Chapter 19: Spider bite

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* Andrew's POV *

I woke up with Emma sleeping beside me. Her head and hand on my chest. I stared at her face while stroking her hair. I never felt this feeling about anyone before . This is the girl I wanna spend the rest of my life with.

Suddenly a thought struck me.

We will be filming today and Emma doesn't have any clothes and we can't drive back to her house because we might get late plus I have a feeling she's not waking up any sooner.

I gently went out of bed so that I won't wake her up . I picked up my clothes on the floor and headed to the bathroom and did my morning routine and changed.

I went to a department store and bought her a simple but beautiful white dress. After purchasing the item I immediately went back home.

Emma didn't wake up yet when I arrived. She was probably really tired. I decided to make breakfast for her and brought it up to the room and placed it on the table. I went back in bed and got a book to read while waiting for her to wake up. Again her head and hand on my chest .

*Emma's POV*

I woke to the ray of sunshine hitting my face. As I opened my eyes I saw Andrew smiling at me. He was already dressed though.

"Morning beautiful" Andrew greeted me.

"Morning handsome. . wait, . oh no its morning I have a meeting with my manager this morning " I was about to get up when Andrew stop me.

"Hey hey hey wait. He already texted you but since you were still asleep I replied for you and told him you can't make it and he said it was okay." Andrew explained.

"Oh okay." I said.

"You hungry? I made you breakfast." Andrew told me while getting the tray with food.

"Aaww. Thanks Garfy!" I told him before I gave him a peck on the lips.

"By the way I bought you this. I thought you needed something to wear on the way to the set." Andrew told me and handed me a paper bag with a white dress.

"Its lovely Andrew. Thanks. Uhm I better go and change now." I told Andrew

He nodded and brought the tray downstairs. I on the other hand went out bed and gathered my clothes on the floor and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

When I went down I saw Andrew preparing the car.

"So am I leaving my car here?" I asked Andrew.

"Yeah just leave it here" he said before turning around to face me "Wow. . you look wonderful." Andrew said. I just responded with a smile.

After a few minutes of traveling we finally arrived on set and we saw Marc.

"Morning lovebirds" Marc greeted us.

"Morning Marc" We greeted him back.

"Nice photos you have on the net though" He started.

"Cut it out Marc" I told him. Andrew just laughed beside me. I turned my head and looked at him.

"Wait a minute. Is that a hickey I see on your neck Emma?. . Oooh" Marc told me. I felt my cheeks heating up.

"What??! a hickey?" I responded quite surprised.

"Oh that's not a hickey. That's a spider bite. She was bitten last night. Do you know there are tons of spiders at my house." Andrew told Marc. I just shook my head.

"You know its quite ironic to hear that coming from spider man" Marc replied while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"You know what were wasting time hehe we better go ahead and change " I said. I felt my whole face turning red. Andrew and I walked towards our dressing rooms.

"Being naughty today Spidey!" Marc yelled.

"Shut up!" Andrew jokingly yelled.

My crew started to help me change. They did my hair and make up.

"Oh my god!" My make up artist gasped.

"Why what is it???!" I asked her rather worried.

"You have a hickey ma'am

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