Going in Victoria's Secret with Stray Kids

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*The only mature one

*Understands that you need them

*Pays for everything because god he's just perfect isn't he

*Won't look at anything because he feels uncomfortable

*Lets you do what you have to do in the changing room

*He can't look you in the eye

*Just doesn't even say anything

*He still will take you everytime if you ask because he is the most amazing mother


*Ahhhh this guy

*Hella awkward

*Doesn't know where to look

*There because you asked him but really wants to leave

*You tell him you'll get him food if he doesn't leave you

*Which. He's. Tempted. Buuuuututttt he really just only steps out for o n e second

*That turned into you looking for him every where for an hour and a half


* emphasis on the HOE in this one

*Tries to "HELP" you pick stuff out which results in you slapping him everytime he picks something up

*"MInho that is ridiculous no!"

*Don't even know why you thought bringing him was a good idea

*Forces him out of the dressing room

*"You can't be in here! No nO you cannot HELP"



*I'm not dark has entered the chat

*Covers his eyes half the time

*he tries not to get distracted by you but fails and then tries to hide it by walking away

*Which. You drag him back because he promised to pay

*Tries to get out of it by aegyo



*emphasis on the HOE pt.2

*acts like he's all confident but he is internally screaming

*doesn't leave your side

*His inner smol child is dying but he wants to play it cool

*"Ooh that one looks nice Jagi"

*"Hyunjin do you even know what that is?"

*Precious baby  


*Dear god

*pLeAsE get this child out of here

*embarrassing you on purpose so he doesn't have to stay in there

*"Jisung I am this close to slapping you."

*"All said was how can someone have that big of watermelons gosh!"

*You leave after 5 minutes because he won't shut up



*Puts the bra on his eyes and says he's a fly


*Felix continues to make mosquito noises*

*Again he doesn't know what to do so he just follows you

*"Don't touch that!"

*"What is it?"

*"Nothing just don't touch it"


*refuses to go in

*he sits outside but you force him up not wanting to be alone

*He doesn't look anywhere but the floor

*accidentally bumped into a mannequin and apologized

*keeps his hands to himself because he doesn't want cooties


*You don't take him in there

*he plays at the kiddy area

*he gets bored so goes to find you but bumps into everything because he's covering his eyes

*your not even embarrassed

*who wouldn't want everyone to know about this smol precious baby

*buy him a milkshake to keep him busy while you finish shopping

I fukin hate my social studies teacher. Like this HOE really didn't put in my final project grade so I got stuck with a B when I could have got straight A's. But nooooooo, she had to be a bitch. 

Thank you for coming to my ted talk lovelies <3 

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