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Hey loves, sorry it been so long I'm finally back from the dead! yay!

I made a fan account on Instagram for 5sos its called Michael_Is_Precious go follow if you love Michael stuff lmao and 5sos being really cute ahhh! hope you guys follow tho. 

Anyway.... let's get into the story


For the remainder of the night, Ashton stared at the wall blankly, his head wasn't there. He was numb. Memories kept coming back to him, not good ones.

Calum has been worried about him for so long. The Maori hasn't told their subs about what happened with Ashton; Calum was persistent in believing that It was Ashton's story to tell not him.

His face voids of any emotions. He had no strength to do anything not eat, not to do anything really he couldn't get out of his mind. The memories haunted him beyond anything. His father did this to him, he became the pathetic boy that his father always called him. Ashton Irwin was not the kid he used to be, he usually stood up for what was right and protect the people he loved. But as the years flew by, Ashton has been left with this void feeling in his body, he didn't know how to fill it and maybe, just maybe the three boys had something to do with that little flicker in his heart that not even he can feel yet.


Michael could tell something was definitely off with Ashton, he was completely a walking zombie, that's when he actually left his bed. The sub is not complaining about Ashton because he knew how he felt. He's been there before the feeling of not being able to leave your bed because your sadness was so strong, ya he knew it all too well.

He's been talking to Luke about what could happen to their dominant, they could see the scared look that was stretched on Calum's face as he stared at the door where hid Ashton from their eyes.

"I'm worried about them." Luke whispered softly against Michael's ear.

"I am too Lukey, what If something bad happens?" Usually Luke would be the one to rush and tell Michael that nothing bad is going to happen, but this time he really didn't know. All Luke wanted was everyone to be happy, he wanted Michael to feel happy and be happy with whom he is, and he wanted Ashton to come out of their room and smile his beautiful dimples on display and the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed it made Luke go crazy.

"I just want everyone to be ok," Michael said quietly as he dragged his head into the crook of Luke's neck.

The blonde sub remained quiet as he had nothing to say.

The silence between the two was insufferable as they watched Calum try over and over again to get Ashton out of their room.

The overwhelming fear flew through Michael's head as he thought that Ashton hated them and that he didn't love them anymore. He thought that maybe it was his fault that his dom was this way. He couldn't help he's been broken for far too long. All that Michael did not know is that so has Ashton. Ashton Irwin was just a little boy scared to end up like his father. He's scared of being a monster that he grew up with. Harold Irwin was a monster amongst men Ashton knew that far too well.   * see what I did there. No kay ill stop.*


Ashton came out of his room finally as he made his way to the living room, he saw his subs curled into each other. Calum was at the end of the couch reading his book.

The ash blonde cleared his throat to get the attention of the three in the room.

Their heads shot up as they stared at him. "I have a lot to tell you guys," Ashton spoke sadly as he made his way over to the other coach that was across from them.

"You don't have to -" Calum started, but was cut off by Ashton. "No, I do Cal, I do."

"My father, he's a bad man," Ashton said as he held back tears. "He's horrible, he's a monster."

"Ashy," Luke mumbled as he watched his dom break in front of them.

"He hurt me and my family for so long. He abused me, my mom and my younger siblings. He's a monster. I protected them as much as I could, I took all the beating for my siblings and tried for my mom, but she hated her kids being abused and she couldn't even do anything about it. I was hurt for so long that yesterday my mind kind of just broke and I had a breakdown. I h-hurt you Mikey and I'm so sorry. I love you, I do, I really do." Ashton choked. Nobody came and hugged him yet as they knew he wasn't finished. "I turned into the monster that I ran away from in my nightmares, I turned into the beast that is the man that abused my family i-i have a bipolar disorder I can't control my anger, I can't it hurts when I hurt you guys because I don't mean it, i can't control it at all." Ashton cried out as tears finally slide down his tan cheeks.

The boys ran and hugged their dom that stayed so strong for so long that he broke. That's what Ashton did, he's been so strong ever since he was a kid to help his family he stayed strong for them. He's stayed strong for his subs and Calum until one day he couldn't handle it anymore and he just snapped.

Ashton has been just like Michael, they were too similar. They both are just too broken. Maybe they can fix one another by each other's broken pieces.


hope you guys liked this chapter! Go follow my Instagram. Love you guys.

I also want to say thank you guys so much for 7K like what the heck! it means a lot to me!

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