Chapter Thirty-Five

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Bluestar growled. "Thistlestar."

The dark grey tom gave her a dashing grin. "How about we have a chat in your den?" He asked. "Whitestorm, Tigerclaw, come with me."

The two toms stepped forward from the crowd of ThunderClan cats that had moved all around the camp, nodding and following the ThunderClan leader into the den. Thistlestar poked his head out. "RiverClan better not try anything," he snarled. 

Bluestar dipped her head reluctantly. "Stonefur, Whiteclaw, come with me."

Seething, the blue-grey she-cat brought her warriors into her den to talk with Thistlestar and his closest ThunderClan followers about the grim future of RiverClan. 


"So," Thistlestar began, "What has RiverClan decided to do? Be exiled by ThunderClan's strongest warriors, or join them as TigerClan? The choice is yours."

Unsettled by Thistlestar's purr, Bluestar turned to the two warriors. Both looked enraged by Thistlestar's proposition. 

Bluestar turned back, meeting the tom's amber gaze defiantly. "We have decided," she meowed calmly, "That we will not join you in your pursuit to take over the forest."

Though Thistlestar's eyes were shining with hatred, his words were calm. "Ah. Why is that?" He meowed coolly. "It would be better for both our Clans if we had one less group of cats to worry about. More prey and territory."

Bluestar's eyes narrowed. "I will not bow down to you."

Thistlestar's eyebrows lifted. "This seems like a stubborn and selfish move, Bluestar. Letting your grudges getting in the way of important decisions such as these," he meowed, shaking his head.

Bluestar forced herself to stay calm. "This is not coming from a personal place, Thistlestar. I assure you of that. This is because I believe you and your ambition needs to be stopped, for all of the Clans. We will not be joining you," she meowed firmly, meaning every word she said.  

Thistlestar scowled, turning away. "Are you sure about this? You'd rather get driven out of the forest than be safe with ThunderClan? You'd see your friends again."

The idea sounded slightly tempting to the leader and she found a slight piece of herself leaning toward's Thistlestar's idea. She growled. "We are not becoming TigerClan and we will fight as hard as we can to stop you."

Thistlestar snarled. "Fine. Have it your way," he meowed calmly. "When all of us walk out of this den, war will start. We will pick off RiverClan's warriors one by one, starting with you and the pathetic family you started here."

Bluestar lifted her chin. "You can try," she meowed boldly. "But our warriors have trained twice as hard to be strong enough to match ThunderClan. This is a fight you will not win."

Thistleclaw flicked an ear, dismissing her words. "Okay," he meowed simply, not sounding like he believed a word she said.

Bluestar growled, turning and stalking out of her den with Whiteclaw and Stonefur following after her. She closed her eyes, her tail tip twitching to and fro, as she emerged into the sunlight and the cats waiting expectantly for them to decide on what to do. She opened her eyes and studied her cats. 

"We will fight for what we have made here," she announced calmly. "Thistlestar has made it clear: he will either have us join him, or have us be driven out of the forest forever. We will fight for our right to belong in RiverClan!" 

Her voice ended in a yowl, and the cats of RiverClan cheered.

"RiverClan! RiverClan!" They chanted proudly, shooting glares at the ThunderClan cats. Bluestar turned around to see Thistlestar striding out of the leader's den, a smug look on his face. "ThunderClan," he addressed. "It is time to fight for what is ours!" 


Bluestar faced Thistlestar, the good weather coming to an end. Thunder rumbled ominously overhead. Bluestar closed her eyes. This must be a sign from StarClan, she thought gravely. This will not end well for anyone.

She inhaled deeply, holding her breath. The time where cats would die or get driven out was upon the warrior Clans and Bluestar had to fight if she wanted to stop Thistlestar's ambitious rampage. She exhaled, looking boldly at her enemy, straight in the eye. Thistlestar bared his teeth as if waiting for her signal. Her eyes narrowed and she unsheathed her claws. 

Then she flicked her tail.

The camp exploded into yowls and hisses as the Clans charged at each other and locked into battle. Bluestar watched Thistlestar crouching down, preparing to pounce at her, tail flicking side to side, and jumped right over him, meeting his eye as she made the magnificent jump. Once she landed, she bit down hard on his tail, making him yowl in anger more than pain. He spun around and swiped at her cheek, making her stumble. Her foot slipped on a rock and she almost fell into the river running through RiverClan's camp. 

Thistlestar didn't move, only smiling at her. He flicked his tail and Firepaw leapt at Stonefur, tackling him. The older warrior looked astonished a cat like Firepaw was attacking him and got him off with ease. But Firepaw looked like he knew that would happen.

Suddenly, behind Stonefur, Whitestorm leapt. He bowled the grey tom over and bit down hard into his neck. Stonefur let out a noise of surprise and fell limp, only twitching and breathing shallowly before he stopped breathing.

"Stonefur!" Bluestar screeched, attempting to run over to him. But Thistlestar blocked her path, driving her to the edge of the now-deep river. She waited, and the two stared at each other in mutual hatred before Thistlestar leapt at her and grabbed onto his head with his paw.

I've failed, she realised suddenly with a jolt as everything seemed to slow down. I never saved the four Clans from Thistlestar, and I will die here. RiverClan will have no leader or deputy and will be forced to split up. I'm sorry, StarClan. I'm sorry, Snowfur.

He grabbed her head with his massive paw and brought it down into the water. Bluestar took a large breath, eyes widening and ears flattening before she was pushed down and forced to go under. 

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