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Aurora stayed with the Weasleys at the Burrow for the rest of the holiday. She tried her best to act normal around Fred but anytime she was even stood next to the tall red haired boy she would blush a intense red colour and as did Fred. George, however, was having the time of his life, he would constantly make little comments trying to get someone else to find out about the kiss; however, instead he just made people confused as to what he was talking about. Well all of them apart from Charlie who caught on pretty quick. 

The morning that marked the end of the summer, Aurora woke up extremely early thanks to Ginny jumping up and down on her bed exclaiming that Mrs Weasley had prepared breakfast. She rubbed her eyes as she moved off the comfy bed, instantly missing it's warmth and comfort as she quickly got changed into some of her muggle clothes and made her way downstairs.

She send a very confused look to Harry as she watched Mr Weasley talking intensely into the fire which somehow sported Amos Diggory's face in it. She rubbed her eyes thinking she was still dreaming but when she re-opened them and saw the same scenery she just went along with it, magic was definitely strange. 

"I thought I was dreaming too," Harry whispered to the black haired girl, coming over to stand by her side as they glanced at Mr Weasley again before they made their way into the kitchen where everyone else was already sat around the table as Mrs Weasley ran around fussing over them.

"Harry! Aurora!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed coming over to the pair, "good morning you two, I didn't think you were up. Go on, go get yourself something to eat," she rushed them over to the table that was overfilling with breakfast food. There was almost as much food as there would normally be at the tables in the Great Hall.

Aurora's gaze met Fred's and she instantly felt her face heating up as she quickly looked down, tucking a strand piece of hair behind her ear and walking over to sit at the only free seat at the table. Which unfortunately for her was right next to a smirking George.

Not long after she had started on her cereal Mr Weasley ran into the kitchen wearing his outdoor coat and holding a scrubbed up briefcase in his right hand informing his wife that he had to go to the Ministry already. 

"You sure you won't have a bit of toast or anything before you go?" Mrs Weasley asked. 

Mr Weasley took a piece of buttered toast from the stack on the kitchen table before he kissed his wife on the cheek,"Molly, are you going to be alright taking the kids to King's Cross?"

"Of course I will," she said, "You just look after Mad-Eye, we'll be fine."

Mr Weasley said a quick goodbye to everyone in the kitchen before he vanished out of the house. 

"What's Mad-Eye been up to now?" Charlie asked biting into his jam toast. 

"He said someone tried to break into his house last night," Mrs Weasley said.

"Mad-Eye Moody?" George said thoughtfully, spreading some apricot jam on his toast, "Isn't he that nutter-"

"Your father thinks very highly of Mad-Eye Moody," Mrs Weasley interrupted, her voice stern.

"Yeah, well, dad collects plugs, doesn't he?" Fred said quietly as Mrs Weasley walked out of the kitchen.  

"Moody was a great wizard in his time," Charlie stated.

"He's an old friend of Dumbledore's, isn't he?" Aurora asked and Charlie nodded his head at her confirming her thoughts.

"Dumbledore's not what you'd call normal, though is he?" Fred said, "I mean, I know he's a genius and everything..."

"Who is Mad-Eye Moody?" Harry asked.

"He's retired, used to work at the Ministry," Charlie explained, "I met him once when dad took me into work with him. He was an Auror, one of the best actually."

Harry's face was blank, "An Auror is a dark wizard-catcher," Aurora told him.

Charlie nodded as he carried on, "Half the cells in Azkaban are full because of him. He made himself loads of enemies, though. The families of people he caught mainly. And I heard he's getting really paranoid in his old age, doesn't trust anyone anymore. Sees dark wizards everywhere."

Charlie decided to come and see everyone off at King's Cross station where as Percy apologised and said he really needed to go to work.

"I just can't justify taking more time off at the moment," Percy said, "Mr Crouch is really starting to rely on me."

"Yeah, you know what, Percy?" George said, "I recon he'll know your name soon."

Aurora snorted at the comment, her lips pressed tightly to keep herself from laughing out loud. Fred heard her however and he glanced down at the girl, his lips curling up in a smile as he watched her. She felt his gaze and looked up at him. Their eyes met, Aurora felt like he was looking down into her soul as he stared at her intensely, her mind being reminded of the two kisses they shared yesterday. 

Their gaze finally broke when Charlie coughed loudly from behind Aurora, causing the girl to jump in surprise before she cleared her throat and walked out of the the kitchen grabbing her suitcase-which was perched up next to the door thanks to Mrs Weasley- in one hand and taking Nova's cage in the other hand before she walked out of the Burrow and into one of the Muggle taxis that Mrs Weasley had called for them. 

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