Chapter Twenty Two

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Bluestar padded into camp with Mossdapple behind her. The leader looked around at the Clan- at her Clan, purring. "StarClan has given me my nine lives and my name as a leader, and I am now Bluestar!" She announced, her tail waving in the air. 

The cats of RiverClan cheered her name and Bluestar closed her eyes, basking in the praise. Then she got up and leapt onto the highrock. "RiverClan, gather!" She yowled.

After RiverClan gathered, she began her first ceremony. "I have thought long and hard about my decision of Deputy. I say these words under the cats of StarClan, hoping they will guide this Deputy's paws and approve of my choice. Oakheart, will you stand beside me as my new Deputy?"

Oakheart inhaled sharply, then shook his head. "No, Bluefu-star. I cannot accept this. I have been grieving and I have been a bad Clanmate lately. I don't deserve this place. I am honoured you thought I have been worthy of the title, though."

Bluestar recoiled, surprised. "I-of course. Then, the new deputy will be Stonefur."

Cats murmured among themselves about the leader choosing her mate and then her son. Bluestar hissed. "Be quiet. I haven't chosen these cats because they are my kin, but because I think they are fit to be a leader!"

The cats immediately silenced and stared at Bluestar with apologetic eyes. Bluestar flicked her tail. "Stonefur, do you accept this position?" She asked with a wry smile.

Stonefur nodded immediately. "Yes, Bluestar. I am honoured."

Bluestar dipped her head. "Then the new deputy of RiverClan will be Stonefur!"

"Stonefur! Stonefur!" The Clan chanted. Stonefur dipped his head modestly, his chest puffed out. "Thank you. I will make sure I am a deputy RiverClan is proud of!"

Bluestar purred, leaping off of the highrock. "That marks the end of this meeting!"

Mistyfoot and Mossdapple raced over to Stonefur, giving him licks and congratulations. Bluestar watched with her tail high. "The gathering is tonight, don't forget!" She called out. "Stonefur, you can come into my den and help me with who goes after sorting the patrols."

Stonefur nodded curtly. "Yes, Bluestar. Now, Whiteclaw will you lead the patrol with..."

The deputy's words faded into the distance as Bluestar walked over to Mossdapple, who had walked away and was grooming herself in a corner of the camp. "Is everyone okay?" Bluestar asked. "While we were gone, I mean."

Mossdapple chuckled.  "Everyone's fine," she reported jokingly. "Don't worry, Bluestar."

Bluestar shuffled her paws. "Right. Sorry," she muttered. "I was just checking."

Mossdapple smiled warmly. "Don't act embarrassed! You don't need to. You're our leader."

Bluestar chuckled nervously. "I guess."

Mossdapple began to groom herself again. "So what are you going to say at the gathering?" She asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

The leader hesitated. "That there was a flood in RiverClan, that Hailstar and Brambleberry died, and that we thank ThunderClan for their hospitality? Oh- and that Stonefur is the deputy!"

Mossdapple purred. "Don't doubt yourself, Bluestar. You're doing perfectly," she murmured, lying down and looking up at her leader with kind eyes.

Bluestar sighed, exasperated. "How did you become so wise? I remember when you were a tiny kit in the nursery!"

"Elder," the medicine cat teased. 

"I grew up, Bluestar," Mossdapple answered more seriously after a second. "So did Mistyfoot and Stonefur. We may be your kits, but we have fully grown now."

Slightly hurt, Bluestar dipped her head and walked over to Stonefur, who had finished ordering patrols. "How's being a deputy?" She asked.

Mistyfoot, who was sitting next to the tom, replied for him. "He's loving it," she replied dryly.

Bluestar's eyebrows furrowed. "If you don't want to be deputy, it's okay-"

Stonefur glared at Mistyfoot, then turned to smile at Bluestar. "I really enjoy it, even if I haven't been doing it much so far! Organising patrols is hard. I keep on worrying I'll put a cat on two different patrols!"

Bluestar purred, relaxing. "Are you finished?" She asked.

Stonefur nodded. "Yeah, let's go," he meowed, heading off for the leader's den.

Of course! Bluestar thought. I live in the leader's den now!

She followed after Stonefur, entering the den after him. "Right. Let's discuss who will go."


Bluestar finished telling the cats who would go to the gathering and leapt off the highrock. "Let's get going! We don't want to be late," she purred, beginning to lead the way with Stonefur close behind.

As they neared the gathering hollow, Bluestar looked at Stonefur. "I'm sorry if I've been too protective of a mother," she meowed quickly. "Mossdapple told me earlier you were full grown now, and-"

Stonefur snorted. "Don't listen to a word my sisters say. Both of their brains are full of fluff! Mossdapple's acting all wise, I bet. All three of us love you very much, mum."

Bluestar felt a bit better after that, smiling at the grey tom. "You've grown into such a fine tom," she murmured, half to herself.

Stonefur purred. "Thank you!"

Bluestar looked forwards. The gathering was about to start. She remembered when Hailstar flicked his tail and the cats would go streaming down into the hollow. She remembered the smart words and calm phrases he used and how he always stayed calm if there was a fight.

StarClan, I miss Hailstar, she thought sadly. If I'm at least half the leader he is, I'd be honoured.

She slowed down, listening to her warriors' paw steps. She thought about the dream she had so many moons ago, with Snowfur and that alternate universe. She was glad she was here and not in a universe without Stonefur, Mistyfoot or Mossdapple. After she defeated Thistleclaw, she would be finally at peace and have a peaceful reign as leader. She closed her eyes for a second. Who was the ginger cat who consoled her, and would he still have a part to play?

Dread filled her stomach. She had to get to him before Thistleclaw did. She knew he would turn the ginger tom into a murderer and a traitor with his wicked ways.

She shook her head. I need to concentrate on here and now, she thought, looking down into the hollow. She inhaled deeply, and let out a breath.

Then she flicked her tail, and her warriors raced into the gathering area. 

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