A New Maces and Talons

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Hope ye enjoy


Previously on Berk's BIG Problem:

There, with a bloody clawed face and deep purple and blue and green bruises, huddled Viggo. He turned his sight to Hiccup, his face filled with horror.

"Viggo?" Breathed out Hiccup, his throat dry at the shaken form of an evil man.

"Please Hiccup.... help me."


"For now, I will spear your life. However, if you don't capture the troll and bring her to me by the end of the week, I'm sure the blade will meet its target." The leader gulped as he lightly rubbed his neck. "But, if we're going to intervene before she does much more, then there's no other option."

"And what would that be, my King?"

He pointed the axe at the shaken leader with an icy glare. "Bring the giant to me."


Out on the ocean, where the sea was calm and clouds weren't grey, floated a huge ship that was used for bad things and deeds.

"Please, Hiccup.... Help me."

As soon as the words choked out of Viggo's mouth, he immediately dropped cold.

Seconds past as the young adults and dragons tried to picture what just happened so unexpectedly. But out of all the riders, the one who was most shocked was Hiccup as he stared down at Viggo's unconscious body dumbfound and utterly speechless.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF THOR JUST HAPPENED?!" Cried Heather, confusion and shock painted heavily on her face, as she kept changing sight from her friends and Viggo. Dagur just merely shrugged his shoulders.

"Viggo...." Breathed Hiccup, his mind overloaded with astonishment. He was nearly wordless which was impossible for him to be. Toothless sniffed at the limp body of an evil man, smelling the strong metallic smell of the blood that dripped out from the deep claw mark scrapped across Viggo's face.

Like a dragon attracted to a Deathsong's song, Hiccup slowly walked towards Viggo and kneeled to his limp body. "We can't leave him," he finally found the words as he turned to his friends with fear and seriousness, "not like this."

Snotlout, however, had other ideas. "Wait, wait, wait, hold on a second. You want us to take him back to the Dragon's Edge? Are you crazy?!"

"For once Snotlout, as crazy as this may seem, I'm not crazy - I'm being completely honest."

"Oh great, this is just like the time we brought that injured speed stinger to the Dragon's Edge. And guess what happened after... That dragon's flock came in search of him. If we take Viggo, you know what's gonna happen next, don't you?"

Tuffnut raised a finger, "a flock of speed stingers will come after us?"

"No doofus, Viggo's fleet will attack."

"I'm not so sure Snotlout," Hiccup disagreed, "judging from the extent damage, it would hard to believe this is false. Did you not see the true fear in Viggo's eyes? I've seen him like this, huddled up with extreme fear. Whatever attacked him was no ally."

"He may be our enemy, but we can't let a Viking die by our side. Friend or not, I think it'll best if we take him back to Edge." Declared Astrid, staring at Viggo with slight worry.

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