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The entire Great Hall fell silent. 

Heads began to turn in the direction of the Gryffindor table; more specifically at the lighting bolt scarred boy; who sunk down into his seat, his face pale and his hands clammy. 

Aurora's mouth flew open as she looked at the younger boy, her eyes filled with sadness as she saw his expression; he was terrified.

"Blimey, how did you do it Harry?" George beamed at the boy, his mouth in a wide smile nudging Harry's shoulder.

"I didn't," Harry breathed out, his voice shaky, "I didn't put my name in," he whispered.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore's voice boomed once again, this time it sounded a lot angrier than before. 

"Harry, go," Hermione whispered, pushing the boy to his feet.

Aurora watched as Harry stumbled over his robes as his legs took him up towards Dumbledore. There was no applause like the last three times; all that could be heard was the loud whisperings of people accusing Harry of cheating.

"He's a cheat!"

"Yeah! He's not seventeen yet!"

Aurora watched carefully as Dumbledore handed Harry the piece of parchment before instructing him to walk through the door, with no smile and handshake like last time. 

As soon as Harry disappeared through the small door to join the rest of the Champions, Dumbledore cleared his throat and dismissed the rest of the school before he too disappeared through the door, followed by the rest of the staff.

"He's impressive," Lee announced as he stood up, "I wonder what he used."


Back at the Gryffindor common room, the students were excitingly chatting away to one another awaiting the arrival of Harry Potter; yeah he was underage but he was still a Gryffindor and the students from the house were more than happy to support their fellow Gryffindor. 

Aurora sat quietly on the maroon couch in between the red haired twins, however she wasn't exactly paying attention to the conversation instead she was staring mindlessly into the burning fire. She felt sorry for Harry, he was like a younger brother to her and she wanted to protect him but she knew people have died in that competition causing her to be scared to death for the boy. 

"You should've told us you'd entered!" Fred's loud voice brought Aurora back to reality, her eyes leaving the fire and travelling towards the boy who was stood in the doorway. 

"How did you do it without getting a beard? Brilliant!" roared George, jumping up from the couch.

"I honestly didn't," Harry tried to explain once again, "I don't know how-"

"Oh, if it couldn't be me, at least it's a Gryffindor," Angelina piped up, her hand resting on the boy's shoulder.

"You'll be able to pay back Diggory for that last Quidditch match, Harry!" Katie Bell shrieked.

"We've got food, Harry, come and have some!" George said before he walked over to the table in the corner where he and Fred had set up a buffet after sneaking down to the kitchens.

"I'm not hungry, I had enough at the feast," Harry mumbled although no one was paying any attention as they all carried on chatting away, excited about the idea of a Gryffindor being in the Tournament. Lee even came up and draped a Gryffindor banner around Harry's tense shoulders before he too went off to get some food. 

Aurora watched as a bigger crowd formed around the boy, all asking him how he managed to get him name into the Goblet. She sighed loudly before standing up off the couch and walking towards the crowd, "Back off you all," she instructed, her tone annoyed at the inconsiderate people, "before you suffocate him and he won't be able to compete."

The crowd listened and quickly scurried off away from Harry who gave Aurora a small smile, "Thanks," he mumbled.

She smiled back and nodded at him before she walked past him, "You coming?" she asked turning around, Harry quickly nodded his head before discarding the banner and following Aurora out of the common room. 

The pair sat down on the steps, both finally being able to breath rather than being swamped by the whole Gryffindor common room.

"I didn't-"

"I know you didn't," Aurora interrupted him, her chocolate eyes filled with compassion as she looked at the boy who she thought of as a brother, "What did Dumbledore say?"

Harry sighed, "That we should let it play out....That I have to compete."

Aurora's jaw tightened, "Is he crazy!? People have died in this competition, he can't do that!"

Harry sighed sadly before shrugging his shoulders, "That's what McGonagall said."

Aurora sighed, calming herself down slightly before she linked her arm with Harry's and softly placed her head on his shoulder, "I'm here for you, Harry," she whispered, her voice a lot calmer and gentler that earlier, "I'll help you prepare for this. You can't do it on your own."

Harry smiled softly as he placed his head on top of hers, her black hair tickling his face, "Thank you, Aurora."

She smiled widely, "That's what family is for."

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