Chapter Forty-Four

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Bluestar watched quietly, praying to StarClan her scent was hidden by the snow. Whitestorm perked his head out of the cave and immediately went back inside. Bluestar heard a few muffled yowls and a few moments later Whitestorm and Darkstripe padded out of the den.

"Y-You found us? But how?" Whitestorm stammered, looking shocked.

Darkstripe let out a laugh. "I knew you'd come for us someday! And you did! It must've been a sign from StarClan!"

Thistleclaw let out a snort. "StarClan do not care about you, Darkstripe. How many times have I told you this?"

Darkstripe looked at his paws guiltily. "A lot of times," he mumbled. When he looked back up, his eyes shone. "But you found us! How?"

Thistleclaw puffed out his chest. "I used my brain, something that none of you have," he meowed. His gaze lit up with rage. "Cowards!" He spat. "Deserting me when I needed you most! I had to leave by myself and find you!"

Whitestorm met his gaze coolly. "Sorry, dad. We knew you'd come for us, and- Tigerclaw!" He broke off with a yowl, looking ecstatic. "You found him! He was with us but he disappeared while we were walking."

Tigerclaw didn't seem to notice that Whitestorm nuzzled his cheek. His eyes were glazed over and staring into the distance. "Yeah," he meowed distractedly. 

Whitestorm recoiled, looking concerned. "Tigerclaw, are you- Oh, you've got a fever!" He gasped, giving him licks on the cheek. "Come inside. You must be freezing."

Thistleclaw's eyes narrowed. "We aren't going in your little den," he growled. 

"I'd like that," Tigerclaw mumbled, looking like he didn't know what he was agreeing to. Absentmindedly, he stumbled into the den.

Whitestorm glared at his father and then followed Tigerclaw, with Darkstripe trailing after. Reluctantly, Thistleclaw followed with a grumble. 

Bluestar's eyes widened. Lionkit was here! She snuck closer to the den, staring intently at the little she-kit.

"Pst!" She whispered, eyes wide. "Lionkit!"

Lionkit looked terrified, turning her head to side to side. Then she turned around and saw Bluestar. She gave the leader a goofy grin and scampered over. "It was really scary," she whimpered quietly. "I don't like the big grey tom!"

"It's okay," Bluestar comforted, licking the kit between the ears. "You're with me now. Let's go."

"What about the scary cats?" Lionkit asked. "He said he'd get really mad at me if I ran away!"

"He won't find us," Bluestar murmured. "If he does, then I'll make sure you don't get hurt. Now, let's go!"

Nodding frantically, Lionkit scampered off. Bluestar glanced nervously at the den and then followed the she-kit.


"Barley!" Bluestar meowed, exhausted. "I can't believe I found you!"

Barley got to his paws, looking at Bluestar in surprise with a mouse in his jaws. He put it on the ground and purred. "Bluestar, you're back. With the kit!"

Bluestar nodded. "Do you think you could look after her while I go do something?" She asked. "I found the cats I needed to find and brought Lionkit back."

Barley's eyes widened. "Oh, of course! I'm sorry, I didn't know she was abducted. If I knew, I promise you I would've made sure the cats didn't take her."

Bluestar smiled. "It's alright. You couldn't've known. But could you look after her for a bit?"

Barley gave the kit a lick. "Of course! I've got a nice juicy mouse for us to share, little one," he purred. "Just follow me."

Bluestar crouched down and looked at Lionkit, taking in her worried gaze. "I'll be back in a few minutes, alright? I just have to go see something. Barley will take care of you until I'm back."

Lionkit nodded and she got to her paws. She leaned close to Barley. "If I don't get back soon, bring her to the Clans. Just go that way and when you find a cat, ask where RiverClan is, alright?"

Barley nodded hesitantly. "You'll be fine," he meowed. "Good luck, Bluestar."

Bluestar nodded firmly. "Thank you, Barley. And thank you for looking after Lionkit."

Bluestar glanced at the little she-kit and then turned to run into the bushes. 


"Are you ready?" Thistleclaw hissed, sounding impatient.

Bluestar stalked closer to the cats talking, eyes narrowed.

"I don't want to go to the moonstone, Thistleclaw," Tigerclaw meowed, his voice a whimper.

"Snap out of it!" Thistleclaw snarled, slashing Tigerclaw's shoulder.

Tigerclaw blinked, staring at Thistleclaw with blank eyes. "I've been on my own so long... So sick..." he murmured.

Whitestorm looked concerned for his friend, nudging him away from Thistleclaw. "Let's go," he meowed calmly. "We're going to ThunderClan, and we're going to be safe and sound."

Thistleclaw looked at his son disdainfully. "Right," he sniffed. "Darkstripe, let's go."

Darkstripe paused. "Wait. Thistleclaw, where's that kit? The one you arrived with?"

Thistleclaw shrugged. "Dead, probably. Does it matter?"

Bluestar's gaze hardened. How dare he talk like that about a kit?! As Thistleclaw padded off, Bluestar saw how she felt reflected in Darkstripe's appauled gaze.

Bluestar stepped back, ducking out of the way as Thistleclaw, Darkstripe, Tigerclaw and Whitestorm padded off. Eyes wide in alarm, she ran off. She was aware of Thistleclaw's head snapping up. "What was that?" He meowed.

"Just a mouse, probably," Whitestorm replied distractedly. 

Their voices faded into the distance as Bluestar ran off. She ran into Barley's den. "Lionkit, come with me!" She meowed hurriedly. The kit ran over to her and she nodded to Barley. "Good luck with the barn. I hope to see you again."

Then she grabbed the she-kit and ran as fast as she could, through the woods and across the hills. She started to slow down as she neared RiverClan territory. She crossed the border, unable to relax. She rested Lionkit on the ground. "Follow me," she meowed urgently.

Lionkit smiled. "Good. I was beginning to hurt because of how you were holding me!"

The kit managed to keep up fairly well as Bluestar ran to camp. "You're almost home!" She called with a shiver. "To the warmth!"

Even if it were snowy, Bluestar could hardly feel it. She was beside herself in fear. She made it to the camp with Lionkit padding after her. The kit went right into the nursery, but Bluestar couldn't move once she made it to the entrance of the camp.

"Bluestar?" Whiteclaw asked, confused. "What's wrong?"

Bluestar stared at Whiteclaw. "He's coming. Him and Tigerclaw and Darkstripe and Whitestorm," she meowed, stumbling. She looked up at him, terrified.

"They're going to destroy RiverClan."

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