Chapter 4 : Park Encounter Part 2

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*Andrew's POV*

I'm on my way home right now. Since I live quite close to Central Park, I decided to get off from the cab there and just walk to my house.

I just like walking here in Central Park, the atmosphere is just so refreshing and great. I always come here when I'm either bored or I just wanna think. 

While I was slowly walking,  I suddenly thought about the screen test that happened earlier, It was extremely boring. I felt like I was about to fall asleep any minute.

But everything suddenly changed. When she came in.

Emma, the most gorgeous woman in the universe. The most perfect one. The awesome and wonderful one. 

She definitely brightens up the set with her cool husky voice. Her magical beautiful green eyes just makes wanna stare at her. Her heart melting smile. She's just perfectly beautiful.

As I was walking, I saw this woman just running real fast and she just suddenly bumped me. I didn't mind at first since it always happens, people bumping each other here in NYC.

But when she attempted to cross the road, there was obviously a speeding car towards her and she seemingly didn't care.

I just couldn't take the fact that I would see a woman die in front of me. I have to pull her.

I did what I gotta do

"Hey are you planning to get killed?!" I shouted at her. Loud enough for her to hear me.

I was quite angry but then it immediately faded when she looked at me. 

I suddenly froze. It was. . . 

Emma. She looked at me, her eyes were soaked and were red. Her face was also really red. It looked like she was crying.

When she looked at me, she immediately broke down in tears.

When I saw her crying, I felt a little guilty. Maybe she was crying because I shouted at her. Her precious face is now really red and swollen.

"Emma? Oh my god what's wrong? Why are you crying? I didn't mean to shout at you.I'm sorry." I told her, I felt so guilty. She looked so depressed and sad. Maybr its my fault and I dont know. I think its my fault.

She just looked at me and began to cry again. 

I pulled her close and hugged her.I don't know what got into me but my body's initiative was to do so. I hugged her and kept rubbing her back to comfort her.

"Hey shush, Im here okay" Andrew you idiot why did you say that. But I think it helped abit because she relaxed a bit.

So we just stayed there, me hugging and rubbing her back while she was sobbing.

After a few seconds she seemed to calm down and I offered her to sit in a bench. I walked her over to the direction where she came from.

But she suddenly stopped.

"No, please lets not go there, please no please" She said. and with that she started to form tears in her eyes again.

To think that we just met like 3 hours ago but I feel so good to be with her.

I brought her to the different direction. I offered her to sit down. I sat beside her.

"Hey are you okay now? what's wrong? I didn't mean to shout at you" I told her.

"No its none of your fault. Im sorry for disturbing you. I hardly even know you. Im sorry i gotta go" She said with her voice cracking.

"No its okay Emma, Im always for everybody in need. Please tell me what's going on." I told her. She then relaxed and took a breath. I actually do care about her. I just wanna know so that I could help her if I could.

She began to tell me everything. Every word she says, a tear falls down. As I'm listening to her I was rubbing her back and wiping her tears. I felt pity for her. She was so hurt.

When she finished talking she just broke down in tears. I hugged her tight and tried to remain silent but I just can't.

"Its okay Emma, let it all out." I told her. Me and my huge mouth.

"Hey Andrew, Im sorry for disturbing you but thank you so much. Thanks for being there." She said while wiping away her tears.

"Its okay Emma, anytime hehe."

" Im sorry but I have to go now, I still have a flight to catch first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you so much" She told me. AWWWww you're leaving already?!.

"OKay Emma take care okay." I told her. *sigh*

Before she left she gave a kiss in the cheek which made my heart rejoice. Wow this is so different.

I wish to see you again Emma. I hope you get the part so I could see every single day.

After I realized what I did. I shook my head so hard. Geez Andrew you talk  like you dont have a girlfriend.

Things are so complicated.

A/N : Heres the next Chap. Hope you guys like it!

please vote/ leave a comment Ill pretty much appreciate it!!


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