"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that f...
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Aurora began to regret picking such a close date for the wedding.
As soon as Christmas was over, Molly, Tonks and even Ginny were on the black haired witch like leeches, helping her plan the wedding. Which was extremely overwhelming. So overwhelming, in fact, that when Aurora was finally able to get away from the three women she apparated back to the flat and hid in her and Fred's shared bed.
Letting out a loud sigh of relief, she snuggled her head into her fluffy pillow as the duvet made a secret warm fort just for her, keeping her body warm as her eyes closed.
"What the hell was that?" She heard her fiancé's muffled voice shouting in a panicked matter.
"What was what, Freddy?" George asked in a very clearly bored tone.
"I swear the duvet just moved by itself," Fred answered.
"I think you've finally gone fully crazy."
"No, I haven't!" Fred yelled and Aurora suddenly heard George's pained groaned, "I swear it moved."
"Well, check what's under it then," George suggested.
"What? No! Are you crazy?!" Fred screeched.
"Oh, I am so going to tell Aurora how her fiancé is such a scaredy cat."
"You don't have to," Aurora finally spoke up, moving the duvet off her body causing her hair to stand in all different directions as she looked towards the bedroom door, where both of the twins began screeching loudly before they jumped into each other's arms.
Aurora watched the twins with an amused look on her face, even laughing at their scared looking faces.
When the two ginger haired men realised that they were practically grabbing onto each other, they quickly let go and pushed each other back. Acting as if nothing had happened.
"Looks like Fred isn't the only scaredy cat here," Aurora snorted, crossing her arms over her chest after she leaned on the backboard of the bed.
"What the hell are you doing here?" George asked, trying to calm his irregular breathing.
"What do you mean, Georgie?" Aurora politely smiled back, "I live here."
He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I know that. I meant what are you doing here jumping out at us."
Aurora smirked, she shrugged her shoulders, "It wasn't an intentional scare," She confessed, "I had to get away from everyone at the Burrow," She sighed dramatically, sliding down to lie down on her back and sprawl her arms out to the sides.
"What happened?" Fred questioned, walking over to the bed and taking a seat besides Aurora, being careful as to not sit on her arm.
"The wedding plans aren't as easy as I thought," The black haired witch pouted, glancing over at Fred, "Have you sorted out the tuxedos?"
Fred suddenly paled. His eyes widened but moved to the other side of the room, "Yep," He quickly answered, "Yep all sorted. Yeah."
Aurora watched him suspiciously, she opened her mouth to question him but before she could George butted in, "No, he didn't."
George sent a smirk in his brothers way, "See ya," He quickly said before apparating right out of the apartment.
"Fred," Aurora whined, turning to her side to look at her future husband.
"Okay, fine," He sighed, lying down on top of the covers, "I didn't, but I will. I promise," Fred said, turning his head to look at Aurora.
"Why is this so tiring?" The black haired woman pouted, moving closer to Fred and placing her head on his chest.
Fred was silent for a second before he spoke up, "Why don't we just do what Remus and Tonks did?" He asked.
Aurora picked her head up to look at the ginger haired man, "Get me pregnant and then have a quick ass ceremony?"
Fred rolled his eyes, "No, well, the second part."
"You're telling your mum!" Aurora suddenly yelled out, pointing her finger at Fred who let out a loud, overly-dramatic groan, "Why?" He whined like a child.
"Because I already had to endure her over the last few days and I am exhausted," Aurora explained, placing her head back down onto Fred's chest. His hand automatically went up to her hair as he stroked her locks softly, "I mean, I love the woman, don't get me wrong. But she is overly enthusiastic about everything being so perfect."
She could feel Fred nodding, "Yeah, trust me, I know," He chuckled lowly, causing his chest to vibrate under Aurora's head.
"Plus, she's your mum."
"You're telling Remus then."
Aurora shrugged, "That's fine, it's not like he can say anything as we got the idea from him," Aurora answered, a smirk on her lips as she tilted her head to look up at Fred as he looked down at her.
Smiling widely, the happy couple leaned in for a small but loving kiss. Pulling away with wide smiles on both of their faces. Aurora placed her hand on his cheek, feeling a slight stubble under her fingertips, "Maybe you should keep your stubble for the wedding," She said in a low voice.
Fred's eyes sparkled as a sly smirk etched itself upon his lips, "Yeah?" He breathed out.
Aurora bit her lip and nodded her head, "Yeah."
Their lips met once again.
This time, however, it was a much bigger kiss. Aurora's hands were on Fred's cheeks as one of his palms tangled itself in Aurora's hair. Their lips moving perfectly together as both of their hearts hammered loudly in their chests. She moved to straddle his hips, her hands never leaving his stubble as his wandered to her lower back.
"Aurora?" Molly Weasley's voice called out from the living room causing the couple to frantically pull apart, as if they were teenagers that just got caught by their parents.
"You're going!" Aurora whisper-yelled to Fred, pushing him out of the bed as she once again went into hiding underneath the duvet.
Fred ran his hand through his hair as he watched his fiancé curl underneath the duvet. As if she was a tortoise going back into it's shell. He let out a breath as he tried to steady his heart beat but when he realised what he was going to tell his mum his heart began beating loudly once again. This time, though, it was due to the nerves, "Oh, shit," He whispered before finally walking out of the bedroom.