Chapter Two

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"Where are we going?"

Bluefur looked down at Mistykit. "We're going to go on a night adventure!" She purred. "Let's play a game called Escape the Camp."

"What do you do?" Stonekit mewled, head tipped to one side.

"We have to sneak out of the camp," Bluefur whispered. "We're in ShadowClan camp, and we gotta escape."

Mosskit puffed out her chest. "I can do that!" 

Bluefur smiled warmly. "I'm sure you can, dear. Now, who wants to be carried first? Remember, we all have to be very quiet, because ShadowClan warriors might hear us!"

"Me!" Mistykit mewed, looking terrified at the idea of ShadowClan abducting her.

"Okay. We just have to make it to the RiverClan border, and we'll be safe."

Two nights after she decided what to do and a night before now, at the Gathering, Bluefur had met Oakheart and said she was going to RiverClan with the kits. He happily agreed and said he'd meet them at the border.  Now Bluefur and the three kits trekked through the snow, taking turns to be carried by the scruff.

"Almost there, my little ones!" Bluefur encouraged as they neared the border. Mosskit was starting to fall behind so she carefully let Stonekit back down on the ground and picked up the white and grey she-kit. Mistykit scampered close to her brother and pressed against him.

Bluefur's ears pricked up as she heard a rustle in the bushes and saw a flash of brown. 

"A ShadowClan warrior!" Mistykit squealed, closing her eyes tight.

Quickly Bluefur lay Mosskit down next to her siblings and watched as Oakheart leapt neatly along the stepping stones. He looked down at the three kits and at Bluefur, warmth and love in his eyes. "They're amazing, Bluefur. Thank you for coming. I'm so excited! You're going to learn how to swim, and to fish, and I'm going to be a father-"

"What's going on here?"

Bluefur spun around, her back fur bristling and her eyes wide. Thrushpelt padded quietly out of the bushes, his eyebrows furrowed. Mistykit ran over to him, purring. "Hi Papa!" she squealed.

Bluefur felt Oakheart stiffen beside her, and heard a growl rise in his throat. Thrushpelt dipped his head.

"Hello, Oakheart," he meowed, his voice calm and posture composed. "Good to see you again."

Oakheart shuffled his paws nervously, and Bluefur felt like a new apprentice being scolded by her mentor. Thrushpelt padded over to Bluefur. "I saw you leave with the kits. What's going on?" He asked.

Bluefur was surprised to see Thrushpelt had hardly any hostility in his eyes, only warmth and concern. She pressed closer to Oakheart. "We're leaving. Me and the kits. We're going to live in RiverClan, away from Thistleclaw. Please don't tell anyone."

Thrushpelt stepped away with wide eyes. "Why? Thistleclaw is fine!"

Bluefur snorted. "If you truly believe that, you're a mouse-brain. Have you seen his ambition? He will kill to get his way."

Thrushpelt shuffled his paws. "But he's our Deputy- you'll be betraying your Clan, and-"

"I'm leaving," Bluefur growled, her voice firm. "You cannot stop me."

Thrushpelt sighed. "Okay, I won't stop you. I'm scared about Thistleclaw too," she mumbled. His gaze hardened suddenly. "I'm coming with you."

Oakheart hissed. "What? Since when?"

Thrushpelt's eyes narrowed. "Since now. A-and, uh, if you don't let me in, I'll tell the Clan about you guys."

In the midst of this chaos, Bluefur couldn't help a twinge of amusement. Thrushpelt wasn't good at being threatening.

"I don't even know if Bluefur will be able to stay," Oakheart meowed steadily. "But I don't want you going off and telling ThunderClan. I'll let you come with us."

"Hurry up!" Bluefur snapped. "The kits are cold!"

"Right, of course," Thrushpelt mumbled. He shot a grateful glance at Oakheart, but he looked away. They each picked up a kit and padded off to the RiverClan camp. As they walked off, with a pang of dread, Bluefur realised Tigerclaw had been watching them.


In the camp, cats began to wake up. A tom Bluefur recognised as Crookedjaw, the Deputy of RiverClan, stuck his head out of the Warrior's den. Cats began to murmur to each other, shooting hostile glances at the ThunderClan cats.

"Why have you come here?" A voice boomed. On what Bluefur guessed was some kind of highrock, Hailstar sat. His eyes glistened with distrust. 

Bluefur inhaled deeply. "Thistleclaw is the new Deputy of ThunderClan, and-"

Crookedjaw snorted. "ThunderClan thinks they own the forest. You can wait until the gathering, you know! And why bring kits?" He sneered.

Hailstar flicked his tail for silence, and Crookedjaw looked at his paws guiltily. 

"We left ThunderClan," Bluefur mewed bluntly. "And we want to join RiverClan."

Hailstar looked at Oakheart and understanding flashed in the leader's eyes. "You know, if you do this, you'll have to tell everyone?" He murmured. "ThunderClan will realise."

Oakheart nodded. "I know. I can do it now if you want."

With a nod, Hailstar let Oakheart leap onto the highrock.

"RiverClan, I have something to say," the tabby announced. "I-I've been... seeing Bluefur. Mistykit, Stonekit and Mosskit are mine."

Bluefur's eyes widened as he hung his head in shame. Suddenly she felt a presence- a cat, winding herself around Bluefur. It was Mapleshade.

"This is exactly what happened to me. The tom was ashamed of my kits. I guess it runs in the family," she hissed. "I told you so."

Bluefur didn't say anything, ignoring the she-cat and staring at Oakheart. When he lifted his gaze, he looked... proud?

"But these are my kits, and I love Bluefur, so if she goes, I go too!" He yowled.


Hailstar nodded for Oakheart to go back down. When he had, the Leader continued. "I will think about this. But, you have said what you wish, Oakheart. If she gets exiled, you will go with her."

"You can't!" Bluefur pleaded, surprised by the emotion in her voice. "Tigerclaw knows. Thistleclaw knows. I'll have nowhere to go, my kits will never survive in leaf-bare. I'll do anything!"

Hailstar's ear twitched, but he said nothing. "I said I will think about it," he said firmly. "It is not a definite no. You can take your kits and Thrushpelt to the nursery, and rest for now."

As Bluefur slowly walked into the nursery, she felt scared. Would she be exiled, just as Mapleshade had, with nowhere to go? Would she have to live as a loner? The kits followed her into the temporary den, and she curled up tightly and protectively around them, terrified of the future.

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