Minho Imagine (requested)

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Hi Lovelies!!! This was requested by @mejia4life I think I understood what you were trying to say 😂 Anyway I hope you like(y) it!!!....... stan twice ya'll P.S the italics are your thoughts. His will be in bold.

no ones POV:

what the hell is that noise?

You open your eyes lazily to see your best friend staring down at you smiling. She was on your lap with her face a little too close for comfort. "Well hello there bff/n" you say looking at her with just as an odd of a look. She giggles and hops off of you, giving you the chance to sit up. You look over to the left to see your bay window wide open, a small breeze making you shiver. You look over at your best friend to see her giving you puppy eyes, with the most innocent smile on her face. You took a deep breath.


"Maaayyybe. Posssssibllyyyyy.....ok yes, I went through your window. Only because the one downstairs was locked." she replied like it was obvious as to why the fuck she went through your window which is on the second floor. "Ok. So explain to me why the hell you didn't use the damn door like a normal person would." "because that's boring why not spice it up a bit." she said hoping you wouldn't ask how she managed to get to the second floor.

"Ok. Get out so I can get dressed." you tell her. She quickly leaves and closes the door behind her. You do your usual morning routine throwing a hoodie on over your head, and slipping on your old converse. You apply some light makeup and brush your dark hair, pulling it back into a ponytail. As you head down the stairs you yell a goodbye at your mom before heading out, and dragging your friend out the door tearing her away from her bagel. 

a/n: The bagel is back bitches 

Heading to school with bff/n you see him, or them rather. The dance team. Popular, Hot, talented, Hot, talented, Gorgeous. Oh and I swear every girl wants a piece of them. 

a/n: Ehem girls girls girls anyone....Mark...."every lady wants a piece of me"..No..Ok then

Ignoring their beauty, you step into the school and head straight to your locker to get your books for first period, Math, how lovely. Stepping into the classroom you take your usual seat in the back corner, pulling out your earbuds and putting them in as you set your books on your desk. Completely shutting out society as you listen to the soothing sounds of Exo's vocals, you start to fall asleep, you snap back into reality when you feel a soft tap on your shoulder. Looking up you realize who it is and instantly begin to blush, Lee Minho. Yes Captain of the dance team, Lee Minho. He gives you a small shy smile, and you return it with your already pink cheeks. "you are trying out for the dance team right?" he asks. 

How did  he know I danced?

You nod and he smiles even wider, he moves back to his seat next to Jisung, who is also part of the dance team. The teacher walked in and everyone got silent, class started, Oh Joy another day of misery and fun!.

Time skip because I'm lazy as fuck

 As you take your usual seat next to you and your few other friends in the cafeteria, you pull out your lunch and begin to eat. "Ya! Give me some!!" The youngest of your group whined. "If You can reach me short stack!!" "OH I SWEAR YOU WANNA FITE BISH! I CRUSH YOUR CRUSTY ASS!" "FUCK YOU GON DO FITE MY KNEES LIL HOE" and here we go again. This went on for another minute or two before the oldest of you stopped them and told them to act more mature. "y/n!" someone called for you from a ways away. You turn around to see Minho waving at you from across the cafeteria, smiling. You could have sworn your heart skipped a beat at just the sight of him. His perfect cat eyes, and little mouth corners,  the list just keeps going. You give him a gentle wave back and turn back to your food, eating contently, you swear you could feel someone watching you. You lift your eyes up to see all of your friends staring at you with either really confused or really shook faces. "SOooooo, y/n, you gonna explain to us what just happened there or.." The youngest stated. You gave them all a confused look as you finished chewing your food that you so desperately wanted to finish in peace, since you needed the energy for the auditions. You stand up and throw your trash away and headed to your locker to go to the library for the rest of the lunch period. 

"Oh she gon be that hoe them"

"YA! Respect your unnies !"


Another time skip brought to you by Hobi's dimples

You headed to the locker room to get changed into some dance appropriate clothes, AKA, Leggings and a hoodie. You set all your other stuff into your locker included your precious phone and headed to the dance studio. Since you were early you went ahead and started stretching, starting with your legs and then moving up to your shoulders. Too immersed into what you were doing you didn't hear the doors open, signaling(ehem...stan twice) that someone else was with you. Based on the hoodie they wore you could already tell who is was, it just happened to be Han Jisung, Minho's best friend. Oh goodie*insert eye roll here* It's not that you don't like him it's just that he's like only your crushes best friend, like no big deal or anything. 

As the room began to fill up, there was still no sign of Minho, where could this boy be? Brushing it off you assumed he was busy or something and would show up later. You are paired into groups based on how long you've been a dancer, so a more experienced dancer would go with someone newer so they can help them. You get paired with a sweet freshman girl with ponytails and big round glasses that suit her round eyes perfectly.Cute. The song you both decided on was Get It by Pristin V. 

Time skip to after the performance

Out of breath and really thirsty you head to the locker room. In the hallway someone knocked into your shoulder sending you off balance. You close your eyes and wait for yourself to hit the floor but someone catches you. You glace up to see exactly who you hoped it to be, Minho. He stands you up straight and brushes off your shoulder, he looks at you shyly and apologizes. You bow to him and say it's ok. "Minho oppa. Why were you not at the auditions? Don't you have to help pick who makes it?" You ask him. He nods his head but what he said next surprised you."I watched your performance. I thought it was really good, you have nice footwork." he complimented. "thank you!" You replied blushing, he noticed this and smiled at you. He handed you a water and you thanked him. 

You talked for a little bit before deciding to head back, the performances are probably almost over. You turn to leave but he grabs your wrist making you stop in your tracks. You turn around to face him and he grins at you. You look at him and start blushing again, He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear before asking,"Will you go on a date with me y/n?". Your eyes widen at his question.  Is this real life? Is Lee Minho actually asking me on a date?!!. you mentally calm yourself before smiling at him and looking him in the eyes, 

"I would love to"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! It took me a little while... geez 1250 words??? who knew I had that much patience? anyway don't forget to vote and comment!!

Bai Lovelies 😘❤

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