Secret Flower(Seungmin Imagine)

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A/N: Sorry it's so short. I just had this cute little idea and so here it is I guess. 

You wandered aimlessly around the garden. You had recently just moved into your grandmother's estate. You had found this Garden your first day there, it was enclosed by a wall of shrubs making it private. You felt the different flowers and with it all your thoughts and worries went away. 

Up ahead you saw something curious. You saw a head of curly brown hair peaking out from one of the bushes. He saw you and hid back behind the bush. Curious, you walked toward where you saw him. You walked closer and heard the sound of him moving. You walked around and there was cute boy in front of you. He was about your height and kept his eyes on the grass. You smiled and he looked up.

You stuck your hand out

"I'm Y/N"

he looked at your hand and then up at you. 

"I'm Seungmin"

You shook his hand

"How old are you?"

"I'm 9"

"Oh I'm 10 so I guess that makes me your noona" You giggled. 

He smiled shyly at you and you and him walked around the garden. He picked up a few fallen leaves and tossed them at you. You looked at him and he ran around some of the roses. You followed him and you ran right into his back. He was staring at a wall of hanging daisy's. A soft breeze blew through your hair and you saw the Daisy's move, revealing that there was something behind them. You stepped in front of Seungmin and pushed them away, revealing a new part of the garden you had never seen before. You walked in Seungmin right behind you. Your eyes were wide and you started in awe at the sight. 

The whole room was filled with a flower you had never seen before. And judging by the look on Seungmin's face neither had he. You walked around and touched the soft white and yellow petals. The scent was sweet, it was like a mixture of candy and roses. 

Seungmin ran over to a wooden swing that hung from the floral ceiling. He sat down and you went behind him an gently pushed him. He giggled as he kicked his feet in front of him while you softly pushed on his back. You listened to the soft sound of his laughter and smiled. Soon enough he jumped off the swing and landed on his feet. The two of you walked around some more. You plucked one of the white flowers and then a yellow one. You tucked the two of them in his hair and he giggled. 

"Pretty like a flower" He blushed and smiled. He took the flowers and put them behind your ear and you smiled. The two of you walked hand in hand away from the secret mystery flowers. 


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