Chapter Nine

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Bluefur stalked along the sunningrocks border, her eyes glittering with malice. She looked around to make sure no-one was around, then stalked into ThunderClan territory. She sniffed the air, then continued through the familiar undergrowth. She realised how at home she felt in ThunderClan's territory, and how different it was than the territory of the Clan she lived in now. Then her eyes narrowed. Did she scent Snowfur? No. She was imagining things. With a shake of her head, she continued.

But as she walked, the scent of her dead sister grew stronger, and Bluefur couldn't take it anymore. She began to back away. The smell was everywhere and she was beginning to panic. Suddenly she felt like the forest was so small, and the trees were going to fall on top of her. She turned and ran off, ears flat against her head and ran back to sunningrocks. But the scent wouldn't go away. As she leapt out of the trees and onto the rocks, she saw the familiar white pelt of Snowfur, except it was transparent and stars floated around her. "Stop," her sister murmured, sadness in her eyes.

"Why? He killed Thrushpelt! He deserves to pay," Bluefur snarled. "Are you on his side? You were his mate, weren't you?!"

Snowfur shook her head. "I am not on his side. But if you kill Thistleclaw, aren't you just as bad as he is?"

Bluefur blinked in disbelief, gaping in rage. "What?! I am avenging Thrushpelt, he killed in cold blood!"

Snowfur's eyes narrowed. "Thrushpelt is going to stay dead," she meowed pointedly. "Even if you kill Thistleclaw. You would both be murderers."

Bluefur snarled. "I can't believe you, Snowfur! Thistleclaw deserves to die for what he did. He's evil!"

Snowfur's tail began to twitch. "Please, Bluefur. Don't stoop as low as him."

Bluefur gasped as Snowfur began to fade. The white she-cat closed her eyes and disappeared. "Don't leave!" the blue-grey she-cat yowled, sitting down and hunching her shoulders. She lay down on the rocks, burying her muzzle in her paws. She lay there with the sun warming her fur, falling asleep.

Bluefur woke up to a prod in her side. She opened her eyes and saw an apprentice standing over her, looking apologetic. "Um, hi... Are you okay?" The apprentice asked, her amber eyes concerned.

Bluefur leapt to her paws. "What are you doing on RiverClan territory?" She snarled.

The apprentice jumped back. "I'm sorry! I was just trying to collect herbs," she murmured, looking down at her paws.

Bluefur softened. "Are you a medicine cat? What's your name?"

The apprentice seemed to realise Bluefur wasn't a threat to her and smiled. "Yeah, uh... I'm Spottedpaw. I'm the medicine apprentice of ThunderClan." Her eyes narrowed. "You're that ThunderClan warrior who left, right? Blue...pelt?"

Bluefur scowled. "Bluefur," she hissed. "Aren't there herbs anywhere else in ThunderClan territory?" She asked. 

Spottedpaw's eyes widened. Then reluctantly she nodded. "Yeah. Sorry. I'll go now."

Bluefur watched with narrowed eyes as Spottedpaw turned and left. Then, a few moments later, Tigerclaw sprang out of the bushes with claws unsheathed, with a few cats following. "Traitor!" He screeched.

Bluefur was tackled by the large tabby tom, her head being pushed into the ground. "I'll kill you! You and your fox-hearted friend killed Thrushpelt!"

Tigerclaw leaned in close to her, grinning. "And you'll be next. Ready to go to StarClan, traitor? Or maybe you'll go to the Dark forest," he spat.

Bluefur heard a yowl of surprise and Tigerclaw was pushed off of her. Standing in front of him was Crookedjaw, who was snarling.

"How dare you!" The deputy yowled. "Bluefur is no traitor. If anyone is a traitor, it'd be you and Thistleclaw."

Tigerclaw snorted in laughter. "You're far too stupid to be a deputy, Crookedjaw," he purred. "How about we fix that?"

Suddenly the tabby tom leapt at the Deputy and pinned him down. Crookedjaw pushed him off and the two tussled in the grass for a few moments before Tigerclaw pinned Crookedjaw down again but stronger. Very slowly he bit down very, very hard into Crookedjaw's throat. Crookedjaw tried to scream but blood had already started bubbling from his throat and out of his mouth. He let out a spasm, and Tigerclaw stepped away, leaving Crookedjaw to bleed out. He lifted his head and looked at Bluefur. "Sunningrocks is ours. If you say otherwise, you will end up like Crookedjaw. Got me?" He purred.

Bluefur didn't reply, racing over to Crookedjaw and nosing him to get up. But she knew he wouldn't. Now, in the same spot Thrushpelt died, Crookedjaw, the Deputy, had died too.

Bluefur collapsed in camp with Crookedjaw. She had dragged him back to camp best she could, but it had been horrible, and she had smelt the scent of death the whole way back.

Now Oakheart was sobbing over his brother's body, and the Clan was horrified. "Our Deputy is dead too?!" Timberfur exclaimed. Hailstar looked just as terrified for a second, then shook his fur and regained his posture.

"We will now sit vigil for Crookedjaw. Bluefur says he died a Warrior's death," he announced, his eyes sad. "Tonight I will announce the new deputy."

Then the Leader flicked his tail. "Bluefur, go to the Medicine den and then come with me. We need to have a talk," he growled.

Bluefur could hardly reply. Was this her fault? Neither Crookedjaw or Thrushpelt would've died if she didn't leave ThunderClan. Maybe it would've been better if she gave up her kits and became leader of ThunderClan.

The Warrior felt sick. She nuzzled Crookedjaw's cheek. He didn't die a Warrior's death. He died unfairly, by a horrible, evil tom. She closed her eyes and thought about the world where she became ThunderClan's leader. She lived in peace with Crookedstar as RiverClan's leader, and her Clan was fair and kind. It seemed perfect.

But Tigerclaw was the same. He would nearly kill her and drive her to madness and depression. She became a shell of her former self, and an unfamiliar tom would have to take over the clan for her.

She shook her head and got to her paws. She didn't need to worry about another world that would never happen now. Sighing, she walked off and headed for her daughter and Brambleberry in the medicine den.

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