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Michael still had no idea how he was going to tell everyone what he wanted, he was scared of making Frank and Gerard mad but he was also scared that Calum and Ashton didn't want him anymore, he was just scared that nobody would really care what he wanted because he causing a lot of problems. He was the one who caused everyone to go to court then now he doesn't want to live with Frank and Gerard anymore, he was the one to love Ashton and Calum, he was just sick of feeling the way he does he wants to be good for everyone.

Luke has come over a lot and just talked with Michael. He sees the conflict radiation of Michaels body, he can see it in his eyes that he's not happy and he's holding something big back. Luke really wanted to help MIchael but he didnt know how, how was he supposed to help if Michael never told him what was wrong in the first place, how was he supposed to help if Michael kept saying that he was fine and everything was ok when he's not really fine at all. (A/N Get it!? Ok i'll stop)

Michael and Luke were just laying on the grass outside staring up at the stars.

*On top is what the sky looks like*

"I love this," Michael mumbles.

"Ya it's beautiful." Luke said as he gazed up to the sky "Look!" Luke pointed as he saw a shooting star "Make a wish."

Michael wished that he could be happy with Ashton, Calum and Luke, that's what he wished for every night before he went to bed-it was like a ritual now.

"Mikey what did you wish for?" Luke asked as his blue ocean eyes fell on Michael's.

"If I tell you then it won't come true." MIchael whispered not even looking to Luke he just kept his eyes upon the stars.

"But we also tell each other." Luke pouted at Michael.

"And that's why our wishes never came true." Michael laughed.

"Oh shut up, you finally have the doms you always wanted." Luke pointed out.

Everything was quiet, Michael didn't reply he just kept looking up at the sky. The only noise you could hear was the crickets chirping and the rustling of the trees being blown by the warm wind as the warm wind hit Michael making him feel warm.

"So how are you Mikey?" Luke asked.

"I'm good Lukey, how are you."

Luke didn't believe him, he never did, how could he Michael always lied about how he was feeling. "No seriously, how are you." Luke asked sternly.

"I'm fine Luke, seriously, i'm good." Michael had to squeeze his eyes close and dig his nail into his tight so the tears wouldn't fall.

Luke could see the way Michael was hurting he could see the way that Michael had to squeeze his eyes closed and how his nails digged into his delicate skin just so he could stop himself from crying.

"Your not fine." Luke stated.

"No im fine."

"No your not."

"Yes i am"

"No your not dont lie to me Michael."

"Fine ok im not, i'm not fine."

Luke looked at Michael. "Why, why are you not fine."

"Because ok i'm just not happy still." Michael sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Are you not happy with Frank and Gerard?" Luke was confused he though that's exactly why he left with them.

"I thought i was but im not i want to come back with you."

Luke was still confused he knew Ashton had a problem and he just wanted Michale to be happy. "Is that what will make you happy?"

"Yes im still so in love with you guys." Michael sighed.

"We love you too Mikey." Luke said as he kissed Michael's forehead.

"No not Ashton."

"Yes even Ashton ok he just has a... different way of showing that." Luke trailed off.

Michael scoffed "Ya ok, different my ass he hurt me Luke! And i still love him. Why! Why do i still love him. I don't understand."

"He is Michael i mean it he just has something wrong ok." Luke didn't want to tell Michael about Ashton thats Ashtons job to tell Michael about his past.

"No Luke! you don't get it you don't have this feeling like your never going to be happy you don't know what it's like to have dom after dom who hate you and only want your bestfriend it hurt but when i finally found doms who love me for me i don't love them back! because i still have fucking feeling for the abusive doms before!" Michael yelled he was so overwhelmed by these emotions he was sick and tired of being unhappy why can't he be happy. Well he knew the only way to be happy was if he was back with Ashton and Calum but what he also knew is that Ashton would still be mean and rude to him making him feel like absolutely like nothing. "I don't even know who i am anymore Luke, i don't even think i knew who i was before." Michael said as tears slip out of his enchanting green eyes.

Michael had this feeling ever since he was little like he never felt right, like he never knew who he was. He's tried so hard to find out who he really is but it's like an invisible wall was holding him back, like he wasn't really meant to be is true self.

When he was a younger, kids were wishing for barbies and rase cars and Michael.. Well he was wishing for to find himself that he could be good enough for everyone his parents, his friends every single person on this planet. He kept wishing to be perfect and to know exactly who he is but those wished never came true, to this very day Michael has no idea who he his. 

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