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The following afternoon, Aurora Black and Harry Potter made their way to Professor Umbridge's office, begrudgingly. Harry clasped his hand in a fist before he knocked on the door.

"Come in," Professor Umbridge's voice said from the other side of the door.

The two teens shared an annoyed look before Harry grasped hold of the door handle and opened the door.

Loud miaowing was heard from the inside, Aurora couldn't help but smirk; she knew she heard miaowing the previous day. The room was fully pink, everything inside of it was just a different shade of pink. Aurora couldn't help but observe the room, it honestly looked like it belonged to a five year old girl who's just discovered the colour pink. The wall was covered in pink plates, each one displayed a small kitten that miaowed and walked around.

Two small desks were placed in front of Umbridge's large one and she pointed to them; instructing the pair to sit down.

Aurora and Harry sat down and looked up at the Professor, who had a sickly smile on her face as her eyes were filled with excitement.

"You'll be doing lines for me today, Miss Black, Mr Potter," Professor Umbridge explained.

Harry and Aurora shared a relieved look before the pair reached down to grab their bags, which they had placed down on the floor moments before.

"Oh no," Professor Umbridge said putting her hand up in the air to stop them, "You'll be using some of my Quills."

Aurora couldn't help the nervous feeling that settled in her stomach as she watched Umbridge reach into her desk draw and pull out two exquisite quills. When Umbridge placed them down onto the two desks in front of the students Aurora couldn't help but to feel sick. Blood Quills. She was going to make them write in Blood Quills.


"No speaking, Miss Black," Professor Umbridge interrupted the young girl with a strict expression, "Now, Mr Potter, I want you to write 'I must not tell lies.' And Miss Black, you can write 'I must not threaten people'."

"But, Professor, you haven't given us any ink," Harry told her looking down at his desk.

Professor Umbridge smirked, "Oh, you won't be needing any," she said turning around and walking behind her own desk and sat down on her seat, "Chop chop, you've got two hours to go."

Harry looked at Aurora, confusion all over his face but he instantly felt uneasy when he noticed the distressed look on her face.

"Surely this is illegal," Aurora said, sending daggers at Umbridge.

"That's three hours, Miss Black," Professor Umbridge giggled whilst pouring herself some tea into a pink teacup.

"But that means I'll miss Quidditch training!" 

"Four hours," Professor Umbridge said, her voice stern as she placed four teaspoons of sugar into her tea then stirred it.

Aurora sighed and shared a sad look with Harry before letting out a breath and placing the tip of the Quill down onto the parchment.

By the third 'I must not threaten people'  Aurora's left hand began burning, thin red lines appeared on the back of her hand spelling out the exact same sentence. Blood seeped out of Aurora's hand as she wrote the line. She heard Harry gasp in pain but she couldn't even bear to look at him; her vision was clouded with fresh tears that gathered in her eyes due to the extreme pain.

After what felt like forever, Umbridge stood up off her chair and strolled over to Harry, "Hand," she said holding her own hand out. 

Harry looked at Aurora, who was still busy writing; her whole hand was covered in the red liquid. He turned back to Umbridge and slowly extended his hand out which she took gently and examined it before smiling in satisfaction, "I think the message has sinked in, Mr Potter. You may leave."

"W-What about Aurora?" Harry asked.

"Miss Black still has an hour left," Professor Umbridge explained, a sickening smirk on her face as she walked back over to her chair.

Harry stood up, glancing down at Aurora who finally looked up at him. Her eyes were bloodshot and glazed over in tears, she gave him a sad smile before she looked back down at her parchment and carried on writing. With a heavy heart, Harry took his bag from the floor before he made his way out of the room, stopping by the door to look back at his God-sister before finally leaving the pink office.

Aurora sighed sadly as she scribbled down the sentence onto the parchment; which just like her hand was stained red. Her mind was trying to block out the pain but it was too much. Her hand felt as if it was on fire and she was 100% sure there will be scarring to always remind her of the Pink Toad.

"Hand," Professor Umbridge finally said.

Aurora bit her tongue to not land herself in anymore detentions with the woman, as she stretched her hand out; blood trickling down her wrist into her sleeve as well as onto the floor of Professor Umbridge's office.

"Hmm," Umbridge said looking over the wound, she placed Aurora's hand down and looked sweetly at the girl, "Well, I certainly hope the message has sank in, Miss Black?"

Aurora's eyes darkened as she nodded causing Umbridge to smirk.

"Very well, you may go."

Aurora pushed herself off the seat and swung her bag over her shoulder, wincing as her hand brushed against her robes before she finally left the office. Before heading off to the Gryffindor common room, the black hair witched made a stop in one of the bathrooms. She soaked her hand in the sink as tears silently fell down her cheeks. No matter how hard she tried, the blood just wouldn't stop running. 

She grabbed her wand and pointed it at the wound muttering a spell under he breath which caused a long white bandage to wrap itself securely around her palm.She splashed her face with cold water before finally making her way to the common room. 

"Hey, how was detention?" Lee asked as he was the first person to notice the girl stepping though the portrait into the common room. Fred and George quickly looked up from a parchment as they watched Aurora walking in. 

However, she didn't even look up at the three boys as she muttered a quick response and made a beeline towards the stairs to get to the girl dormitories.

"What was that about?" Lee asked as his eyes followed the girl.

Fred couldn't help but worry, he'd never seen her react in such a way, not even when Sirius escaped Azkaban and everyone spoke about it, "I'm not sure," he muttered sadly. 

AN- Thank you to everyone who's been reading this story. We've made it to number 2 on Fred Weasley!!! Like that's so unbelievable. Thank you!!

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