Chapter Twenty Five

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Bluestar could hardly look at Stonefur before Thistleclaw turned and saw the leader and her deputy. A twisted grin appeared on his face, and he nimbly leapt over the stepping stones, with the two warriors following. He crossed the border and brought his face up to Bluestar, their muzzles so close they were almost touching. She recoiled as the tom exhaled, his breath smelling of blood. "What did you hear?" He whispered, moving so he was talking right into her ear.  "Whatever it was, I really hope you don't tell anyone."

Bluestar stared at the two warriors, eyes wide. "I didn't."

"Good," Thistleclaw meowed softly. "If you did, there would have been an accident."

Bluestar took a step back as she heard the tom's claws unsheathe. "Get off of RiverClan territory," she meowed calmly, letting her claws out of their sheaths in reply. 

Thistleclaw smirked. "Why should we, traitor?"

Bluestar didn't reply to the word, tail lashing. She watched her nephew, glaring at her with fury in his eyes as he stood on one of the stepping stones. Her eyes widened, and she opened her jaws. "Get off!" She yowled. But she was too late.

The warrior's paws slipped and he went with a large splash into the river. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Stonefur jumping to help the tom, Whitestorm's terrified expression as he fell, Thistleclaw's anger being replaced by horror and Tigerclaw screaming Whitestorm's name.

Bluestar pushed Stonefur over, glaring down at him. "I can't lose you too," she hissed. Then she jumped into the river, paws churning in the water. 

Whitestorm had already given up and gone underwater, the leader realised. She dived under and went limp, letting the current sweep her closer to her nephew. She moved her paws again to feel fur. She pushed forwards and grabbed Whitestorm's scruff, attempting to pull him to the surface. It won't work! She realised with a lurch.

Quickly she got a breath of air and went back under, pulling hard to get Whitestorm to the bank. She didn't relax even when she found her paws on the ground. She prodded Whitestorm desperately. "Swim!" She yowled from above the waves, beginning to lose strength. Whitestorm's amber eye blinked open just as Bluestar slipped and found no strength to paddle once more. He scrambled for a grip with his hind legs, and then pushed up, bringing the leader with him. It didn't work and he went back under. Bluestar grabbed his scruff once more and kicked to the edge of the water, horrified as she saw Whitestorm's eyes close. She took another breath and worked her hardest.

She was just about to give up when she felt the dirt of the bank, out of the water. She dragged Whitestorm over and managed, only just, to pull herself out of the river. Whitestorm flopped next to her, eyes closed and chest barely moving. She nudged him at first and then prodded. The prodding turned into desperate pushing for the tom to move. At last, Whitestorm's brilliant amber eyes opened. They flared with hostility when he saw Bluestar, but he had no strength to pull himself to his paws. He lay there, staring at her with undisguised hate and unable to move. Bluestar lay down next to him, burying her muzzle into his neck fur. "I thought you died," she whispered.

Whitestorm recoiled, an excuse for a hiss exiting his mouth. "Get... away... from me," he rasped. "I didn't need your help."

Bluestar stared at him disbelievingly for a second. She managed to get to her paws and sit up, turning to see Stonefur sprinting over to her. "I thought you two were dead!" He cried, his calm demeanour evaporating. 

Bluestar purred weakly. "Well, I didn't. Neither did he, thanks to me," she grumbled, motioning with her head to Whitestorm.

Behind Stonefur, Tigerclaw and Thistleclaw approached cautiously. "Will he be alright?" Tigerclaw whimpered, silenced by Thistleclaw's glare. "Of course he will be!" The deputy snarled, the smallest hint of worry and anxiety in his tone and eyes. 

Whitestorm made it to his paws, still glaring at Bluestar. "I'm fine, dad," he muttered, limping over. He shook the water from his fur, his gaze now emotionless. "We better get off of ThunderClan territory."

Bluestar dipped her head to Thistleclaw. "Next time, don't try to invade RiverClan territory."

Stonefur's whiskers twitched in amusement. "And don't fall into the river again."

Whitestorm scowled. "I didn't mean to!" He snarled.

Thistleclaw snarled at his son. "Yes, Bluestar. I'm sorry for my son," he meowed through gritted teeth. It was obvious that he was desperately holding onto his temper. Bluestar nodded. "Would you like me to escort you off of your territory?" 

Thistleclaw's tail lashed. "No, we're fine," he hissed. 

Bluestar dipped her head. "We will make sure you leave our territory though."

The ThunderClan cats turned to leave and Tigerclaw looked back at Bluestar. "Thank you for saving Whitestorm," he murmured gruffly, turning and following the others.

Bluestar nodded in reply, watching the three cats jump over the stepping stones. She stepped forward to help when Whitestorm stumbled, but Tigerclaw stopped to help him cross the stones and cross over into ThunderClan territory. She watched her nephew, his father and his friend sadly. Maybe there was a different universe where Bluestar-no, Bluefur got on with Thistleclaw, and he didn't turn out so horrible. Maybe Whitestorm and Tigerclaw would be kind, and ThunderClan would be in safe paws with Thistleclaw as deputy. Maybe ThunderClan would love and cherish Mossdapple, Stonefur and Mistyfoot.

She closed her eyes. Maybe Snowfur would still be alive? She looked over at her son, still thinking about a world where everything turned out perfect. There would be peace in all the clans. 

She shook her head as Stonefur padded away with a relieved expression on his face. That universe would never be her's. She had to live with this one, and become the best cat she could be. Maybe after the Clans were rid of Thistleclaw there would be peace? Tigerclaw and Whitestorm didn't seem totally on board with the grey tom's ambitions. Maybe she could convince them to not be on the same side as Thistleclaw.

Feeling a little more hopeful, Bluestar sighed and followed her son into the depths of RiverClan's territory. 

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