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All he felt was alone, yes, he had Luke and Leila but he was alone his doms don't want him he's so alone.

He hated feeling like this but its like from the very start when he found Luke and became best friends with him it's like he already knew that he was always going to be left in the dust always going to be second always having Luke be better at him for literally everything.

It makes him know that his doms like Luke better, but he means everybody likes Luke better, it's just how the world works Luke is always going to better and Michaels fine with that he's accepted that he will be second to Luke so he's trying to move on and find something to make him happy. Well, his doms were supposed to make him happy, but he knows that's never going to happen.


Michael was exhausted physically and mentally he had been doing all of the chores that Ashton had given him it was like he was actually a slave and not their sub it made him sad but Michael is supposed to be a happy person that exactly what he's gonna do be happy even if he's not really happy he just needs to prove to Luke that he is happy even when he's not.

Michael sighed as he looked at the course list he only had 2 more things to do then the next day he restarts the course over again, it seems like he will never ever have a day off and just relax he's always doing something.

Chores (The 'X' means that he has done them)

-Clean Living Room X

-Clean kitchen

-Clean bathrooms all 5 of them. X

-Wax floors X

-Do laundry.

-Clean the basement (Storage) X

-Sweep X

-Make dinner.

-Make breakfast X

-Make lunch X

Michael still has a lot of things to do, but he's close to finishing them he's starting to make dinner, then he's going to do the laundry and clean the living room, he was so exhausted and he was hurt every time Ashton and Calum would cuddle Luke and whispers sweet nothings in his ear and try to make him giggle.

Michael sighed as he got all the ingredients out to make chicken with a side of mashed potatoes and salad. Michael was so grateful that his mom had taught him to make food well and that he was actually good at it too.

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