Chapter Fifteen

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Hailstar glared at Sunstar with fiery eyes. He flicked his tail and turned to pad off into the forest. Quickly and quietly, Bluefur followed. Relief washed over her as they crossed the border. She was home now. As the leader and deputy padded through the RiverClan territory, Bluefur realised how strange ThunderClan's forest was to her now. If she was forced to stay there, she felt she'd never get used to it.

Bluefur visibly relaxed as they entered RiverClan camp. "Is everyone okay?" She asked.

Hailstar nodded. "We're managing," he reported. "I'm enraged ThunderClan would dare attack our camp and take our deputy prisoner though. What was going through Sunstar's mind?!"

Bluefur's tail flicked. "I heard what happened back in their camp. Sunstar didn't condone it at all, I think. It was Thistleclaw's idea."

Hailstar snorted. "Then Sunstar should control his Deputy. Thistleclaw is acting like he's already a leader. I'm so glad a cat like him isn't my deputy," he chuckled.

Bluefur purred. "I share your view. When I was in ThunderClan, I could not stand him!"

"We're back," Hailstar announced. "Those ThunderClan mouse-brains, taking our deputy!"

Bluefur nodded in agreement. "But I'm back now, and it's time to rebuild the camp."

The deputy started to organise patrols once more, determination blazing in her blue eyes. Cats nodded and started to head out and rebuild the camp. Bluefur's tail lashed, yelling out advice and help for cats that had to work inside. 

"Make the entrance more guarded," she ordered Whiteclaw, who nodded. "ThunderClan will not make it in here if we don't know about it!"

As the cats worked, Bluefur jumped down from the rock and walked over to Oakheart, who was lying down in camp and doing nothing. He looked up at her, probably expecting her to say something snappy. She would've if it was anyone but her mate. "Hey," she meowed softly. "You okay?"

Oakheart buried his face in his paws. "Of course not," he murmured. "He's dead."

Bluefur nudged him with a paw. "Crookedjaw will not be less dead if you grieve for him. He would definitely prefer if you didn't mope around all day," she sighed.

Oakheart looked up at her with angered eyes. "What in StarClan?! My brother is dead!"

Bluefur sighed. "I'm sorry to be harsh, but it's true. He would prefer you served your Clan instead of lying down and crying into your paws."

Oakheart got to his paws. "Fine," he hissed. "I'll go work if that's what Crookedjaw wants." As he walked away, Bluefur heard him mutter, "You hardly knew Crookedjaw anyways."

Bluefur blocked Oakheart's way. "I may not have known him as much as you, but I know him. And he would want you to serve your Clan. Grieving is natural, but we need all our warriors with ThunderClan looking for a fight."

Oakheart's eyes fired up. "Of course, O' wise one! I was about to do what Crookedjaw- or you- told me to do, but you're blocking me! And you're seeming like such a leader, maybe Crookedjaw would like it if I just bowed down to you?"

Bluefur recoiled, taken aback. "Great StarClan," she whispered, moving out of the way. She stared after her mate as he stalked off, sighing in resignation. She felt a tail tip on her shoulder and turned to see Mistyfoot staring after Oakheart next to her. "He'll realise he's talking nonsense soon," her daughter purred.

Bluefur's ears pricked up in surprise. "Since when did you get so wise?" She teased. "You have no right! You're not nearly as old as I am."

Mistyfoot laughed. "You're not old!"

Bluefur snickered. "So you say! Now get back to your work!" 

Mistyfoot poked her tongue out teasingly and then trotted off. The interaction with her kit made her feel a bit better. Bluefur jumped back onto the highrock, her encouragement was softer and more genuine. It seemed to help the cats working, and Bluefur watched with pride as patrols walked into camp with prey and the camp began to look better and less destroyed. Bluefur walked over to the hunting patrol that returned. "Great work, guys!" She purred. "You can go rest and eat!"

Beetlenose dipped his head and the patrol padded in different directions. Bluefur grinned. "ThunderClan won't get to us again!" She purred, eyes sparkling. "We will make sure of it."

Hailstar padded into camp a while later when the cats were sharing tongues. Bluefur lay down, eating a fish and thinking about the day before. She was told Hailstar would come the next day so she slept in her prisoner's den, being woken up by Whitestorm in the morning. He took her outside, not saying a word and not meeting her gaze. She tried to talk to him but he interrupted her.

The cats in ThunderClan seemed so foreign now. So strange and different Sunstar was from Hailstar. Bluefur purred. She was so glad that she was in RiverClan now, with new friends and her kits. And Mistyfoot was right. Oakheart would feel better soon and everything would be fine. Maybe Thistleclaw wouldn't become leader, and the Clans would be safe.  

Bluefur was snapped back to the present by Hailstar sitting down next to her. "Hi, Bluefur," he purred.

Bluefur waved her tail in greeting, smiling.

"What was ThunderClan like?" He asked, lying down next to her. "As a prisoner, I mean."

"Really strange," Bluefur confessed. "They're all so different and..."

Hailstar tipped his head to one side, waiting for her to reply.

"So bossy!" She exclaimed with a chuckle.

The leader laughed in agreement. "Yeah, they really are. Was it awkward, with cats you knew? Did you see Rosetail and Whitestorm?"

Bluefur sighed in relief. "Yes. I saw them. With Whitestorm we didn't talk at all but I made up with Rosetail. It was really great, and it made me feel a lot better!"

Hailstar purred. "That's really great! I'm glad you're back though. The camp's looking a lot better than this morning."

Bluefur nodded. "I'm really glad I'm back too," is all she said, closing her eyes.

She really meant it. She couldn't imagine being in ThunderClan anymore, and she was so glad she was in RiverClan with her new kin. She might've been wanting to go back to ThunderClan and dissatisfied with RiverClan a few days ago, but now she couldn't imagine being anywhere else. She was content and happy with where she was, and who she was with. 

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