Chapter Seventeen

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Thistleclaw watched Sunstar on his pedestal: the highledge. He snarled, sinking his claws deep into the ground. Soon the crown of leadership would be his, and he would be one step closer to taking over the four Clans. Sunstar looked down and met his gaze, a challenge in his eyes. He seemed to be saying if you want to become a leader soon, you'll have to kill me, and I doubt you can do that.

Thistleclaw scowled and turned on the ginger tom, stalking out of camp. As he padded through the ThunderClan forest, he turned and saw Tigerclaw trotting after him. "Hi," he meowed cheerfully.

Thistleclaw dipped his head and stared at his friend through narrowed eyes. "Yes, Tigerclaw?"

Tigerclaw shrugged. "Whitestorm's hanging out with Willowpelt again, so I thought I'd hang out with you."

Thistleclaw nodded curtly. "He seems to really be fancing her, hm?" He scowled. "If he wants to follow in his father's pawsteps, he shouldn't be running after she-cats!"

Tigerclaw snorted in agreement. "She-cats!" He sniffed. 

Thistleclaw looked up at the stars. The sun was beginning to set. "I've had visions, Tigerclaw. Visions that show flooding, and death. I think it's a sign soon it will be my time," he purred softly. "I will soon rule ThunderClan."


Bluefur woke up late in the morning, padding out groggily from the warrior's den. The visions had become even worse now, threatening death for all of RiverClan. They suddenly flashed into her head, giving her a stabbing headache. She hissed from the pain, stumbling into the medicine den. "Help," she rasped as she collapsed in front of Brambleberry. 

All went black.

She blinked her eyes open to see Mossdapple standing over her. "Oh good, you're awake!" She announced cheerfully. "How're you feeling?"

Bluefur barely managed to get the words out. "Head... hurts..."

Mossdapple flicked her tail. "Brambleberry, could you get some feverfew, please?"

Looking impressed, Brambleberry trotted off and came back with an unfamiliar herb. Bluefur's breaths were shallow and she felt like she was drifting in and out of unconsciousness. She was faintly aware of the herbs being put in her mouth and instinctively swallowed. After a few moments, she could get a few words out.

"Death," she whispered, feeling hot and yet cold at the same time. "Floods in the camp."

Brambleberry stared down, frightened. "Bluefur, did you have a vision?"

Bluefur's eyes glazed over. "Too many visions, all at once. Drowning and death and floods and-"

Her words were broken off with a sickly cough, and a shuddering breath. She was aware of Mossdapple panicking and Brambleberry trying to convince her to stay calm, but it all seemed so far away from her. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.


When Bluefur woke up again, she felt a bit less fever-ridden. She opened her eyes and managed to prop herself up a little. It was raining hard outside, which made her collapse back into her nest. Mossdapple ran over. "Bluefur! Brambleberry told me to give up, but I did it! I saved you! You're not dead!"

Bluefur inhaled sharply as Mossdapple buried her muzzle into the deputy's fur. She purred. "I'm sorry I worried you," she meowed with a gravelly voice. 

Mossdapple stepped back, her eyes shining with emotion. "Stonefur and Mistyfoot have been worried sick. They weren't able to do any duties today because of how frightened they were about you."

Bluefur frowned. "And Oakheart?"

Mossdapple broke off, shuffling her paws guiltily. She didn't reply.

"And Oakheart?" Bluefur repeated sharply. "What did he think?"

"He's still grieving," Mossdapple murmured with a guilty look at Bluefur. "He seems to be in his own world right now."

Bluefur scowled. "He didn't say anything?"

Mossdapple gave a tiny nod, frowning deeply.

Bluefur slumped back down into her nest, too tired to talk more about Oakheart. Her tail lashed. Then she inhaled sharply, unsheathing her claws. The visions flashed back into her mind, not bringing with them a headache, but making her scared.

"Is there a flood?" She hissed, eyes wide with terror. 

Mossdapple licked her between the ears. "No," she purred. After she turned to get some herbs, she whispered, "Not yet."

Bluefur fidgeted in her nest, ripping apart the moss under her paws. She yearned to be outside, so she very shakily sat up. "Did you have the visions too, Mossdapple?" She asked, her voice sounding far away.

Mossdapple looked out from the herb storage in surprise. "Lie back down, Bluefur," she instructed gently. Bluefur shook her head stubbornly.

"Did you have the visions?" She repeated.

Mossdapple hesitated, then nodded. "Yes."

Bluefur struggled to get to her paws, staring her daughter straight in the eye. "We need to evacuate the camp."

Her headache was getting worse and worse every second, but she forced herself to stay on her paws. Mossdapple seemed to be having the same effects, cringing and looking like she was going to collapse. "I need to tell Hailstar," she decided, her eyes narrowing.

Mossdapple stood up straight. "You can't!" She hissed in surprise. "It's extremely stormy out there!"

"Cats will die!" Bluefur snarled, turning to leave the warm den. "If I die so others don't, then isn't that a good thing?" 

Mossdapple's eyes flooded with alarm. "You can't die!" She meowed desperately.

Bluefur sighed. "I won't, but we have to evacuate the camp. Right now.

The deputy saw in Mossdapple's eyes she had given up and couldn't persuade her anymore. She nodded curtly and then stumbled out of the medicine den.

The second she made it out into the camp, rain and wind buffeted her pelt and almost pushed her off of her paws. She almost made it to the leader's den, before her ears pricked and she fell down as a headache almost stabbed her brain. She yowled in pain, unable to get up. The visions were clearer and clearer and-

Bluefur, pelt dripping with water and eyes closed because of the wind. She managed to pry open an eye and squint at what was in front of her, unable to move. 

A wave was coming right for her, and the camp. She screamed out in surprise as it drew near very fast. "Evacuate the camp!" She yowled.

Then the wave pulled her under. 

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