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Aurora sat in besides Lee in the Great Hall, who was sneakily coping her answers whenever she wasn't looking; the twins sat opposite her as they all had their heads down consumed by their school work. 

"This is mad. At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates," Ron moaned to Harry; he was sat a few seats down from Aurora and even though he was trying to whisper he wasn't doing a good job of it, "Well, us and Neville," he sniggered. 

"Might interest you two to know, Neville's already got someone," Aurora informed the two boys as she leaned over to them, startling Ron slightly, "Also, learn to whisper better, Ron."

Ron's face turned a red shade, "Now I'm really depressed," Ron sulked, putting his head into his hand as he frowned. Professor Snape casually strolled past the Gryffindor table and as he shushed Ron he had also wacked him in the head with the book he had in his hands, then casually walked away as if nothing had happened.

Aurora shared a look with Hermione (who was sat opposite Ron) and both of the girl's rolled their eyes at Ron and Harry. Fred leaned over and threw a scrunched up piece of parchment over to Ron, who looked confused as he began to open it, his brown eyes scanning the words carefully. He rolled his eyes and looked back up to his brother, "Well, who are you going with, then?"

Fred smirked at his younger brother his gaze falling upon Aurora, who was looking back down at her work, before he winked at Ron.

Ron let out a exaggerated laugh, "There's no way she said yes to you!"

Aurora heard that and looked up, raising an eyebrow at the boys, "Who didn't say yes to who?" 

"Ron doesn't believe that you said yes to me, love," Fred explained, a sly smirk on his face as he looked between Aurora and Ron. 

"Why would you not believe that, Ronkins?" Aurora asked turning her head to look at the youngest Weasley boy causing Ron's mouth to flu open as he glanced between the two sixth years in shock. 

Aurora laughed at his reaction before she looked back down at her work and dipping her quill in some ink as she began to write, "Stop copying, Lee," she muttered causing the boy next to her to jump in shock as he was sure he wouldn't get caught again. 

"Oi, Hermione," Ron said, "You're a girl."

Aurora sniggered under her breath and looked in Hermione's direction. She could tell the girl was getting annoying by Ron's constant complaining.

"Very well spotted," Hermione muttered not even taking her eyes off her book to look up at him.

"Come with one of us?" Ron asked, "Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl, it's just sad."

Aurora face palmed as she heard the conversation between the two fourth years. 

Hermione slammed her book closed and finally looked up at the red haired boy, "I won't be going alone, because, believe it or not, someone's asked me!" She exclaimed standing up from her seat with her book in her hands as she sped walked over to Snape; who was now reading something at the front of the Hall, she placed her book in his hands before she came back to the Gryffindor table to grab her bag, as she did so she looked up at Ron, "And I said yes!" And with that she exited the Great Hall leaving a shell-shocked Ron Weasley.

"Bloody hell," he muttered before he turned to Harry, "She's lying, right?"

Harry shrugged, not really wanting to be part of the whole argument, "If you say so," he muttered quietly not looking Ron in the eye. 

"Your brother is so stupid when it comes to girls," Aurora muttered to Fred and George who were sniggering silently as they watched Professor Snape stand behind the two Fourth years without them even noticing.

"Trust me, he's stupid when it comes to a lot of things," George muttered as the four sixth years watched as Harry and Ron got shushed by Professor Snape, his hands flying to the back of their heads as he pushed their faces down to their books and walked away again.

Aurora closed the book before she placed her quill and ink back into her bag which she placed on the table. She stood up and walked past Ron and Harry; on her way she purposefully hit Ron in the back of the head with her book and casually strolled over to Professor Snape to hand him her work. He glared as her as she placed the book in his hands, he flicked through the pages before nodding at her.

She turned around on her heels and made her way back to her seat, passing a shell-shocked Ron who was rubbing the back of his head and looking up at the girl confused. All of the boys watched as she grabbed her bag and turned to leave, "That was for Hermione," she whispered in Ron's ear as she passed him before she too left the Hall. 

Aurora made her way out of the large building, her legs carried her over to the Owlery. Winter had officially come, the air was nippy as snowflakes fell from the sky covering the grounds in a white blanket. Aurora grabbed a warm jacket, scarf and hat from her bag and swiftly put them on as she walked. Her boots crunching in the snow as she saw her breath in the air. No matter how cold it was, she always loved seeing Hogwarts during winter; it was something she could never get tired of. It was strange for her to think how fast time has flown by; it was going to be her last year next year and even though she was excited to see what lies ahead, she was also terrified about it. 

She finally reached the Owlery and carefully walked up the icy steps; slipping a couple of times before she reached the top, where she found Nova sitting in a nest alongside Hedwig. A small smile appeared on Aurora's lips as she stoked the two owls before giving them both a treat, she then placed her bag down and searched through it before she found two different letters; one for her dad and one for her uncle/godfather.

She tied the letters to Nova's leg before telling the owl to stop off at Remus' house where both of the letters were getting delivered to. Nova let out a 'hoot' before she flew out of the window, her black wings spread wide as she glided through the air. 

Aurora stroked Hedwig on her head one more time before she grabbed her bag and walked out, making her way to the Gryffindor common room to meet up with Hermione and Ginny so that they could make their way to Hogsmeade to buy their dresses. Usually Hogsmeade was a weekend event, however the Head of Years decided to let people go on Friday due to the Ball being the next day. 

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