Chapter Forty

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Bluestar sat on RiverClan's highrock, looking satisfied. It had been a quarter moon since Thistleclaw lost his nine lives and things had gotten better for all four of the Clans. She smiled and closed her eyes, looking happy.

When she opened her eyes, a cat was sitting next to her. "Hello, Whiteclaw," she greeted with a smile.

Whiteclaw was appointed as RiverClan's new deputy since Stonefur died. He's been doing a great job, Bluestar reflected, but I don't know if anyone can replace Stonefur.

Whiteclaw dipped his head. "Hi, Bluestar. You alright?"

"Yes, actually," Bluestar responded with a purr. "Things have finally been looking brighter for RiverClan."

Whiteclaw nodded in agreement. "They have. Redstar will be a much better leader than Thistlestar- I mean, claw was."

Bluestar nodded, thinking back to Redstar reporting to her what had happened before. StarClan had visited Redstar - Redtail at the time - and said that Brightpaw would be ThunderClan's medicine cat since Spottedleaf left, trained by StarClan, and he would be the leader of ThunderClan. He had accepted modestly and earned his nine lives as a leader.

"I agree. If we get another fairer leader who isn't Brokenstar in ShadowClan, I feel like there will be moons of peace for all four of the Clans," Bluestar purred.

Whiteclaw smiled. "I'm going to go hunt. If you'd like to come...?"

Bluestar yawned. "No, I'm fine," she purred. "I'm going to check something. Thanks for asking, though."

Whiteclaw leapt off of the highrock. "Reedheart!" He yowled. Reedheart, RiverClan's newest warrior, raced over and smiled warmly at his former mentor. "Yes?"

"Would you like to come hunting with me?" The deputy asked, tipping his head to one side.

Reedheart nodded vigorously, trotting after the black tom as he strode out of camp with his tail high in the air. Bluestar watched the two leave and jumped off of the highrock, beginning to walk over to the makeshift prisoner's den. Inside was Thistleclaw, unstable and angry as ever. After the StarClan cats had disappeared, she was chosen to decide what would happen to him. She chose to make the cruel grey tom prisoner of RiverClan until she said so, which would happen when hedgehogs flew.

On the way to the den, Sorrelkit ran over to her and jumped at her. With a pretend yowl she fell to the ground. "You got me!" She purred as Sorrelkit bit down on her tail. The kit's eyes sparkled. "I won!"

Willowpelt padded after the calico she-kit, looking exasperated. "Sorrelkit, you don't attack the Clan leader. It's not polite."

Sorrelkit stared up at her mother with wide eyes. "Okay, mama," she sighed. "But Bluestar and I are similar, right?"

Willowpelt gave the she-kit a lick between the ears. "Yes. As well as me, Rainkit and Sootkit. Now it's time for a nap," she meowed sternly, nudging Sorrelkit in the direction of the nursery. As Sorrelkit was ushered off, she turned and looked at Bluestar, making a face. Bluestar made a face back, getting to her paws and chuckling. "Have a good nap, Sorrelkit," she purred as the two disappeared into the nursery.

Then, with a huff, she turned and padded over to the makeshift den, with Timberfur guarding. He dipped his head and stepped out of the way for Bluestar to walk in. She hesitated before she padded into the den where her rival lived.


Inside the den, Thistleclaw looked up from his nest. He snarled and crouched to leap at Bluestar. Her eyes narrowed. "I'm not looking for a fight," she meowed calmly. "I was just wondering how you were doing."

Thistleclaw pouted. "I'm doing fine, thanks," he replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Bluestar rolled her eyes. "Do you need any prey? Any water?" She asked reluctantly.

Thistlestar curled up in a ball. "Leave me alone," he snarled.

Bluestar tipped her head to one side. "Do you miss Whitestorm and Tigerclaw?"

Thistlestar looked up, eyes glittering with hatred. "Why do you care?!"

Bluestar thought back to after Thistleclaw lost his nine lives. Redstar was told by Barley when he went to get his nine lives that Whitestorm, Darkstripe, Tigerclaw and Spottedleaf ran away straight after when no one saw. Relieved they were gone but also nervous about if the three would come back, Bluestar's feelings clashed. Fireblaze and Greystrike had been staying in ThunderClan but under strict watch, and she couldn't shake the feeling they were going to do something soon.

A snarl from Thistleclaw brought Bluestar back to the present. She looked down at the pitiful warrior as he glared at her. "I said leave me alone," he spat.

Bluestar lifted her chin. Thistleclaw and his warriors couldn't hurt him now. The grey tom was a shell of his former self, Fireblaze and Greystrike were kept under a close eye and Whitestorm, Tigerclaw, Darkstripe and Spottedleaf were gone. There was nothing to worry about. Bluestar let out a sigh of relief and turned to pad out of the den. She bristled as she felt Thistleclaw's gaze on her, angry and hostile.

Bluestar shook off the nervous thoughts, looking at her Clan with a smile. The Clans were safe.

For now, she thought from the back of her mind. She shook the pessimistic thought and lifted her head to the sky. She closed her eyes and relaxed, lying down on the ground and purring as she stared at how the cats of RiverClan chatted and discussed different topics, lying down to share tongues. Mistyfoot lay down next to her and the two lay down next to each other. It felt like everything was right with RiverClan. Bluestar rested her head on her daughter's shoulder, purring. Mistyfoot opened an eye as Mossdapple and Oakheart came over and the four lay together. "There should be five of us," Bluestar murmured.

Oakheart twined his tail with her's, not saying anything. 

Even if Stonefur's death was lying heavily on Bluestar's shoulders, she couldn't help feeling optimistic. All of Thistleclaw's followers were gone or were guarded, and Thistleclaw was heavily guarded in her camp. Everything was alright and the four Clans would be at peace. She closed her eyes and for once felt like she could live in the moment without feeling stressed about Thistleclaw, Tigerclaw or Whitestorm.

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