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As soon as Aurora noticed Fred she sprinted over to him. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she almost knocked him over. 

Quickly regaining his balance, the ginger haired man instantly wrapped his own arms around her waist, holding her close to his body as he felt her shaking with tears. He noticed Charlie over Aurora's shoulder and gave his older brother a thankful nod. 

Charlie returned a kind smile, placing his hand on top of Fred's shoulder for a second before walking away towards Molly Weasley. Fred had brought everyone over to the flat, well, everyone apart from Harry, Ron and Hermione who apparently apparated somewhere else.

"Are you okay?" Fred asked, moving Aurora's head away from his chest so that he can scan her for any injuries. Before she could answer, he spotted the blood streaming out of cuts from her hands and legs and quickly rushed her onto the sofa.

As soon as Molly noticed the cuts scattered around Aurora's legs, she instantly sprang into action. Grabbing her wand and using it to clean and bandage Aurora's injuries. The whole ordeal that happened at the wedding reception, caused the black haired woman to be quite exhausted. So, as her future mother-in-law bandaged her up, she had managed to drift off into a soundless sleep.

When Molly had finished and noticed that the girl hadn't moved but instead was breathing steadily, she felt a sad smile form on her lips before she grabbed hold of the blanket - that was residing on the back of the couch - and gently placed it over Aurora's sleeping figure.

Fred walked back into the living room, his eyes instantly found Aurora's body underneath the wooly blanket and he couldn't help but smile a relieved smile. His eyes were still filled with tears as he felt his mum's gentle touch on his arm. He looked down at the short woman, who gave him a reassuring smile before she wrapped her arms around her extremely tall son.

"I was so scared, mum," Fred broke down, holding tightly onto his mother, "I thought that they got her."

Molly felt her heart breaking at the sound of her son's tears. She knew exactly how he felt; being married to someone who takes part in a lot of missions for the Order of Phoenix. She didn't say anything for a moment, instead, she held her son close as she felt her own tears spilling out of her eyes, "She's okay, Fred," Molly finally said, sniffling at the end of the sentence, "We all are. And we all will be."

AN- Okay, so I have no self control when it comes to publishing books, so I have published the prequel to this, it's called 'Constellations' and it will be getting updated probably very soon as I've already got the first chapter done and I will be starting to write more

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