Chapter Fifty/Epilogue

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A/N: I'm planning on making a comic with this chapter like the comics at the end of the super editions of Warriors!! So when I have free time I'll work on that!!!!

Bluestar lay down in her nest, a small smile on her face. She closed her eyes, laying there and not doing anything else, lying still as a statue.

She was drifting off to sleep when Whiteclaw padded into the den. "Bluestar?" He meowed anxiously. After a few seconds, he called again, his voice even more scared. "B-Bluestar?"

Bluestar raised her head. "Whiteclaw?" She rasped.

"Brightstar's here," Whiteclaw meowed, sounding relieved and a little awkward.

Bluestar lay her head on her paws. "You can represent me," she murmured. "I can barely get out of this nest anyways."

It had been seasons since Bluestar killed Thistleclaw and the Clans had been safe. BloodClan had retreated and Brightflower, who had killed Scourge, had become the leader of ShadowClan. She had killed Thistleclaw and saved the Clans from his reign. Afterwards, there had been no more battles. A small border skirmish here and there but nothing much else. The Clans had been in peace.

Whiteclaw shifted his paws. "Should I get Mossdapple?" He asked quietly.

Bluestar saw a cat next to Whiteclaw. "Get Mistyfoot and Sunpaw as well," she rasped. "Tell Brightstar to come back another time."

Whiteclaw's eyes widened as if he knew what was happening. He dipped his head. "I'll get Reedheart too," he murmured.

Bluestar nodded weakly. She stared as a cat appeared next to her. "Mapleshade. I haven't seen you in a while," she murmured.

Mapleshade glared at Bluestar, sitting down. "You're dying," she sneered. 

Bluestar stared back at Mapleshade, her vision hazy. "You don't say," she murmured.

Mapleshade scowled. "Would you like to see Greystrike and Fireblaze? They'll say goodbye."

Bluestar snorted weakly. "No."

Fireblaze and Greystrike, Bluestar thought, remembering the battle once more. They died of blood loss and were said to have gone to the dark forest. Sandstorm had Fireblaze's kits, didn't she? Squirrelheart and Brightleaf's medicine cat apprentice, Leafblossom. Now Fireblaze and Greystrike are with Thistleclaw, Darkstripe, Spottedleaf and Mapleshade.

A pang of worry formed once more in Bluestar's stomach. I never found out where Tigerclaw and Whitestorm went. Maybe I'll see them when...

She looked up at Mapleshade. "Leave me," Bluestar hissed. "When I go to StarClan I want to be surrounded by kin and loved ones."

Mapleshade glowered at her, fading. "Kin and loved ones," she muttered mutinously. "Foxheart."

When Mapleshade was gone, Bluestar lay down once more, the world beginning to fade. Stay strong, she thought to herself. They'll be here soon.

And sure enough, her friends and family were. Sunpaw padded in, looking at Bluestar with wide, horrified eyes. Mossdapple padded in after her, faster. She buried her muzzle in Bluestar's scruff. "Bluestar!"

Bluestar purred weakly as Mistyfoot and Reedheart came in, followed by Whiteclaw. All of them looked subdued and sad as they stared at her.

"Do I really look that weak?" She joked, breaking off with a cough.

No-one laughed. They stared at her with glazed eyes. Bluestar smiled sadly. "At least I'll be seeing Oakheart soon. I've missed him so much."

Oakheart, Bluestar thought, closing her eyes. I've missed you so much, my love. I'm coming for you.

Suddenly she thought about Spottedleaf and Oakheart, the two fighting and both of them lying dead in pools of blood.

Bluestar shook the horrible image, opening her eyes again to look at her kin. "Mistyfoot, Mossdapple, you've both grown up so much and I'm so proud of you. Oakheart would be too..."

Mistyfoot buried her nose deeper. "Don't talk. Don't waste your breath."

Bluestar nearly fell asleep but forced herself to stay strong. "Sunpaw, I'm so sorry I have to leave you. I love you so much and you're going to grow up and do such great things-" she broke off with a cough.

"Reedheart, I remember when I saved you as a small kit. You've grown... so much since then and become a warrior RiverClan can be proud of," Bluestar continued weakly, her vision beginning to fade into blackness.

"And Whiteclaw," she whispered. "You're going to be such an amazing leader..."

Whiteclaw let out a sob. "Don't go!"

Bluestar smiled. "Oakheart," she murmured. "He's here. And Stonefur."

She closed her eyes. "It's time for me to go. Goodbye everyone, and thank you."

Bluestar closed her eyes and let the darkness wash over her. 


Bluestar woke up in the leader's den but no one could see her. A brown tom stood in front of him with eyes shining. "Oakheart," Bluestar whispered, running toward him.

"Come with me," Oakheart meowed gently.

Bluestar nodded quietly. More and more cats appeared that Bluestar knew, making her almost tear up.

"Let's go," Snowfur purred, touching noses with Bluestar.

The rest of the cats started to disappear, and Bluestar felt her go with them. Sighing contently, she left behind the life she had lived for so long to be happy and safe in StarClan.

She had defeated Thistleclaw, and the Clans were safe.

She had succeeded. 


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