"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that f...
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Aurora strolled through the castle halls alongside a once-again ginger Fred; the pair making their way to the Great Hall, excited to hear who will be announced as the Triwizard champion for Hogwarts.
"Come on, Fred, stop sulking will you?" Aurora pleaded the boy beside her who let out a sigh as he straightened his back, "I'm not sulking," he argued back, a small smile on his face as he looked down at the girl.
Aurora rolled her eyes and nudged his arm, "Yeah, course you're not," she said sarcastically. The boy instantly nudged her back as so she returned the favour before they knew it they were in a nudging war; pushing each other back and forth before Aurora finally got pushed against the wall.
With their unsteady breathing the pair stared at each other, eyes boring into one anothers intensely as their cheeks reddened.
Aurora couldn't help but glance down at Fred's lips, remembering the last time they were on hers and the feeling she got when they kissed at the Burrow. Fred couldn't help himself either as he stared at Aurora's lips, which were painted a cherry red colour. What the pair didn't even notice was that they both slowly started leaning in, their breaths mixing as their faces got closer and closer, their lips brushed up against each other before they jumped apart after a loud sneeze was heard from behind Fred. Fred quickly moved away from Aurora, he scratched his neck casually as he whistled. Aurora couldn't help but turn a bright shade of red as she leaned against the wall, casually looking out of the window before pretending to just have seen her two friends.
"Well done, you swine!" George shouted hitting Lee over the head.
"Sorry, it's not like you can control your sneezes," Lee said, wiping his nose with his sleeve.
"Yes you can!" George exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air before looking back at Fred and Aurora with a large smirk, "What were you two up to anyways?" he asks teasingly.
"Erm nothing, you?" Fred says trying to act casual although his voice cracks half way through the sentence causing George and Lee to snigger at him.
"We were on our way to the Hall," Aurora informed the boys, she was looking down at her feet before she started walking away from them. When she realised they weren't following she turned around, "You coming?"
The boys nodded as they followed the black haired girl down the hallway before going through the Great Hall doors.
George laughed at his twin's red cheeks as he threw his arm around his shoulders and teased him.
"I hate you," Fred muttered.
"Nah, you don't," George smirked as they finally found some free seats.
The Great Hall was definitely crowded, the Goblet was now standing proudly at the top of the Hall, just in front of Dumbledore's seat at the long table. The candles were lit and floating around the room as the students chattered excitingly amongst themselves but immediately stopped when Dumbledore stood up from his seat and walked up to the Goblet.
"Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for," he announced, "The champion selection."
Aurora watched as the blue flames of the Goblet suddenly turned red before a brown piece of parchment was spat out, Dumbledore managed to gracefully catch it before it could fall on the floor.
"The Durmstrang Champion is....." he opened the folded piece of parchment and cleared his throat, "Viktor Krum!"
"No surprises there!" Ron yelled, a storm of applause and cheering swept the Great Hall as Viktor Krum rose from the Slytherin table and proudly marched up towards Dumbledore who whispered something into his ear as they shook hands. Viktor then walked past the staff table and disappeared through the small door in the corner of the Hall.
The cheering quickly died down as everyone's attention went back to the Goblet, which once again turned red spat out a second piece of parchment and then turned back to it's original icy blue colour.
"The champion for Beauxbatons is...." Dumbledore said before he looked down at the light blue piece of parchment in his hands, "Fleur Delacour!"
The loud clapping began again as the silvery blonde haired girl stood up from the Ravenclaw table and walked up towards Dumbledore; just like Viktor did earlier she disappeared through the small door in the corner of the Hall near the long professor table.
"Looks like they're all disappointed," George laughed as he nodded towards the other girls from Beauxbatons. Aurora turned her head as she looked at the girls, three of who were crying their eyes out with their heads in their hands.
"Bit dramatic don't you think," the black haired girl muttered as the boys agreed.
The Goblet of Fire turned red for the third time that evening, spitting out another piece of parchment.
"The Hogwarts champion is....." Dumbledore read, "Cedric Diggory!"
Every single Hufflepuff jumped up to his or her feet, screaming and stamping as Cedric walked past them, grinning proudly as he shook hands with Dumbledore. Aurora noticed a bitter looking Angelina who was scoffing with her arms crossed. Aurora rolled her eyes, she didn't care who became the Champion; they were still part of her school so she would support them no matter who it was.
"Excellent," Dumbledore called happily as the cheering died down, "Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of suppose you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real-"
Dumbledore suddenly stopped speaking, his eyes wide as he stared at the Goblet besides him which for the fourth time that evening had turned red. The students looked at each other, confused as the fire spat out a fourth piece of parchment. It felt like forever as the parchment flew down to Dumbledore's hand and he opened it.
There was a long pause as he read what was on the inside, the Hall was so quiet you could hear a fly run into a wall.
Dumbledore cleared his throat, his voice stern as he read out, "Harry Potter."