Chapter Forty-Nine

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Bluestar stared at Thistleclaw. Neither of the two cats made a move. They just stared at each other, walking in circles.

Thistleclaw's eyes narrowed. "You think you can kill me, hm? What, because you have StarClan on your side or some foxdung?"

Bluestar scowled. "Because I have been training to kill you," she hissed, sinking her claws into the ground.

Thistleclaw's mouth twisted into a sneer. "You seem a bit obsessed, Bluestar," he hissed. "You might need some help!"

Bluestar didn't reply, glowering at the large-pawed grey tom. Looking satisfied, Thistleclaw's tail raised in the air and he let out a purr of satisfaction.

"Nothing to reply, hm? Does that mean that you agree with me?" He asked with a grin.

Bluestar leapt at him, attempting to bowl him over but failing. The tom jumped out of the way. "How sad," he taunted with a twinkle in his eyes. "Any cat who tries to fight you can win easily because of how slow and weak you are!"

Furious, Bluestar swiped at Thistleclaw's cheek, satisfied when he let out a yelp and leapt back. Cats had begun to fight again after listening to the bet and watching as the two began to battle. Bluestar leapt back as Thistleclaw tried to retaliate, attempting to give the she-cat a slice on the muzzle. 

Adrenaline helped Bluestar stay focused on the battle. Her wounds hurt like fire but she managed to ignore them so that she could be sure she would kill Thistleclaw once and for all.

Thistleclaw snarled at Bluestar, all charm and scorn gone in his eyes, to be replaced by fury and concentration. Quick as a snake he spun around her and bit onto her tail, slashing at a hind leg as well. Bluestar let out a screech of pain, whirling around and giving Thistleclaw a whack on the head. The tom scowled and jumped back, almost immediately pouncing at Bluestar again.

Bluestar's eyes widened. He's strong, she thought. And fast. It's been a while since you fought him last. But you can beat him. Just... think like a fox. Bluestar managed to duck, Thistleclaw missing by a whisker and landing on the ground with a thump. "Now who's the slow one?" She meowed coolly, no humour in her tone.

Thistleclaw ignored her and leapt up to his paws, aiming a blow at her ear. She recoiled fast, the claws hitting the edge and still making her let out a hiss of pain. She attempted once more to bowl over the grey tom. 

When he's up on his paws, you're in more danger, she realised.

This time though, she managed to pin him down, pushing him down so that his struggles were in vain. She sunk her claws into one shoulder and bit into another, making him yowl. He stared up at her, eyes wide in terror.

Bluestar sunk her claws in deeper, eyes glistening with fury. You've done it. You're going to win, she thought, relieved. She bit down into Thistleclaw's neck, but as his eyes began to glaze over a force from beside her pushed her over. She fell to the ground, looking around wildly for who interfered with the fight and saw a very faint Mapleshade, staring at her with a grin plastered on her face.

Bluestar gazed back in surprise, scowling at the she-cat. She opened her jaws to confront her, but she was gone.

Suddenly Thistleclaw leapt at her from behind and managed to pin her down. She struggled under the tom's weight, snarling. Thistleclaw gave Bluestar a cruel grin, drops of blood from his throat landing on her chest and face. "You almost killed me," he meowed, his voice barely a whisper. "But you weren't good enough. Say hi to Snowfur from me in StarClan."

Bluestar felt she was slowly getting strangled, Thistleclaw's paws pressing down on it firmly. She choked out incomprehensible, pleading words, but it didn't work. Thistleclaw's strength didn't falter and Bluestar could feel herself slipping away. Just let go, she thought to herself. The screeches of battle faded away and all she could focus on was her vision blurring and the black blots beginning to seep into everything.

Thistleclaw let go.

Hastily, Bluestar opened an eye and stumbled to her paws. "Thistleclaw...?" She rasped, the blurriness beginning to clear. Thistleclaw was next to her, amber eyes wide in terror. Bluestar watched, eyes wide, as Scourge leapt at Brightflower with claws out. Brightflower lifted a paw and slashed it along Scourge's throat. He let out a choking noise and spat out some blood, collapsing in front of the she-cat.

Bluestar ran over and crouched down in front of the tom, gaze cold.

Scourge opened an icy eye. For once his gaze held emotion. "Thank you," he hissed. "For saving me. I asked Bone and the other BloodClan cats not to attack you..."

Bluestar recoiled, eyes wide. "What?"

"If... we survived, we guaranteed your survival too but... An eye for an eye and a life for a life," Scourge finished, raising a shaky paw.

Bluestar thought for a second about what the black tom meant and realised with a sinking feeling he was going to try to kill her. With all the force and strength he could muster he slashed at Bluestar's neck.

Bluestar jumped back and narrowly missed as Scourge attempted to kill her. His eyes glittered with fury and he looked like he was going to finish the work he began, but before he could try, he fell limp. 

Bluestar watched Scourge as his eyes dulled and his head rested against the bloody grass. Bluestar looked up at Brightflower in surprise. "You killed him," she murmured.

Brightflower looked back with Bluestar's astonishment reflected in her eyes. "I... I did it," she murmured.

Yellowfang, the medicine cat of ShadowClan, came bursting out of the bushes and buried her muzzle into Brightflower's cheek. "I was so worried you died," she choked out. "How dare you take on the leader of BloodClan?!"

Brightflower comforted her daughter and Bluestar watched happily. She watched with a smile.

Then, suddenly, she turned her head around to see Thistleclaw leaping at her. In self-defence, she raised a paw.

And her claws scored across Thistleclaw's throat.

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