Chapter Forty-Two

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Brokenstar had Tallstar pinned to the ground now, and the lithe tom stared up at him, enraged. With what looked like all his might Tallstar pushed the large leader off of him and swiped at his muzzle. Blood trickled down from the wound. Brokenstar snarled at Tallstar and leapt once more. 

Bluestar watched the two fight with a horrified expression on her face. Brokenstar pushed Tallstar's face into the ground and the WindClan tom couldn't get him off. Brokenstar let out a cackle. "Seems that you aren't very strong!" He yowled triumphantly.

Tallstar noticed Brokenstar's bragging and took the distracted look on his face as he looked at his Clanmates to push him off once more. Quick as a snake, Tallstar leapt onto Brokenstar and pinned him down. "I am not weak," he snarled.

Brokenstar glared up at him, his legs pinned. He couldn't move. Bluestar silently cheered for WindClan's leader, hoping he could win this unjust battle. Tallstar sunk his claws into Brokenstar's cheek. "Leave WindClan's camp," he snarled. "Or I will personally make sure that you lose your lives."

Brokenstar snickered. "You can try," he sneered. "Getting a bit violent here, Tallstar."

Despite Brokenstar's scornful words, his amber eyes glittered with worry. "You wouldn't kill me," he repeated.

Tallstar's eyes narrowed. "Oh, I would. If you don't leave right now, I assure you I will take all nine of your lives," he growled menacingly.

Brokenstar sighed reluctantly. "Okay. But we'll be back," he meowed with a glint in his eye.

Tallstar nodded curtly and let the battered leader up to his paws. With a cough, Brokenstar glowered at the WindClan leader. "ShadowClan, retreat!" He yowled, turning and sprinting off in the direction of ShadowClan's camp. Bluestar huffed, raising her chin. "And stay out!" she called.

She turned to see Tallstar leaning on Barkface's shoulder, looking weak and tired. She trotted over to him. "Are you alright?" She asked with a frown.

Tallstar smiled dismissively. "Fine. Thank you for helping us."

Bluestar shrugged. "I think you could've survived without our help. We didn't do much," she purred.

"Either way," Tallstar responded. "We're glad you came to our aid. Hopefully, Brokenstar and his cats will think twice before trying to drive us out again!"

Bluestar knew Tallstar was partly joking, but couldn't help feeling anxious. "Do you think Brokenstar was telling the truth with what he said about driving you out and taking over the Clans?" She murmured. She shuffled her paws, a motion usually only embarrassed apprentices would do. 

Tallstar tipped his head thoughtfully. "I think he did," he meowed carefully. "But I don't think he'll manage to do anything about it."

Barkface nodded curtly. "Thank you and all, Bluestar," he meowed tartly. "But I need to get Tallstar to the medicine den. He has a nasty scratch on his side."

Abruptly, he turned and led Tallstar to the medicine den, leaving Bluestar confused. Deadfoot, WindClan's deputy, walked over to her. "Ignore Barkface's attitude. He's just snappy because of all the wounded cats. Thank you so much, Bluestar."

Bluestar dipped her head. "Of course, Deadfoot. Good luck to WindClan with getting better." Raising her voice, she continued. "RiverClan cats! Let's head back to camp!"

The patrol she brought didn't seem to have many injuries, just a few scratches here and there. She smiled warmly. "Good fighting. I'm glad none of us are severely hurt."

Oakheart smiled and licked her cheek. "I'm glad you're okay too!"

Whiteclaw's eyes were warm. "Let's get back to familiar territory. It's so open here!" 

Mistyfoot nodded in agreement, tail high. "I'm going to have a good swim when we get back."

Bluestar sneezed as a snowflake landed on her nose. "Maybe we should stay inside when we get back," she suggested, trotting out of camp. "Let's go!" 


The patrol padded across WindClan's territory, the snowflakes beginning to fall faster. Bluestar let out a sad sigh. Leaf-bare was starting. Bluestar's ears pricked as Oakheart trotted up to her and pressed against her. "We'll make it through leaf-bare," he murmured comfortingly. 

Bluestar smiled at him. "I hope so. Leaf-bare is worst for RiverClan, with the river freezing up and all," she responded anxiously. 

Oakheart flicked his tail with a purr. "We'll be fine! You remember how to hunt mice and land animals, right?"

Bluestar nodded. "I think so."

Oakheart nudged her cheek. "Then we'll survive!"

Bluestar smiled reluctantly. "I guess so," she admitted. After a few moments of silence, she looked sideways at her mate. "How do you stay so optimistic about leaf-bare?"

Oakheart shrugged. "Well, we've survived through countless leaf-bares. Why should this one be any different?"

Bluestar paused and leapt into the river water, swimming strongly to the other side. She looked at Mistyfoot behind her with amusement. "You get to have your swim!" She called.

As they continued through RiverClan territory, Bluestar looked at Oakheart thoughtfully. "I guess so. I guess I've been worrying about Thistleclaw and his friends more than actual leaf-bare. But now his followers are gone and he's prisoner, so all seems to be fine!"

Oakheart shoved her lightly. "Now you get it," he meowed. "Life is better when you're optimistic!"

Bluestar gave her mate a lick on the cheek. "I love you," she murmured.

"These past moons have been hard for us," Oakheart whispered. "I'm sorry if I've been a bad mate or I've made you regret your decision to leave ThunderClan... I feel really bad about when I was grieving over Crookedjaw."

Bluestar looked at him sympathetically. "I don't regret my decision at all. And..." She looked at her paws, embarrassed. "I think I might be expecting another litter of kits."

Oakheart looked at her in surprise. "You are? Oh, Bluestar, that's wonderful!" He meowed loudly, nuzzling her cheek. "They're gonna be so cute and they will grow up to become the best warriors!"

Bluestar purred so loudly she worried the whole Clan would hear. She rested her head on her mate's shoulder as they neared camp. "I'm a bit worried I'm too old to have another litter. My kit has a son who's a warrior, after all."

Oakheart snorted. "You'll be fine! Hey, we're at camp!" He meowed, speeding up and trotting into camp.

Bluestar followed slower, making sure all the cats of her patrol were following her. Once she padded into camp, she abruptly stopped. Reedheart scampered over to her, looking terrified out of his fur. "Help!" He yowled. 

"Thistleclaw is gone!"

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