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"Where in Merlin's name could she be?" Fred pondered as he, George and Lee walked out of the wizarding school on their way to watch the second task.

"Maybe she got fed up with dating you already," George suggested causing Lee to let out a loud laugh and high-five him whilst Fred just rolled his eyes.

"Harry!" Fred yelled jogging over to the spectacled boy, who turned around looking alarmed but once he saw Fred making his way over he visibly relaxed and turned to full face him.

"Thank God you've found me, have you seen Aurora?" Harry asked running his hand through his messy black hair.

Fred stopped in his tracks, his mouth opened and closed like a fish, "Wait, what?" he asked, shock and confusion written all over his freckled face.

"Have any of you seen Aurora?" Harry asked again once George and Lee reached the pair, this question made the two boys stop laughing as they shared a worried look which Harry quickly noticed, "What? What's happened to her?" 

"I haven't been able to find her since yesterday when she left to go to the library," Fred explained, his heartbeat picked up as his palms got sweaty. He was nervous and scared where could she disappear to? There was no logical answer.

Harry looked shocked, "I haven't seen her since she left the library last night," he explained, "she was suppose to meet me in the common room almost three hours ago. When she never arrived I went looking for you."

Fred's face paled as he ran his hand through his ginger hair and slightly tugged on it as if he's wanting to wake himself up from this nightmare.

"Surely students don't just disappear, right?" Lee stated, "who else could she be with?"

Fred shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe Ginny," he said his eyes wondering around the school grounds, "Or Hermione."

"I haven't been able to find Hermione either," Harry told them, "They both left the library to see McGonagall last night."

"See they're with McGonagall then, maybe they're already on the lake, nothing to worry about," Lee said trying to diffuse the tension.

"Maybe Lee's right, we should get going there, especially you Harry," George added sending a sympathetic look at his twin.

Fred sighed before nodding. He wanted nothing more than to go out and look for Aurora, but maybe Lee was right, maybe she was already out on the lake helping with the second task. The four boys got into a small paddling boat (which of course magically paddled itself) and set off to the stands that were placed in the middle of the Black Lake. 

Fred's heart hasn't slowed down yet, his mind was still overworking itself with unhelpful thoughts of where his girlfriend could be. Of course he knew she could handle herself, she was a Black after all, but nevertheless he was definitely still worried. 

Black Rose {Fred Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now