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Walking out of Transfiguration alongside Fred and George Weasley, Aurora Black felt much happier, her usual smile was plastered on her face as she listened to the twins talking about their ideas for skiving sweets.

"As long as you don't test them on me, I'm happy to help you," Aurora told them as they arrived in the Gryffindor common room, she slumped down onto the sofa and propped her feet up onto the small coffee table that was in front of it, Fred sat down next to her and George went over to the arm chair that was on the left side of the couch.

"Don't worry, sunshine, we'll be trying them on ourselves before we give them out," Fred explained, his arm stretching over the sofa behind Aurora's head.

Aurora nodded her head before she took out her Defence Against the Dark Arts book as Fred did the same, he was going to catch her up so that she would be ready for their next lesson.

"You feeling better then?" George asked as he messed around with his wand.

Aurora nodded and sent him a smile, a genuine one this time, "Much! I'm off to Romania at the end of the year," She beamed.

"What? Why?" Fred asked.

"To see dragons! Obviously!" Aurora explained as if it was obvious, "Charlie invited me."

"And Lupin said he'll let you go?!" George asked, bewildered.

"Took a bit of persuading, but yeah. I think he feels guilty for what people have been saying, even though it's not his fault at all, and he wants me to be happy," Aurora smiled as she took Fred's book and re read the notes that he had made during the lesson. Her brown eyes scanned the paper as the twins looked at her. She did seem a lot happier than she was that morning, that made Fred feel loads better, he was starting to get worried that she would push them all away but she's much stronger than that and Fred loved that about her.


The next morning Aurora woke up later than she wanted to. She jumped out of her bed as if it was on fire before she ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and pushed her black hair up into a messy bun and then changed into her Gryffindor uniform and ran all the way to the Great Hall.

By the time she arrived she was breathing incredibly fast as she huddled over and tried to catch her breath before she went over to the twins and Lee, her face flushed and her breathing uneven.

"Bloody hell, Aurora, did you run all the way here?" Lee asked as he was the first to notice the girl.

" that....out?" She asked sarcastically, her hand clutching her chest as she tried her hardest to catch her breath and took Fred's cup of pumpkin juice and downed the whole thing.

"Yes, Aurora, you can have my drink, that's no problem," Fred said sarcastically causing the girl to roll her eyes before she sat down next to him and rubbed her tired eyes.

"Oh shove off, Fred," She groaned as she grabbed a toast and some bacon and began to stuff her face with the delicious food, "What do we have first?" She asked.

"Double potions," Fred groaned, "With Slytherins."

"Ha!" Lee laughed pointing at the three teens that sat with him, "Good luck with that," He sarcastically said, earning a swift kick from Aurora. Lee glared at her whilst she gave him an innocent smile and turned back to her food, scuffing it down as fast as she possibly could before they needed to head off to class.

"Did you do the homework for Snape?" George asked the girl as the twins and Aurora were making their way to the dungeons where their potion lesson takes place.

"WHAT?" She shouted and she stopped in her tracks gaping at the red haired twins.

George tried his hardest as he hid a smile but the distress on the black haired girl's face caused him to double over in laughter holding his stomach as tears formed in the corners of his eyes, "I....was just...joking," he said in between breaths as he cackled.

Aurora's eyes turned into slits as she glared at George before she hit his arm, "You're a bloody idiot, George! I'm going to kill you."

"Just like her father isn't she," Someone snickered behind.

The trio turned around as saw a small group that consisted of four Slytherin girls, their eyes filled with hatred towards the Gryffindor girl as the 'leader' of the group purposely bashed her shoulder against Aurora's; causing the girl to stumble back into Fred, as the girls scooted into the potions classroom.

Fred gently placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it in comfort, "Don't listen to them, A," he mumbled, a frown on his lips.

Aurora blinked and turned around quickly, causing Fred's hand to come flying off her shoulder, "He's not a murderer," She declared, "So I don't give a flying fuck about what they say," She growled before her back turned to the twins and she stormed into the Potions classroom, rage lingering on her as she slammed her bag onto the desk she decided to sit at before she sent a glare the Slytherin girls who bumped into her.

Her attention got side tracked as she felt someone sit next to her, her head whipped to her right hand side as she saw Katie Bell smiling at her, "I can sit here right?" the blonde asked.

Aurora nodded, "Yeah, if you want that it."

"Of course I do, Aurora, we're friends aren't we?" Katie smiled as she grabbed her potions book from her bag that she placed on the floor next to her chair before the door slammed open and Professor Snape waltzed into the classroom, his long pitch black cloak flowing behind him.

"Of course I do, Aurora, we're friends aren't we?" Katie smiled as she grabbed her potions book from her bag that she placed on the floor next to her chair before the door slammed open and Professor Snape waltzed into the classroom, his long pitch...

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Black Rose {Fred Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now