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Aurora groaned as her eyelids opened. They immediately closed due to the brightness of the light above her. Her body felt heavy and as if she was hit by a bus, but the afterward pain was nowhere near as unbearable as the Cruciatus Curse itself. 

"Aurora?" A voice called out, it took her a minute before she registered Fred speaking to her. She managed to open her eyes and finally looked to her right where the boy was sat. His tired face smiled at her causing her headache to go down. 

She quickly turned her head to her left hand side when she saw a shadow out of her peripheral, "Dad!" 

Sirius nodded and brought his daughter into a comforting hug, kissing her forehead as she gripped onto him.

"How are you feeling, star?" He asked as he pulled away, looking at her tired face. Remus (who had just come back from using the bathroom) and Fred all watched her carefully.

'I'm okay," She told them, giving them all a weak smile, "Where's Harry? Is he okay?" She frantically asked.

Sirius placed his hand on her shoulder setting her down, "He's fine. Don't worry about him, he's been resting."

"What about Moody?" Aurora asked, her face scrunched in confusion.

"That's a bit of a long story," Remus smiled, "We'll get you caught up once Madam Pomfrey checks you out."

Aurora nodded, sharp pain shot through her head as she did causing her to wince, Fred quickly placed his hand on her shoulder, silently asking her if she was okay to which she nodded her head to and gave him a reassuring smile. 

Sirius shared a small smile with his daughter before he transformed back into a dog just in time for Madam Pomfrey to pull the curtain back shooing everyone away from Aurora as she checked her over. 


Aurora got discharged a few hours after she woke up. Madam Pomfrey gave her some more potion for the pain which worked miraculously. 

The black haired witch found herself sat in between Fred and Ginny Weasley in the Great Hall. The room was dark, the usual bright flags that represented each house were now a jet black colour. Candles were the only source of light in the Hall, they were floating in the air close to the ceiling. 

The usual laughter and chatter of the Hall wasn't present. Instead the students were quiet, their heads bowed down in respect for their lost friend. Even all of the Professors were dressed head to toe in black, with somber looks on their faces. 

Dumbledore stood at his post, his dress robes were dark as he looked out at the students in front of him, "Today, we acknowledge a terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working...infinitely fair-minded...and most importantly...a fierce, fierce friend," Dumbledore calmly spoke, his voice began darker as he continued, "Now, I think, therefore, you all have the right to know exactly how he died. You see...Cedric Diggory was Lord Voldemort!"

Quiet whispers filled the Great Hall. Ginny looked up at Aurora, she was clearly worried. Aurora gave her a gentle, reassuring smile before she grabbed hold of the younger girl's hand; hoping to bring comfort to the youngest Weasley.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish for me to tell you this. Bit not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory," Dumbledore explained, "Now the pain...we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me and reminds us...that while we may come from different places and speak different tongues...our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events...the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that...and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest...and brave and true, right to the very end."

Black Rose {Fred Weasley} ✓Where stories live. Discover now