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Sitting on the couch in the flat above the joke shop, Fred stared intently at the Resurrection Stone that laid in front of him on the small coffee table. The coffee table Aurora picked out. His eyes began to water at the thought of her before he let out a shaky sigh, running his hand through his ginger hair. 

Glancing at the stone one more time, Fred finally picked it up and closed his eyes. He thought back to all of the memories he had with his wife. The first time they met. The first time they played Quidditch together. Their first time on the Hogwarts Express. The first time they held hands. The fist time they kissed. Their first I love you's and their first dance as a married couple. His eyes tearing up more and more with each memory.

"Please tell me you're not crying over that coffee table again."

Fred's eyes shot open. His breath hitched in his throat as his eyes spotted Aurora standing right in front of him. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she smirked at her husband. She was still wearing the clothes from the battle, however, they looked much cleaner. However, her appearance didn't look human, she looked more like a ghost; her skin was almost see through and her voice echoed off the walls.

"You've finally done it then," She commented, walking closer to the ginger haired man as he stood up, "I've watched you glare at that stone for the last week."

Fred nodded, "Its your funeral today. I felt like today was the right day to do it," He confessed. 

Aurora nodded, "I always loved that suit on you," She nodded her head towards the tuxedo Fred was wearing.

"I know," Fred told her, a small smile on his face. Forgetting for a second about where he was actually going. A sudden sadness washed over him as flashes of Aurora's motionless body flashed through his mind, "I miss you, Aurora," He cried. His eyes shining with tears.

Aurora's smile faded. A look of pure sadness washed over her as she sped-walked over to her husband, "I miss you too, Freddie," She told him, her voice breaking slightly as she wrapped her oddly cold arms around his neck.

Fred shivered at the feeling but quickly wrapped his arms around her waist when he realised he was able to touch her. However, the touch wasn't like how he remembered it. It still felt right, they still fit like puzzle pieces, however, Aurora's body felt weak and cold.

"Please don't cry over me, Freddie," Aurora pleaded, she moved her arms from his neck as she watched his tears streaming down his cheeks, "I'm still here. I always will be."

"I just wish you didn't jump in front of that wall," Fred admitted.

"I'm glad I did," Aurora told him, her eyes looking into his, "If I didn't you would've ended up under that wall."

Fred knew she was right but still couldn't help but feel guilty. If it wasn't for her, he would've been lying under that rubble. He would've met his untimely death.

"Stop that."

Fred glanced back at Aurora. He could see the tears in her own eyes, "Stop what?" He questioned.

"Stop feeling guilty about it. It wasn't your fault," She told him, "Don't ever think that it was, okay?"

Fred let out a sad sigh but didn't answer.


"Okay," He finally breathed out, "Will you stay with me?" He asked timidly, his voice quiet and lacking his usual cheekiness.

Aurora send her husband a wide smile. She settled her hand on his shoulder, "Freddie, I'm always going to be with you. I'm always going to be besides you, I promise."

Fred brought his dead wife into his arms once again. The coldness didn't take away from the love that was always there. 

When they pulled away again, Aurora send him a smile, "I met my mum, Fred," She revealed, he could've sworn he saw her eyes lighting up slightly, "I finally met her and she's incredible."

As devastated as Fred felt, he was happy for Aurora. The woman didn't have her mum for practically all of her life and finally meeting her now was an incredible thing for Aurora, "I'm happy for you, A," Fred told her, sounding genuinely sincere.

Aurora smiled at the ginger haired man. Her hand was clasped in his as they stood side by side, "I'll tell you more about her later if you'd like," The black haired woman suggested.

Fred smiled through the pain and sadness, "I'd love that," He said, surprised at how quiet his voice was.

And that's exactly what happened once the funeral was over. Fred Weasley went back to the flat, alone, and sat on his once shared bed with an apparition of his wife.

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