Chapter 7: Broken

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*Andrew's POV*

It's been 3 months since we started filming. Being Spider man is a really cool job. All of the staff are nice and awesome.

TASM filming is going really well, everything is running smoothly. Emma and I became really close as time flies. We've shared a lot of things to each other already. We became really comfortable with each other's company. 

We became great friends. Some of the staff would even poke fun at us because we look like a couple since we are very close already.

Emma and I don't feel the awkwardness between us anymore. She's a really caring and awesome person. Since we've shared our numbers to each other already, we sort of text each other most of the time. 

There was one time when I was with a date with Shannon, and Emma and I were texting each other, since our topic was really fun, I didnt really get to listen to Shannon which made her really upset and mad but I made it up to her eventually.

Speaking of Shannon, she's been really cold to me lately. She doesn't really respond to my text messages lately and she seldom picks up her phone when I call.

It's really frustrating but Emma always tells me to relax and go to the positive side, she says maybe she was just too busy.

Well, I hope Emma's right.

Im currently lying down on my couch, Marc gave us a day off so that we could relax.

As I was about to turn the TV on my phone vibrated. I thought it was Emma so I quickly answered it without even looking at the contact details.

"Hey Em---" I said but I immediately got cut off.

"Drew it's Shannon. We have to talk. Come here at Central Park right now." She lifelessly told me.I dont know what's going on but I suddenly felt really worried and nervous.

I've got this feeling in me that something is wrong, that something is gonna happen. I immediately stood up and changed my clothes.Before I went out I wore my coat and then got my car keys.

As I drove my car down the streets. A lot of things are just popping in my mind. I just have this feeling that something will really happen today.

I pulled over and directly went to the usual place we go at Central Park. As I was walking I saw Shannon sitting there. When she saw me walking towards her,she immediately stood up and she had this look that was plastered on her face. She looked really uncomfortable. 

"Hey Shan, uhm, , What do you wanna talk about?" I told her. I scratched my neck and then I looked at her.

She looked at me, eye to eye. I tried to avoid eye contact but I just can't.

"Uhmmm. . . A-a-andrew, " She sighed. She took a deep breath.

God Im sweating. What's gonna happen, oh no. Im really nervous.

"Uhm. . .  Andrew, Ok, how am I gonna start, *sigh* Andrew, we have to stop this." She told me. I felt like somebody poured a bucket of ice cold water over my head.

"Shannon what do you mean?" I told her. Im shaking and sweating.

"Andrew, we have to sto this, our relationship,it's not working anymore. Both of us are really busy and we dont have time for each other already. Drew Im so sorry, my feelings for you are not there anymore. Sorry." She told me. And with that she left after giving me a peck in the cheek.

I didnt get the chance to talk. I was just standing there, it was like I was frozen. I cannot believe it. She broke up with me. It hurts so much.

After a few moments, I dont know what happened but I just felt myself kneeling on the ground with tears falling from my eyes. 

I dont know what to do. I wanna call Emma but she's with her family in Arizona and I dont wanna disturb her.

I just cried there 'til I decided to drive myself back home and wept so hard. I deleted every picture I have of Shannon. Im hurt deep inside. I just kept on crying 'til I fell asleep.





I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

Geez its already morning. I guess I just cried all night 'til I fell into a deep sleep. I still cant believe it. Im in so much pain. 

I looked at my phone.

Calling: Emma 

    8:56 am

I answered it and. . . . 

"ANDREW!!!??? WHERE ARE YOU! MARC HAS GONE BERSERK. WE HAVE A SHOOT TODAY!" Emma yelled at me. Well that's a great morning greeting.

I checked the time and I really am late. 

"OH SHOOT!. IM ON MY WAY!" I told her. And with that she hanged up. 

I immediately took a short shower, changed my clothes and just bought instant breakfast.

I drove as fast as I can. When I got there, Marc looked like he was going to eat me. I sensed he was about to yell at me when Emma suddenly showed up and stood between us.

" Well, you're here. Let's get you ready."  She said pulling me away from Marc. I get that she just helped me avoid Marc's long awful speech.

Because of what happened yesterday, I was not fully myself the whole time. I feel so sad and devastated. But despite the sadness I feel, I still need to suck it in and do my best while taping.

After the shoot, I was just sitting there looking really blue. Everybody bid me goodbye and I just replied with a forced smile. 

I guess Emma noticed what's happening to me. she kept on looking at me and also sent me multiple messages but I didnt have time to respond to her since I was depressed. 

While I was walking around, I felt somebody just pulled me, when I looked at the person it was Emma.

She looked at me eye to eye and I get it that she wants to know what's happening. I nod and she brings me to a nearby bench.

"So, you might wanna tell me something" She started.

I wanna tell her everything but I suddenly became speechless. I feel my tears begin to form in my eyes again. 

Without saying a word, I just broke down in tears in front of Emma. She was rubbing my back.

"She broke up with me Emma, were over" I told her. And with that I just cried even more. Emma then hugged me real tight. She then rubbed my back. I was like a kid crying in my mom's arms.

"Ssshhh Im here Andrew, I wont leave you okay. Im here." She said and then hugged me more.

I just felt safe wrapped around her arms. I then hugged her back while I was crying. But I did feel much better because fo her.

We just kept on sitting there in that bench with me crying and with her hugging me and rubbing my back.

I feel so lucky to have Emma by my side. She's a true gift.

A/N : Here's chap 7 guys

Its quite a long update so yay!!!

I hope you guys like this!!!

pls. vote and comment!! 


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