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 Michael had no idea how to start the question of asking his doms if he could join well watching the movie, they were watching Ariel it was his favorite movie and he wanted to watch. He just didn't want them to get mad at him. He was nervous. 

They all looked so content in each other's arms without him there, and he didn't want to ruin their mood with him being there.

 A part of him wanted to spoil their mood and make Luke feel lonely and how he does now, Michael's just too good of a person to do that to Luke he loved him too much, and all he wanted was for him to be happy,  even if he's not happy at least Luke is happy.

Michael finally got the courage to go up to them.

 Michael tapped Ashton's shoulder as he was closest to him. Ashton turned his head and his happy face turned into a scowl as soon as his hazel eyes landed on Michael.

 "What," Ashton asked rather rudely as he hated being bugged, and Michael has been bothering him. 

"I was wondering if I could watch with you guys, I'm done all of my chores," Michael asked hopefully as all he wanted was just to spend some time with his doms. 

"No, if you're finished, you can go upstairs and clean our room." 

Michael's shoulders sank and just nodded his head and went upstairs, as a few tears slipped down his beautiful chubby cheeks.

 The movie played softly as the 3 boys were watching, smiling, laughing when the movie said something funny. What one boy didn't notice was that his best friend was hurting, and feeling hurt by what just happened a few minutes prior. 


 Michael was quietly cleaning up the dirty laundry that was on the floor of Luke's and their doms room. 

Michael couldn't sleep with them, he asked once and he was shut down almost immediately, he saw a look of disgust crawl its way upon Calum's face. It hurts he's not going to lie, but Michaels' tough he can handle it.

 Luke had his own room but has been sleeping with them so technically it's Luke's room too. 

Michael just wishes he was liked, he wondered if it was because of his body shape and how fat he is, or how stupid and pathetic he is, all he wanted was to know so he can fix himself for them, he just wanted to be perfect for Calum and Ashton. (A/N: This hurt to write I'm crying.)

 Michael hated to be this so judgmental over himself, but he couldn't help it, it was so hard all he wanted was to be happy, but he couldn't because he was always second and it hurt so he hides all of his feelings so nobody could tell that he was unhappy.


 Luke knew Michael was missing he didn't understand why Calum and Ashton only hung out with him and not Michael because Michael was there sub too and Mikey was his best friend he loved him.

 Luke got off the couch and went to go find Michael. 

Luke found Michael in Calum and Ashton room just sitting on the bed silently crying. He wasted no time as he flew over to Michael and hugged him. "Hey, hey what's wrong, Mikey" Luke shushed. 

"I-i-m f-f-f-fat" Michael cried out as he cried harder he hated feeling weak, but right now he could care less he was hurt he was so emotionally hurt.

 "No your not. Michael why would you think that you're so beautiful."Luke cooed over Michael he hated when Michael felt like he was nothing because that's not true Michael is beautiful and wonderful he was Michael's best friend hand he loved him so much.

 "No, I'm so pathetic I'm always second to you" Michael cried he had to get this off his chest every day that past without telling anyone who he felt it was like he was sinking and he hated it.

 "No, your not and you're not second." 

Michael looked up at Like with something his eyes that Luke couldn't quite figure out what.

 "You don't get it, I mean why would you, your everybody's first choice." Michael snapped.

Luke was shocked he wasn't always first was he? "No, I'm not." Luke tried defending himself. 

"Yes, you are your everybody's first choice your Calums and Ashton, they hate me they only kept me because they wanted you so badly and they just had to get him." Michael cried again. "Nobody likes me, Lukey, nobody I'm just nothing. Nobody is going to want me, I mean who could, I'm stupid, pathetic, fat, ugly and everything you're not." 

Luke had no idea that Michael felt like this, he felt at fault like he should have known that he was feeling this way. "Mikey" Luke tried to talk but was cut off when Michael just left.

 Luke sat on the bed and put his head in his hands, as he was going to war in his mind his thoughts were consuming him, he hated how his best friend felt like this. 


Michael was just on his old bed that was in his room. He wanted to call Leila, but he felt like such a burden that he didn't call.

 Nobody liked him. Calum and Ashton hate him, the other dominants that he has had hated him. There was one dom that had him and Luke, it was his old dominate he was 29, his name was Brad he absolutely hated Michael but only kept him because he enjoyed Luke. He would lock Michael up in a closet for days on end, and that's why Michael hates isolation he couldn't stand them, it brought back too many bad thoughts, he would get horrible anxiety.

 Michael knew that all of his doms were going to be the same, because who would want him, everybody only wants Luke and that's how the world would stay, it's all about Luke and not about Michael but he was ok with that all he wanted was a nice dom that would love him for who he is but that's not going to happen because he's Michael and not Luke.


 Can I point out how sad this is, man I made myself cry writing it :(

 I just want you guys to know that my writing, Grammar, and spelling sucks like really bad, so sorry, but I am going to go back and edited all of them soon real soon.

 I also wanted to thank you for voting and reading it means a lot and comment on what you guys think of the book so far.   

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