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It had been weeks since the incident at Bill and Fleur's wedding, and ever since then no one had heard from Ron, Harry or even Hermione. 

Aurora did find a note from the bushy haired girl, explaining that if they disappeared without a trace, it would be to find the Horcruxes. So, hoping that's what the trio were doing, everyone tried getting on with their lives as usual.

However, with the Wizarding War quickly approaching it was hard to do.

There were daily reports of Muggles and Muggleborns being killed, and what was even more worrying was how the new Hogwarts Headmaster was Severus Snape. The man that had killed the previous Headmaster up in the Astrology Tower.

The Weasley and Aurora all feared Ginny's return for her sixth year. 

Molly and Arthur practically begged the girl not to go, but she insisted that she needed to and tried reassuring her parents that she would be safe. How true that was, no one knew.

When taking the red haired girl to Kingscross Station, they couldn't help but notice that everywhere they looked they would see a Death Eater. Whether it was just their minds playing tricks on them or reality, it was definitely frightening.

Aurora held onto Fred's hand tightly. Knowing about her mum's blood status, she hoped she wouldn't become the next victim. She had many restless nights over that fear and finally spoke to her fiancé and Remus about it and both men reassured her that as a half-blood she would be save. But she knew they didn't fully believe their own words. Death Eaters were wiping out Muggleborns right now, but once they were all gone Half-bloods would be next, so that only Purebloods would survive. Just how Voldemort always wanted it.

So the anxious feeling still nagged at her. Especially when she was being glared at by Death Eaters left, right and centre. 

Fred could clearly see the fear in her chocolate eyes and would squeeze her hand every so often. Trying to reassure her that nothing bad would happen to her, especially whilst she was guarded by him and George. Walking in the middle of the tall twins was definitely kind of reassuring. As if they were her bodyguards, protecting her from anything that could get too close and harm her.

Kingscross Station was definitely dull when they arrived there.

 It was nothing like how Aurora remembered it being. Usually, it was filled with laughter, smiles and happiness, even happy tears of parents being overjoyed that their son or daughter was accepted to one of the best wizarding schools around. 

But when they dropped Ginny off, Kingscross was deadly silent. And the crying wasn't with happy tears, it was with fear. Fear for the safety of their children. Fear for the safety of themselves. Fear. The disgusting stench of fear, which the Death Eaters seemed to just be feeding off.

Even the sky was dull. It had rained practically two weeks and usually Aurora would find the rain soothing, however, over the past weeks it had turned to something she despised. It felt almost as if the sky was crying. As if it knew what fate was awaiting a great deal of innocent men, women and children. For once, rain became heartbreaking.

As they watched the Hogwarts Express leaving, Molly broke down in floods of tears. The salty tears that streamed down her face reminded Aurora of the rain. The disgusting rain that made her feel almost sick to her stomach. If the rain didn't make her feel heartbroken, the look on Molly Weasley's face when the train disappeared out of sight definitely did.

She felt her own tears trying to escape, but she didn't let them. Not until that night when she knew both Fred and George had fallen asleep. 

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