"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that f...
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Aurora watched as more and more bright lights hit the protective globe around the school.
It was dark however, she could make out the hundreds of silhouettes of Voldemort's followers with their wands raised high as they targeted McGonagall's proactive charm.
"You okay, Freddie? Aurora?" George asked. It was prominent in his voice that he was scared, terrified in fact.
Aurora turned her head away from the protective globe to look at her husband and brother-in-law, both of them with tears in their eyes as they stared up at the night sky, "Yeah," She muttered quietly. Truthfully, she didn't know if she was okay or not. She had never been so scared in her life but she wanted to help and protect her Godbrother as well as everyone else.
"Yeah," Fred finally whispered, nodding his head. However, it was a very unconvincing answer.
"Me too," George muttered before he turned away from Aurora and Fred to look back at the sky. Swallowing his fear down.
Aurora could feel her anxiety kicking in incredibly fast. Her chest heaved as her eyes watered. A thin layer of the protection charm fell down onto her shoulder and rested there, reminding her how close and powerful Voldemort and his army truly are. As, it didn't take long for the globe to disintegrate from the pressure of all of their spells. Probably illegal spells Aurora imagined.
Loud bangs from down below caught her attention. Glancing down over the edge of the balcony she was standing on, Aurora quickly noticed the wooden bridge blowing up along with Death Eaters on it, "Holy shit," She muttered under her breath as a realisation hit her. They really were at war and Voldemort won't back down until he gets what he wants. No matter who gets hurt in the result of it.
It was practically no time at all after that when Death Eaters began flying around the castle, breaking apart the towers and shooting spells at innocent men, women and children.
"We need to get back inside," Aurora panicked, she was clearly worked up about it and could feel the anxiety rising. However, the adrenaline kicked in at the same time and she knew they needed to get down and help everyone else.
Without waiting for a respond from either Fred or George, the black haired woman ran towards the inside of the tower they were in. Her wand was gripped in her right hand as her chocolate coloured eyes shifted all around the rooms. Suddenly, a glass window broke behind her. Swivelling on her heels, Aurora lifted her wand up causing the Death Eater to fly back out, his screaming filling the air.
Letting out a large sigh of relief, Aurora quickly noticed the ginger haired twins coming her way and swiftly, the trio made their way down shooting spells at any passing Death Eaters.
The clear amount of fear and distress coming off the Hogwarts students was intense. It caused Aurora to feel sick to her stomach. How could anyone want to harm innocent children just for power? Aurora lifted her wand up, sending a Death Eater into a crumbling wall and away from a young Hufflepuff, before she ran over and helped the small girl up, pushing her out of harms way as Fred and George shot spells at any Death Eater they spotted.
"Percy? Charlie?"
Aurora heard the surprise in George's voice and swivelled around. There, besides the twins, stood Percy and Charlie Weasley. Their wands in the air, their clothes and hair dishevelled as they shot spells at the enemy.
"Don't sound too surprised, Georgie," Charlie teased, his voice strained as he send a Death Eater spiralling out of a window whilst sending a sly wink in Aurora's direction.
The black haired woman quickly noticed the amount of innocent lives already lost as they ran around the school halls. The walls caved in from each side, trapping innocent souls right underneath them. She let out an angered yell, hitting Fenrir Greyback with a Stunning Spell as he was bend over Lavender Brown, trying to maul her to death.
"Hello, minister!" Percy yelled.
Aurora swivelled around and noticed the Minster of Magic; Pius Thicknesse standing there in awful distress.
"Did I mention that I'm resigning?"
Aurora couldn't help but snigger at the comment that emerged from Percy's mouth.
"You're joking, Perce!" Fred shouted, as the Death Eater he was battling collapsed. Thicknesse had fallen to the ground with tiny spikes erupting all over him; he seemed to be turning into some form of sea urchin. Fred looked at Percy with glee, "You are actually joking, Perce. I don't think I've heard you joking since you were--"
Aurora was the first to spot a bright orb coming their way before a loud bang was heard, "Fred!" She yelled cutting her husband off from what he was about to say. She pushed him out of the way when a deafening bang as one of the walls had blasted apart.