(Happy Pill) Changbin Imagine Pt. 1

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Your thoughts are in italics and Changbins words are in bold italics Your words are in regular text any other side characters are in regular bold

You rushed into the schools office looking disheveled. You were late on your fist day at your new school. Of course your mom insisted she had to get a picture of you, and that you had a good breakfast. You smoothed your shirt as you sat down across from the principal. 

(Outfit below)

The principal smiled at you as she handed you your new schedule

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The principal smiled at you as she handed you your new schedule. You looked it over and saw Literature was your first period. You mentally groaned as you saw lunch was at 1:00. It was currently 7:45 which meant you had to wait..... A really long time until lunch. You folded the sheet neatly and put it in your back pocket. The principal told you about the clubs you could join and which areas you could go to. Like the roof top was only available to students that the principal trusts well enough, which she seemed to like you and said you were allowed up there. She even told you the code to get in the greenhouse that was up there. She went on explaining the rules and what not. 

"And if anyone does something rude, or disrespectful to you don't hesitate to tell me"

You smiled at her and bowed and finally left the office. You slung your bag across your body and pulled the schedule out of your back pocket. You scanned it quickly and saw your first class was right down the hall. You opened the door hesitantly and the whole class turned in your direction. Of fucking course. You shyly stepped into the room and stood at the front next to the teacher. You handed her your schedule showing you were the new student and she handed it back to you. She motioned for you to introduce yourself to the class and you took a step forward. 

"Hi, my name is Y/N and I just transferred here. I hope we can be friends!" 

You finished with your cute smile and took an empty seat next to a girl who smiled warmly at you. She stuck her hand out and you took it. 

"Hi I'm Dahyun" She smiled at you and you noticed her cute hamster cheeks. You smiled back at her and pulled your textbooks and pen out of your bag, ready to officially start off the day. 


After a long first block you headed to your new locker, which thankfully enough was at the end of the row. You pulled out your schedule once more to get the combination. You typed it into your phone and the on the combination lock. You opened your locker and stuffed the textbooks from earlier inside neatly. You grabbed your earbuds since you had a free period before lunch and decided to find the library. You walked down a few hallways for about 15 minutes before finally giving up, you were lost. You saw two boys talking at the beginning of the hallway and approached them. One of them had cute braces and was wearing big circle glasses giving him a very innocent look. The other had really pretty eyes and cute cheeks. You coughed slightly to get their attention and they both turned to you. 

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