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"Come on Lupin, we're gonna be late!" Aurora shouted up the stairs then laughed to herself, "bet you never thought you'd hear me say that, huh?"

Remus John Lupin came down the stairs fiddling with his coat as he tried to smooth it out, "Maybe from now on you'll be the responsible one in this household."

Aurora put her finger on her chin as if she was thinking, "Hmmmm, nah, seems too boring."

"Come on then, grab your suitcase we've only got 15 minutes to get there."

Aurora smirked as she grabbed the handle of her dark brown suitcase and Nova's cage. Nova was a gorgeous black owl with the most vibrant blue eyes, Remus got Nova for Aurora's 11th birthday, "I'm coming, Professor."

The pair managed to arrive at Platform 9 3/4 with only five minutes to go.

"You got your books?" Remus asked looking at the fifteen year old witch beside him.

"Yes, Rem."

"Wand? Ink? Parchment?"

"It's not my first time here Lupin, of course I've got everything," She grinned at her godfather.

"Okay, good...good. Why don't you get on board then, go find the twins."

"You sure?" She asked, not wanting him to feel awkward by himself as he'd be the only professor travelling by train.

"It's not my first time here, Black," He winked cheekily at her, as she shook her head with laughter and boarded the crimson red Hogwarts Express.


"Oomf," she bumped into a solid chest, looking up she could see the smirking face of the one and only Fred Weasley.

"Well hello Miss Black," he cheekily smiled, "How's the weather down there?"

Aurora rolled her eyes at his height joke, it's not that she was small; she was a good 5'5 but compared to the 5'9 teen in front of her she seemed a lot smaller, "Very original Fred, where's your shadow?"

"He's waiting for us in a carriage already, I came to look for you," Fred explained, "Running late again, sunshine?"

Aurora's cheeks reddened at the nickname Fred gave her, she glanced down at her converse covered feet before looking back up to him and tucking away a strand piece of hair behind her right ear, "This time it wasn't my fault. Remus must've checked his suitcase about a million times."

"Oh yeah, he's a professor this year isn't he. That's gonna be awesome."

"Just 'cause you know him doesn't mean he'll let you get away with the pranks," She crossed her arms against her chest.

Black Rose {Fred Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now