in front of him "You made it! I can't believe it!" she grinned from ear to ear.

Before Gregor could say anything, he wrapped her in a hug "I did, thanks to you..."

Illyrian blushed slightly "I was really worried you wouldn't make it!" she looked behind his shoulder where Julian stood awkwardly, scratching the back of his head and kicking the leaves "...and is that..." she paused for a second "your brother?!".

"Yes," Gregor smiled.

"Oh Gregor I'm so happy you found him! What about the others? How many of you survived?"

"Sadly, only eight of us," Gregor's eyes shifted to the ground in shame.

"I'm sorry to hear that." she took his hand in hers "The reason I wanted to see you was because I wanted to give you this," she placed a Silent Silverglow in his palm, she looked at him and smiled.

"This... but I can't take this, last time you said these were sacred,"

"I should've given you this before our farewell last time, but I forgot. Gregor this works just like the turquoise water, except that it lasts longer, much longer, you soak it in water and you drink that water for healing. You can soak it over and over, for a very long time."

Gregor's eyes became big "Really? That's amazing!"

"Yes, please take it, it's the least I could do for you,"

"Thank you, thank you so much. I can't stay here much longer, but I will come back," Gregor said.

Illyria nodded "I'll wait." 


This battle harder to write than I expected, it requires a lot of research. 

Anyway, do you think this flower will be useful to Gregor? 

Vote, comment and share!

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