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Surprisingly, Molly Weasley quickly got on board with the idea of a extremely simple wedding ceremony. 

She understand - first hand - how difficult it was to plan a spectacular wedding in such conditions. She herself had to do that when marrying Arthur all those years ago. Molly could see how in love the pair were, everyone could see it, and whilst some couples loved splashing out on huge weddings, to others it didn't matter how big the ceremony was or how many guests attended, all that mattered was how much they love one another. And that's all that mattered to Aurora Black and Fred Weasley.

Of course, the couple were quite upset that certain people wouldn't be able to make it to the ceremony; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and of course not to mention Sirius. But there was nothing they could do about that. Sirius would've loved to have walked his only daughter down the aisle, Aurora would've loved it too, but she knew that she couldn't change the past and so she asked Remus instead.

Ginny had already gone back to Hogwarts, and now with it being under the watchful eye of Snape the girl wasn't able to leave unless it was for festive holidays. 

They had finally heard from the Golden Trio, however, it definitely wasn't news they were hoping for. The war that they all dreaded was definitely going to happen and incredibly soon, that's why Fred Weasley stood at the end of the aisle under a gazebo as snow fell around it, leaving a gorgeous white scenery, because The Order was told to meet the Trio only a few days later in Hogsmeade. 

Fred let out a deep exhale, trying to calm his nerves down. George stood right besides him and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "She's either late or she changed her mind," He whispered teasingly.

Fred looked over his shoulder, glaring at his twin brother, "Not helping," He said through clenched teeth.

George began chuckling, "I'm just kidding," He replied, "She's here," George added, a large smile on his face as he nodded towards the opposite end of the aisle.

Fred gave his brother a skeptic look, but turned around nevertheless and when he did, his breath hitched in his throat. There she was. Standing besides Remus Lupin at the opposite end of the gazebo. When the guests (Molly, Arthur, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, Lee and Tonks holding her beautiful baby boy) spotted Aurora and Remus, they quickly stood up as soft music began playing.

Aurora could still feel the anxiety in her stomach, that was until she looked directly down the aisle and spotted Fred Weasley standing at the opposite end to herself, smiling widely with fresh tears in his eyes. That's when she felt the anxiety drifting away. 

"Ready?" Remus whispered, looking down at the young woman.

Aurora felt herself smiling, "Yeah," She nodded, glancing briefly at her Godfather before the pair of them started to walk down the aisle, arm in arm.

Black Rose {Fred Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now