Author's Note (important)

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THANK YOU SO MUCH EVEN IF THIS IS TRASH. I'm trying to get better at writing so I can give you quality contents so some updates will be slow. 


OK so I am currently working on two books at the moment that will not be published until about 10 -12 chapters are done, that way I can upload them whenever. I won't tell you what they are but I will let you ask me questions about the books and I can try my best to answer them. You can't ask me stuff like what the title is or what the book is about or who's in it. But simple questions that just give away small details. Ya feel me. 

Questions about the books ->

I will try to upload at least once a week. School starts soon so I don't know if I can keep that up. I can work on them while at school since I sit alone in a corner but no promises. 

I'm gonna let you guys get to know me more too. You guys can ask me any questions. Comment them on the "Question" below this. The reason I'm doing this is because I like when the author and the readers can have a good relationship and be friends with each other. 

Questions about me ->

I am still going to update this book and "Smile" regularly despite the other unpublished books. Apparently people like this book so I will make this one on the top of my to do list. 

Anyway thank you so much for supporting this book I love you all. I am going to publish an actual chapter tonight. Maybe 2(the second for "Smile)

Bye Lovelies

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