Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Spottedleaf took a step back, looking at the spirits in confusion. "Snowfur, Rosetail, Lionheart... what are all of you doing here?"

The tortoiseshell's green eyes moved to each cat in turn, as if counting, and when she was done her eyes lit up in understanding. She glanced at Bluestar as if to say did you know about this?

In reply, Bluestar gave a curt nod. Spottedleaf's eyes narrowed and she scowled. Bluestar ignored her gesture, turning towards the starry cats and gazing at them through wide eyes. "You're here," she sighed gratefully. "One more second and I'd be dead."

Lionheart dipped her head to the leader, tail tip twitching as he turned his head to stare at Thistlestar. The grey tom didn't meet Lionheart's gaze, looking away furiously. "StarClan," he spat. "What do you want?"

Rosetail stepped forward to stand beside the lion-like warrior, glaring at her brother. "We have come to take away your nine lives," she meowed assertively, eyes glittering.

Thistlestar snapped his head up, looking panicked. "What?! Y-You can't do that," he stammered, adding quietly, "Can you?"

Bluestar felt satisfied as she saw the fear in Thistlestar's gaze. She lay down, still weak from the wounds Thistlestar brought upon her. She merely watched, not needing to say a word.

Rosetail and Lionheart stepped out of the way as Snowfur stalked forward, thrusting her muzzle in Thistlestar's face. "How dare you?" She spat. "You have abused the gift of leadership we have bestowed upon you and broken the warrior code many times over. You killed my sister eight times!"

Thistlestar's eyes flashed with hurt at his mate's words. "Snowfur, she was responsible for your death!"

Snowfur snorted. "ShadowClan was responsible-no, the monster was responsible for my death, not her! Even if she was, killing her eight times over would be too much of a punishment," she snarled, "When I met you, I thought you were kind and thoughtful and nice when you comforted me over Moonflower! But maybe you were faking that whole time. Look at what Whitestorm is now!"

Thistlestar swiped at Snowfur's muzzle but she jumped back. Eyes cold, she turned away. "You've turned into a heartless killer," she meowed icily, walking off and sitting behind the rest of the cats.

The other eight cats stood in a line, some looking behind them sympathetically at Snowfur. First, Pinestar stepped forward, eyes sad. "I take back the life I gave you for kindness," he murmured. "You've made my son show everything but that."

He touched his muzzle to Thistlestar's head and he let out a screech of pain. Cats watched, wide-eyed, at the interaction. Spottedleaf leapt at Bluestar and pinned her down. "This is your fault, isn't it?" She hissed.

Bluestar looked up at Spottedleaf coldly, not replying. Spottedleaf opened her jaws to continue before Mistyfoot shoved her off of the leader. The two she-cats stared at each other angrily. "Don't interfere," Mistyfoot warned, not focusing on the ceremony but on Spottedleaf.

When Bluestar looked over, Pinestar had stepped back and Sweetpaw had taken his place. "I take back the life I gave you for patience," she murmured, giving him a swift tap on the forehead with her muzzle and turning her back on her brother.

Once more, Thistlestar screamed in pain, staggering and then collapsing on the ground. He looked up desperately as Sunstar strode over. "I take back the life of honour, as it seems even with this life, you have none. I made you my deputy hoping for a peaceful and honourable cat, but it seems like you're the opposite."

Thistlestar let out a yowl once more as Sunstar touched his nose to Thistlestar's head. He had a spasm and then fell still. For a second, Bluestar wondered if he were dead, but he stirred and got shakily to his paws as Rosetail walked over.

"I take back the life of honesty. You have lied many times over about who you are and what you have done, so I see no need for this life," she meowed. She put her paw on his and he let out a screech, staggering and not putting any weight on the paw. He glared at his sister as she padded away with her bushy tail lashing.

Next was Poppydawn, who looked distraught at the thought of her son being a murderer. "I take away the life I gave you, the life of hope. I had so, so much hope as you grew up that you'd be a fair leader and the best cat in the Clans but my hope was in vain," she sighed, hanging her head. She gave Thistlestar's ear a soothing lick. Usually that would be a kind gesture, but in this case, it made Thistlestar jerk and yowl in pain. He looked like he was about to tip over the edge, but there were still three more lives left.

After Poppydawn Crookedjaw stepped forward, looking the most hostile out of all of them. "I gave you the life of courage, the only life you seem to have used," he snarled. "But you may have too much ambition and courage which is bad news for all four of the Clans."

The tom's eyes softened slightly. "If you used your courage and ambition for good you could have become one of the greatest leaders the Clans have ever known."

After Crookedjaw gave Thistlestar the now familiar pain, Thrushpelt came forward. "I take back the life of optimism. I hoped, when I gave you that life, that your new nine lives would change and shape you to be better. But no, you were the same cat you were when you killed me," he meowed slightly bitterly. 

Thistlestar leapt at Thrushpelt, but the second his paws met the StarClan cat's chest he let out a scream of pain, falling right through the dead cat. He snarled as Thrushpelt stepped back. 

Last of all, Snowfur padded forward. "We won't kill you," she meowed, looking like she was trying her hardest to keep her cool. "I will let you keep your last life, the life of love. Maybe you can learn from your mistakes and become a better cat. Maybe it's naive of me, but..."

Thistlestar let out a cry of despair. "Snowfur, please don't leave me," he whined, sounding like a kit. "I love you."

Snowfur shook her head slowly. "You were the one who left me. From now on, you will be known as Thistleclaw. We revoke your privileges as a leader and you will be left with Bluestar. She will decide what to do with you."

The StarClan cats all at the same time disappeared, vanishing as quickly as they came. Thistleclaw was left staring up at Bluestar, looking desperate and afraid. 

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