"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that f...
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In a blink of an eye, Aurora's slumber got rudely interrupted by a screaming George. Her eyes groggily opened and she felt Fred stirring in bed besides her as their bedroom door flung open and a panic stricken George burst in.
"Someone broke in!" The frantic red haired yelled pointing his finger behind him. The statement caused the couple to jump up in their bed and rapidly climb out before following George out into the living room.
He pointed at the muddy footprints that had been left on the floor as he pulled his hair at the roots in worry, "It's all over the shop too!" He exclaimed.
Aurora tilted her head as she observed the footprints, they looked too small for a man meaning it would have been a woman that broke in - or a young teen. However, the foot size looked strangely familiar and Aurora suddenly ran away from the twins towards the shoe stand whilst the gingers followed. Sheepishly picking up her boots she measured them against the footprints on the floor and smiled up at a confused George and an amused Fred.
"Looks like we've got a match," Aurora sniggered quietly. Fred, on the other hand, didn't even bother hiding his amusement as he doubled over laughing hysterically at George's shocked face.
"W-wh-what?" George stuttered, his eyes flicking between the couple, "I don't-I don't get it."
Aurora shook her head as she placed her boot back into the shoe rack, "These are my prints, Georgie."
"Why were you breaking into our flat?"
Fred and Aurora shared a look of disbelief before the pair sent a pointed look at George, "I don't think it counts as a break in if you own a key," Aurora muttered slowly.
George shook his head and ran his fingers through his messy bed hair, "You guys are going to kill me, I can just feel it," He muttered under his breath however the couple was still able to hear it, moving his body away from them he sluggishly made his way back to his bedroom and shut the door.
"I think we broke him," Fred commented after he had calmed down from his laughing fit.
"You don't say," Aurora sniggered, she moved away to grab her wand from the kitchen side before she magically cleaned the muddy footprints she didn't even realise she created. Once she was done in the flat she made her way to clean the ones in the shop before going back inside where George and Fred were now sitting at the dining table. Fred happily munching away on his breakfast whilst George sent daggers at his twin.
"So, are you going to tell us what you were doing last night?" George asked, moving his attention from Fred over to Aurora as he carefully watched her making herself some coffee.
She shrugged, "Sleepwalking."
"Do I look stupid to you?" George asked tilting his head.
Aurora poured the boiling coffee into a mug, making her way over to the table she shared an amused look with her boyfriend before she looked back at George; who kept his eyebrows raised showing he was waiting for an answer, "You actually want me to answer that truthfully?" She asked with a teasing tone.
George let out a frustrated sigh and threw his arms up in the air causing the couple to laugh at his annoyed outburst. Placing her mug onto the wooden dining table then dragging one of the chairs out from underneath it she plopped herself down before looking between Fred and George. Letting out a deep sigh she contemplated on whether to make something up or tell them the whole truth, she finally chose the latter.