"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that f...
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Aurora and Charlie heard a loud door slam and they shared a worried glance before they stood up off the couch and walked towards the kitchen, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny doing the same thing as they ran down the stairs.
"We're eating out in the garden," Mrs Weasley said, Aurora noticed that she was now alone in the kitchen, " Charlie could you go and set the table? Girls could you take the plates? Harry and Ron could you take the knives and forks?" she said as she pointed her wand at a pile of potatoes that were in the sink, before Aurora could even walk over to pick up the plates the potatoes shot out of their skins so fast that they smashed against the ceiling and walls of the kitchen.
"Oh, for heaven's sake," Mrs Weasley snapped, she was now muttering a cleaning spell, "Those two!" she burst out as she was now pulling pots and pans out of the cupboards, "I don't know what's going to happen to them, I really don't. No ambition, unless you count making as much trouble as they possibly can...." she slammed a large saucepan down on the kitchen table and waved her wand around it, "It's not as though they haven't got brains.....but they're wasting them, and unless they pull themselves together soon, they'll be in real trouble. I've had more owls from Hogwarts about them than the rest put together. If they carry on the way they're going they'll end up in front of the Improper Use of Magic Office."
Aurora frowned at Mrs Weasleys' words. The twins were her best friends, and yeah, they were trouble makers but they weren't dangerous or doing it to hurt anyone they were just having fun. Harry and Aurora shared a sad look as the group stood awkwardly in the kitchen whilst Mrs Weasley continued to complain about the identical ginger haired boys.
"I don't know where we went wrong with them," she said as she carried on cooking, "It's been the same for years, one thing after another, and they won't listen to- OH, NOT AGAIN!"
She picked up her wand from the table as it was emitting loud quakes and turned into a large rubber mouse, "One of their fake wands again!" she shouted, "How many times have I told those two not to leave them lying around?" She grabbed her real wand and turned back to the stove that was now smoking. Ron and Harry quickly hurried away with the cutlery as Hermione and Ginny grabbed all of the plates they could and they ran out of the door.
"I'm sorry, Mrs Weasley," Aurora apologised, causing Mrs Weasley to jump in fright as she turned to look at the girl, confused as to why she was apologising.
"Oh, it's not your fault, deary-"
Aurora nodded her head as Charlie watched her, "Yes, yes, it is, Mrs Weasley," Aurora said politely, "The fake wands were my idea."
Mrs Weasley looked at the girl in shock but before she could say anything the black haired witch placed her head down and walked out into the garden, searching for the two red haired twins. She finally spotted them looking glum as they were throwing the garden gnomes across the fence.
She walked over to the pair, both of them turning around when they heard footsteps and smiled sadly at the girl before they went back to de-gnoming the garden.
"You guys alright?" She asked sheepishly as she fiddled with her hands.
Fred shrugged, "Yeah, we're fine," he smiled.
"We're used to it," George told her as she nodded at the two and stood in between them grabbing a gnome from the ground spinning him around and throwing him off into the far distance.
"Looks like you're getting better at that," Fred told her, smiling down at the girl who blushed a light pink colour at the boy's words.
She shrugged nonchalantly, "Years of practice," she laughed causing Fred to laugh as well before he threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to his side. Aurora swore her heart stopped beating for a second as she felt the heat radiating from his tall body.
Her eyes looked up at George who was smirking down at her and winking causing her to get so warm she almost broke out in a sweat.
"I'll leave you two lovebirds alone," George laughed as he ran away from the pair and over to Charlie.
Both Aurora and Fred turned a deep shade of red as George's words, Fred quickly pulled his arm from the girl's shoulders as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and chuckled.
Aurora couldn't believe the spark of confidence she felt in that moment as she leaned up and placed her lips gently on Fred's warm cheek, they lingered there for a few seconds before she pulled back, smiled and then walked away.
Fred was stuck in his spot, his face had gotten so hot he knew he looked like a beetroot and a giddy smile was placed upon his face. When her lips touched his skin, he felt his breath hitch in his throat as his heart sped up. He couldn't believe that his best friend has such an effect on him, that's when he realised that his stupid crush wasn't just a crush anymore.